
Express loan from Alfa-Bank

One of the largest banking organizations in Russia is Alfa-Bank. Initially, he organized his activities as a LLP in December 1990, and received his right to conduct banking operations in January 1991. In the first month of the summer of 1992, Alfa-Bank received a currency license, and in December of the same year the first branch was opened in the capital. Today's customer base totals 82 thousand companies and 9.1 million individuals. His development continues in the following areas:

• development of investment and corporate business;

• development of trade and structural financing;

• development of factoring and leasing;

• development of retail business.

We will try to consider what good loan "Alfa-Bank" "Express". This species Loan distinguishes the speed of registration. If in some banks the loan can be delayed up to several days, then the express loan of Alfa-Bank can be issued within two hours. During this time, the employees of the banking organization will consider the application of the potential borrower, and in case of approval the full process of its processing will be completed. The client will need to provide the necessary documents.

What are the features and conditions of the loan of Alfa-Bank?

At its core, it declares the receipt of a loan in cash within 30 minutes, if it is a consumer express loan for individuals, which is aimed at achieving any goals. It does not require the provision of collateral and sureties. The main characteristic of a banking product is the minimum documentary presentation and the term of its execution. The borrower is provided with a convenient situation when obtaining a loan: Alfa-Bank issues credit cards that allow you to withdraw funds without commission.

Provision of documents

To issue a loan, you only need two documents - a passport of a Russian citizen and any additional document. You can submit an insurance certificate of the Russian Federation or another document that certifies the identity of the borrower.

What are the conditions for lending?
Express-credit "Alfa-Bank" pays only in rubles. The minimum payment for this loan is 10 000 rubles, and the maximum - no more than 100 000 rubles. The terms of such lending range from 6 to 24 months. The fixed interest rate is 29.9%. Monthly, a commission is charged for servicing the loan - 1.99% of the loan amount. But there is no commission for providing this type of credit and for servicing the credit card. The loans received by Alfa-Bank LLC are entitled to early repayment, but not earlier than three months after the signing of the loan agreement. The amount of debt is repaid monthly in equal installments until the date of full repayment according to the provided schedule.

Primary requirements

To issue a loan, Alfa-Bank requires several conditions:

• the borrower's age should be from 21 to 59 years;

• the borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;

• the length of the borrower's last job is at least six months, and his income should be from 10,000 rubles.

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