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Writer Alexander Vampilov: biography (photo). Book rating

An ingenious dramatist, tragically finished the earthly path, Alexander Vampilov was not published during his lifetime. The writer's works were published and received recognition only posthumously. During his short life Vampilov released from the pen pieces, large and consisting of one act, as well as short prose works. The themes raised by Alexander Valentinovich inspired theatrical and cinematic directors to put them on stage. Released even an opera based on a play, the author of which was Alexander Vampilov. Reviews about the writer's works are realized through numerous monuments, museums in his honor.


A writer-playwright was born in a small town in the Irkutsk region, the town of Kutulik. The family, in which four children grew, was the most common. Father - the director of the local school, and his mother, a teacher of mathematics, worked there as head teacher. For the family, everything changed when, upon denunciation in 1937, his father was arrested. As was the case at the time, one of the "virtuous" teachers wrote a denunciation on their leader, accusing them of anti-Soviet views. Under such circumstances, Alexander Vampilov begins his life. The photo is presented below.

Thus, the mother was left alone with four children. Relatives turned away from a woman who struggled to prevent children from starving to death. So began his life Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich, whose biography was branded as the "enemy of the people."

While studying at school, the future writer was known as an ordinary child, nothing outstanding. Talent began to manifest much later. Most likely, this is due to the fact that children's years were too heavy. Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich, whose family was interrupted sometimes by bread and water, simply could not think of art.


Writer's career begins when Vampilov enters the Irkutsk University at the Faculty of History and Philology. Gradually, Alexander Vampilov begins to try himself in writing short stories. The first of these are published in the student newspaper. A little later he noticed the leadership of the newspaper "Soviet Youth" - where a young man begins to work since 1961.

As the most talented author, the management of the newspaper sends Vampilov to Moscow for further training in literary courses. This helped Alexander Valentinovich advance on the career ladder: now he is the executive secretary. However, a few years later Vampilov ends his career, completely giving himself up to writing.

Unfortunately, attempts to attach at least some work for staging on the stage have so far been unsuccessful. Much later, Alexander Valentinovich plays with interest in BDT Petersburg (then Leningrad), and other major theaters.

Career, and family life began to gradually improve. And suddenly ... a tragic death.

The tragic death

Only a few days did not live up to the 35th anniversary of Alexander Vampilov. A brief biography of him ended terribly ridiculous. Having decided to have a rest on Lake Baikal, they went with a friend to the lake with a boat.

It so happened that the ship, clinging to the piled trees under the water, turned upside down. A friend of the writer, Gleb Pakulov, began to call for help and was rescued. Vampilov decided to get to the shore himself in icy water. And so, as soon as he stepped on the shore, his heart could not stand it.

The writer was buried by friends, acquaintances and completely outsiders. Two truly supernatural stories are connected with the funeral. Eyewitnesses attributed this to the fact that Alexander Vampilov does not want to leave so early. His biography is not finished until the end. The organizers of the funeral forgot to bring ropes, with the help of which it is necessary to lower the coffin to the grave. In the bustle of what was happening friends had to look, and then wait for the cemetery watchman. While searching - the coffin with the writer's body stood on the edge of the grave. This is not the end of the story. As soon as the writer's body began to be lowered, it turned out that the pit was too shallow. Again I had to wait until she was digged up as needed.

It is also paradoxical that immediately after death, the turbulent interest of filmmakers and publishers to the legacy, which managed to leave Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich.

Creative way

To write Vampilov begins as a first-year student of the Faculty of History and Philology. The first short essays are published by local university publications. The only collection of stories published during his lifetime is being released just at this time. These are short humorous stories, written under the pseudonym of A. Sanin.

Upon his arrival from Moscow (where Alexander Valentinovich raised the qualification of a writer), after working for some time in the prestigious position of the executive secretary of the "Soviet Youth", he wrote two small comedic plays: "One hundred rubles in new money", "Crow Grove".

