Computers, Networks
VKontakte secrets: how to delete an event?
Activities in the social network "VKontakte" is a very useful type of community. You can use it to appoint a meeting, which will be reminded to all participants. Only after the event has passed, it will not disappear. Sometimes it really hinders. What does VKontakte offer here? How do I delete an event? All the best advice and recommendations will be presented to your attention. In fact, if you correctly approach the solution of the task, you can easily change the situation. The main thing is to try.
Is it possible?
First of all, it's interesting, there is a possibility to delete an event on the social network or not. It is likely that there is no such function. After all, few people are interested in how to delete the audio recording "VKontakte" or a photo. This has long been known to all over the long years of the existence of a social network. But the events are somewhat different. The thing is that it's just not possible to implement the idea. It is for this reason that many people think about the possibilities of the social network "VKontakte". How do I delete an event? Will it always remain forever? Not at all. There are some tricks that are used in practice very often.
The first step is to get rid of the information you have posted. And all. Under the distribution are photos and audio recordings, and an avatar, and videos, and contacts, and topics for discussion, if any.
The most important thing after all this is to remove the participants of the event. In this case, the page does not disappear, but it will no longer appear in the list of nearest events. You can say that this event can be safely forgotten. This features and secrets do not end there. You can use several more methods "VKontakte". How do I delete an event? It's not so easy to do it. More precisely, as we have already explained, it is impossible by standard methods. But you can remove your event from the next events.
How exactly? Remember, only the creator of the event can realize the idea. It is he who has all the means that will be useful to deceive the social network. In order to get rid of the event, you will need to change the date of the event. To ensure that this community does not bother users, you just need to put the day, month and year of the event in the settings at any time that has already passed. It can be any date. Save the changes and enjoy the result.
How do I delete an "VKontakte" event if I'm the creator? This is the question that interests some users. There is another small and simple method that you can use. It will definitely help you get rid of the event. There are among the participants of the event such a category of users, as "Organizers". They will help us in solving the task. Thinking about possible options for action in the social network "VKontakte"? How do I delete an event? To do this, visit the section "Managers" and find the organizer there. All that remains to be done is to remove it. That is, move to the ordinary participants section. The variant is not bad, but few people speak about it. It is easier to use the change in the date of the event.
Leaving an event
And what if you are a simple participant? The thing is that you will be able to realize the idea without any special problems. Why? Because the removal of the event in this case means a taboo to participate. Refuse to visit this or that place is not at all more difficult than to answer, how to delete the audio record "VKontakte". All you need is to visit the event page and choose the "Change solution" menu item. He is under the avatar. Then choose "I can not go" - and that's it, it's done. Now you will not be listed in the list of participants, and the event itself will stop for you to display.
It turns out that everything is easy and simple. It is enough to know a few secrets of the social network "VKontakte" in order to realize the idea. If you stumble upon applications that offer removal of activities on a social network, do not believe them. This is the most common divorce. Most likely, he will deprive you of both money and a working account. Be carefull! And remember that when you create an event, you can not completely get rid of it! By the way, there is one more way that you can use in the VKontakte network. How do I delete an event? Make it private in the settings. Do not forget to delete all participants!
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