
Spoken English - quite within the power, the main thing is to find time

Each of us had the good fortune to get acquainted with a foreign language at school, and many continued to "communicate" with him in institutions or universities. A large number of people, yielding to the influence of fashion or the true need for knowledge of English, went to various courses on its study. And even after so many years of sitting with books to boast of knowing a foreign language, not everyone can. Of course, with the reading of literature, the majority of dealers are doing quite well, but speaking is much worse. It's simple: the ability to write and read does not guarantee free communication in a non-native language.

Written (literary) and spoken English: differences

Why, after spending so much time learning a foreign language, many have not learned to speak it? Everything is simple: for reading the literature, it is enough to know a large number of words (the so-called passive vocabulary) and basic grammatical constructions, and for viewing films to them one must add the perception of another's speech by ear. Spoken English, like any other language, requires the ability to build the right phrases on the go.

Moreover, literary and oral speech differ in their lexical composition. When writing books, a large number of words are used, complex sentences are constructed, and so on. In everyday life, everything is much simpler. The number of the most used words is much less, and if you look at the language from the point of view of grammar, then in the oral speech very few people want to load themselves with the construction of florid phrases, all strive for simplification.

Hence, completely different approaches to the study of language, depending on the goals pursued in this particular situation. The pleasant news is that you can learn the spoken language quickly.

Spoken English - teaching methods

The easiest way is to enroll in the relevant courses. But you need to be careful and ask what the principles of the classes are built on. It is desirable that they are conducted by a native speaker, because only he will help to master the spoken English, which will be understood in his native country, that is, "alive" and modern.

The second way is self-instruction manuals, which have appeared in large numbers recently. And in the case of everyday language, where it is not required to master complex grammatical pa, this is completely justified.

And if you have time and a strong desire to quickly achieve the result, you can successfully combine these two methods, complementing them with watching movies and TV shows.

Spoken English for beginners and have studied it before: how long will it take

Of course, advertising a lot of courses and authors of techniques that involve self-study of the language, declare that almost a few hours will be put into the head of the knowledge necessary and sufficient to communicate in English without any problems. Some lure the audience by the lack of the need to do homework.

Everywhere the common sense is important, in the study of a foreign language, too. Linguists are right, who argue that in order to communicate freely, you need to do this automatically, without thinking about every word you need to say. It is clear that without constant repetition this is not achieved.

Hence the conclusion: theoretically it is possible to master the skills of conversational speech very quickly (for example, a month and a half), but only if the lessons in the classroom are supplemented with regular, and preferably daily, independent activities aimed at learning the knowledge gained during class work.

Spoken English for beginners and for those who have already studied the language before, will require a slightly different amount of effort. But they consist only in memorizing words of first necessity. On the other hand, having some old knowledge, it is sometimes easier to leave them than to try to adapt to new tasks.

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