Gradually, Vampilov comes to the realization that he must deal exclusively with creativity. Therefore, he says goodbye to his work in the newspaper and begins active writing activities. Soon there is a play "Farewell in June", which the author offers for staging in Moscow theaters. Unfortunately, these attempts failed.

It helps Vampilov case, when quite by accident on the telegraph he meets the well-known dramatist Arbuzov, who agrees to take and read Alexander's play "Farewell in June". Vampilov receives positive reviews of the famous playwright, but the Moscow scene was never seen.

In the period 1969-1971 the most famous plays appear. They are going to put in provincial theaters, but Moscow and Leningrad are closed for Vavilov. It is sad, but interested in the playwright's creativity began shortly before his death, in 1972. It is difficult to say why the capital's theaters paid attention to it, but the plays are taken to put the BDT, the Stanislavsky Theater. Even Lenfilm concludes a contract with Vavilov to write the original script. Unfortunately, Alexander Vampilov did not see the brilliant productions of his plays in Moscow: his life was tragically cut short.

"Farewell in June": a summary

The comedy "Farewell in June" written in 1965 is characteristic of the literature of that time. Vampilov shows the hero, the student, in the worldview of which there have been significant metamorphoses not for the better.

Initially, Kolesov shows the soul of the company, it is appreciated by teachers and classmates. He is principled, but differs in some kind of freakiness, like all students.

Everything changes when the hero falls in love with the rector's daughter Tatyana.
For obvious reasons, the head of the faculty against these relations, he threatens to drive Kolesov out of the university. The student is at a loss, because he genuinely loves the girl, but realizes that he can not lose a diploma, because only a few months remain before the release. After long yearnings, Kolesov agrees to a deal and throws Tanya.

Analysis of "Farewell in June"

Vampilov did not make a negative character from the protagonist, he gives him a chance to change and hints at it to the reader, because Kolesov does not go any further, he repents, in a fit of feelings tears his diploma and tries to return the girl. The writer, in the end, as it were, opens the future to the reader, gives hope that he will improve.

It can not be said that this play is unequivocally about love relations and betrayal. Its plane is much higher: it is a deal with one's own conscience, principles. And who will win it, Vampilov does not speak out. This is the whole unique handwriting of Alexander Viktorovich.

"Elder Son": a summary

Vampilov has been working on the "Oldest Son" for a long time. First there are rough drafts, notes in notebooks, then some chapters are published. The final version was released in 1970, published in the publishing house "Art".

Busygin, who tricked into the family, is the one who saves them all from mistakes. So, Nina, the daughter of Sarafanov, he reveals the essence of the groom, petty Kudimov. Vassenka thinks about not going to the taiga. Saves Busygin and Sarafanov senior, giving him in his face another son. It's like a breath of fresh air for this family. It is symbolic that in the end the heroes stay at home without Silva, Busygin's friend, and without the principled Kudimov. They, in Vampilov's opinion, are two extreme points that are not the place in life.

The play has a ring composition: at the end Busygin also misses his evening train.

Analysis of the work "Elder Son"

It would seem, what a simple plot: Busygin's cheating in the hope of basking. But he conceals in himself the deep-seated questions posed by the reader to Alexander Vampilov. His works are distinguished by these meanings, which are revealed to the reader as an invisible part of the iceberg. The play is a perennial problem of fathers and children. Tragically, the words of Sarafanov's son Vasenki that parents do not need adult children. Vampilov is also very philosophical about the meaning of life. Who is Sarafanov? The loser, dismissed from work, abandoned by his wife and soon children. However, he does not lose heart, but believes that a good man will always bring something good. And he is right.

"Duck Hunting": a summary and analysis

Tragedy is the life of people of the "stagnation" era. Completely devoid of a moral base, an ideological foundation, they swim with the flow, destroying their own lives. Such is the main character of the play "Duck Hunting" Zilov. He is in the deepest spiritual crisis.

The play begins with the fact that near the door the hero finds a funeral wreath with the words of sorrow in his address. This is very symbolic, because mentally Zilov has been dead for a long time. Further in the play, this Vampilov presents irrefutable evidence.

