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For the health of pregnant women and not only in vitamin B6

Waiting for a child is the most wonderful time for many. Almost every woman knows that at this time, as never before, the intake of nutrients and vitamins in her body is required. After all, this will have a beneficial effect not only on her health, but also on the health and development of the fetus.

So, B6, the vitamin in which the organism of the future mother needs, has a different name pyridoxine. Its shortage can cause toxicosis, anemia and other unpleasant consequences. During pregnancy, the body needs this vitamin 2 times more. Also, lack of vitamin B6 can lead to irritability, as it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, allowing you to prevent nerve disorders.

If you skip the detailed description of chemical processes and special terms, we can say that B6 vitamin is involved in the work of more than 60 enzymatic systems. In this case, one of the most important functions that is characteristic of this vitamin is the promotion of the breakdown of fats and proteins in the body. The more food products containing these substances are used in food, the more this vitamin is required. If it is not enough, then the oxalic acid, which is the final product of the assimilation of food, can hardly be transformed into soluble elements, and can be deposited in the kidneys in the form of sand and stones.

The presence of vitamin B6 in the body not only promotes the synthesis of enzymes and hemoglobin, but also improves the splitting of serotonin, otherwise called the "hormone of happiness." Therefore, with a lack of B6, there is sometimes a slight depression and anxiety.

Contains vitamin B6 in products that are present on almost any table in any family. The largest number, as well as the rest of the B vitamins, in sprouted grains, bran and liver (especially beef). It is also enriched with tomatoes, most green leafy vegetables (various kinds of cabbage), potatoes, legumes (peas, beans and others). Among the fruits can be called strawberries, bananas, avocados, oranges and cherries. They are additional sources containing B6 vitamin, buckwheat, wheat and rice cereals, as well as products of animal origin: meat, milk and other dairy products, fish.

However, if there is such a large number of products in which this vitamin is contained, the question arises as to why there is a deficit in the body. The fact that B6 vitamin is very soluble in water, which means it is unstable, and when cooking many dishes, it is lost during cooking. For example, during the freezing and subsequent defrosting of vegetables or fruits, almost 70% of this substance is lost, 90% of the milled grain disappears, and when cooking meat (especially its frying), more than half of the originally contained vitamin. When cooking rice or potatoes, 70% goes into the water in which the products were cooked.

How can this be avoided, because raw foods do not use many of the products listed? For example, the water in which the potatoes were boiled can be added to the puree afterwards. Also in this case, various soups are indispensable. And nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.), in which pyridoxine is the maximum, it is recommended to eat raw or add to salads, which is not only useful, but also will improve the taste of the dish. The meat is best cooked in a double boiler or baked in foil.

Thus, if we talk about what is needed for vitamin B6, then we can say that for everything. This is one of the most essential vitamins for virtually all vital processes. And even more so in large quantities, it is necessary for a pregnant woman, since her body experiences a double load. Studies have revealed that by the end of pregnancy the body of a woman needs almost 1000 times the norm of this substance.

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