HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamin B 6: a role for the human body, the consequences of lack in the body and sources of vitamin A

Vitamin B 6 belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins quickly released from the body (within 8 hours after intake). It does not accumulate in the human body and must be replenished constantly. In fact, vitamin B 6 means a group of substances: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, which are equivalent in effect to our body.

Pyridoxine is highly soluble in alcohol and water, it breaks down quickly under the influence of light, but is stable at the same time to heat treatment and the action of oxygen.

The role of vitamin B6

Like other vitamins of this group, it plays an important role in the metabolism, and also participates in the synthesis of enzymes, protein, hemoglobin, glutamic acid, histamine, GABA, reduces blood levels of cholesterol and lipids, improves cardiac contractility and the use of unsaturated fatty body Acids, and in combination with vitamin B5 helps to convert into an active form of folic acid.

Among other things, this vitamin is responsible for the formation of antibodies, and it is also involved in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin (which is why it is often called "vitamin-antidepressant").

A vitamin is needed for normal functioning of the central nervous system, promotes maximum absorption of fats, takes a direct part in the formation of red blood cells, has a lipotropic effect, facilitates the work of our brain during peak periods, participates in the assimilation of glucose by nerve cells, is necessary for normal liver function. With atherosclerosis, this miracle-vitamin will improve lipid metabolism.

A. Davis - a famous American nutritionist, says that the properties of vitamin B6 will be invaluable in diabetes. The dose should be determined by a doctor.

In addition, the vitamin prevents the aging process, due to the correct synthesis of nucleic acids, significantly reduces cramps and muscle spasms, numbness of the limbs, facilitates the state of nausea, effectively acts as a natural diuretic, helps prevent skin disorders.

Daily rate

Vitamin B 6, the instruction of which mentions recommendations regarding the need for it, indicates such daily doses (in mg): adults - 1.6-2.2; For pregnant women - 1,8-2,4; Lactating mothers - 2-2,6; Children, depending on sex and age - 0.9-1.6; Infants - 0,3-0,7.

An additional, increased portion of this substance is needed for such categories of people :

1. women who take contraceptives or drugs with estrogen;

2. pregnant women, who have a lot of estrogen in the body, and by the end of pregnancy sometimes this vitamin is 1000 times more than usual;

3. in the last two weeks of the premenstrual cycle, when the body produces the most estrogen;

4. to those who take steroids containing drugs (eg, cortisone);

5. Those who can not lose weight for a long time, despite strong efforts (the reason may be a lack of vitamin);

6. when taking antidepressants;

7. those who drink alcohol, smokers;

8. AIDS patients;

9. during periods of high loads;

10. adolescents suffering from acne (the cause of which is the increased activity of fat glands), which is hard to treat. In such cases, the rash will disappear after 5-21 days with the use of ointment, which contains 10-50 milligrams of vitamin per 1 gram of cream. At first, the itching will stop, then desquamation will occur and redness and a rash on the skin will disappear.

Signs of a shortage in the body of vitamin B6

Lack of pyridoxine leads to a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes (an important indicator of the immune system), a decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting (especially in pregnant women), inhibition, irritability, convulsions, depression, increased anxiety, psychosis. In addition, seborrheic dermatitis, growth retardation in children, flatulence, kidney stones, anomalies of the encephalogram, anemia (even with complete iron supply), convulsive seizures (often in children), glossitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, polyneuritis of the lower and upper Extremities.

A shortage of this vitamin can be determined and for some symptoms. So, if at night in the back of your ankle suddenly there is an unbearable pain, so strong that you just jump out of your bed, you can assume that in your body vitamin B6 is in short supply (this may also be a sign of lack of magnesium or vitamin E). If there is a slight tremor in the hands, twitching of the eyelids, you suffer from insomnia or bad memory - these may not be signs of impending old age, but just symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin and magnesium.

Symptoms such as postoperative nausea and vomiting can be caused by a lack of vitamin B6, and they soon go away if you take 10 or more mg. vitamin A.

Vitamin B 6: Sources

To the plant sources of pyridoxine include: unrefined cereals, cereals, legumes, rice, spinach, beer yeast, sprouted wheat, carrots, bran, avocados, nuts, bananas, cabbage and cabbage, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes , Buckwheat, corn, field mustard, soy.

To animals: meat, fish, milk and milk products, oysters, liver, salmon, eggs, kidneys, heart.

It should be remembered that cooking can lead to significant losses of this vitamin: when frozen, it is lost 15-70%, when grinding grain - 50-90, while cooking meat - about 50-70.

The drugs containing vitamin B6 include: Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Magne B6, Angiovit.

To complex supplements with vitamin B6, Autolysate (beer yeast).

In the human body, vitamin B6 is synthesized by the intestinal microflora.

Vitamin B 6 is produced in ampoules for injections and in the form of tablets.

Discover this vitamin - and you will always look young, feel fine and be at peace.

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