The hero is shown through a series of fun, parties, mistresses and lies.

His wife Galina is perceived by him no more than a piece of furniture, he does not put Vera, her mistress, in anything. Even his father, who asks for a meeting, pushes Zilov back to the foreground (the old man dies without meeting his son). The hero prefers to dream about duck hunting, which is unlikely to meet someday. This image is very bright in the play, it symbolizes the incompetence of the main character.

It is amazing how accurately Vampilov painted women's images: a miniature, gentle Galina, Zilov's wife, a soulful, sometimes rude Faith, aristocratic Valeria and a young student Irina, who sincerely fell in love with the protagonist.

As always, the author leaves the question of reviving the main character open, secretly hoping that it will happen.

"Last summer in Chulimsk": a summary

The play tells about the life of the regional center in the outback. The main heroine, Valentine, is in love with the investigator Shamanov, who does not immediately respond to her. She also liked the girl and Pavel, who came to his parents on vacation. The young man is very spoiled, he is used to getting everything he wants. Valentine as a wife needs him exclusively as a beautiful addition to a city apartment, like the one that will run without problems.

Not having inclined the girl to marry in an amicable way, he applies violence to her. Scarred, she rejects the offer of Shamanov's hand and is inclined to decide to marry Pashka, as this father wants. But ultimately rejects both men.

Analysis "Last summer in Chulimsk"

Vampilov puts in the play very serious questions: the life of youth in the outback, the mores of the inhabitants. Indeed, how can you keep the youth, if you want to go to the nearest House of Culture for several kilometers, and the cinema shows the bands that you have seen long ago. That's why the youth escapes or drinks.

Very symbolic of the front garden, which equips Valentine: everything except Shamanov go straight on it and break, and the girl resignedly resumes. Vampilov wants to say this that people's mores can not be changed: some will be destroyed and others will be restored. There is another subtext: the scorned, trampled honor of Valentina. It is very symbolic that the front garden helps to restore the Shamans. Maybe, after all, he is the person who will ultimately save the girl? As in other Vampilov's plays, one has only to guess about this.

One-act plays

The most famous short plays by Vampilov "The story with the metrange" and "Twenty minutes with the angel". They were written at the very beginning of his writing activity. Significantly later, the plays were combined into a single edition of the Provincial Anecdote.

This is really a very good name, because, continuing the tradition of Pushkin, Vampilov writes short stories about an extraordinary event that really happened. However, the author brings something new to the meaning of this literary term: a sparkling, unusual ending.

It is no coincidence that the title also includes the word "provincial". Thus Vampilov attracted the attention of the reader to the problems of settlements far from metropolitan life, where there are special ways, views and the course of life.

These one-act plays are a kind of springboard for the author's most serious works, which put the most important philosophical questions of morality: Duck Hunting and Last Summer in Chulimsk.

Prose works

Researchers creativity Vampilov unanimously say that if his life did not end so early, Alexander Valentinovich would necessarily let out a novel, and maybe even a few. The germs of this were clearly visible.

Most of the prose was written by a young writer, a university student and a newspaper worker. Then from under his pen come all kinds of essays, notes, satirical articles. However, two works refer already to the mature period of Vampilov's work: in 1965 he wrote a feuilleton "Something for fame", and in 1966 - "The Vitim episode." In addition, at the same time, Alksandr Valentinovich wrote essays on Kutulik.

All Vampilov's prose works combine their subjects, problems that will be developed in dramatic works. Here the images of Shamanov, Yakov Chernykh, Valentina, Pashka, the events that took place in "Duck Hunt" and "Farewell in June" are shown.

Prose is distinguished by sharp satire, accurate characteristics of the characters. It can be compared with the works of Zoshchenko and Olesha.

Alexander Vampilov did not immediately receive recognition from the audience and readers. The rating of books and performances was formed gradually. However, the fact that all of his major plays were eventually put on the stages of leading theaters, and many still performed in cinematography, speaks of truly popular love and the actual theme of the works.

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