Beauty, Hair
What is Cyclopyroxolamine? Shampoo with cyclopyroxolamine: name, reviews
Fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, at least once in a lifetime, probably, every person experiences. Pathology is the cause of a variety of states of the body and the actions of people - even a course of antibiotics can lead to such a disease. One of the substances that fights against the fungus is cyclopyroxolamine. Shampoo, lacquer, cream and some other forms of drugs contain it and are often used in therapy. Is it possible to get rid of the fungus of the scalp with the help of one of these means for washing hair? And what shampoos contain this substance?
What is Cyclopyroxolamine? Component and form action
It is the main substance in many antifungal agents and has a wide spectrum of action, that is, it is capable of adversely affecting various bacteria, and not a certain group. Has bacteriostatic property - suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Copes with dermatitis, destroys yeast-like fungi, perfectly fights against mold and other species, as well as gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
They can contain cyclopyroxolamine: shampoo, solution, cream for the skin (body) and mucous membrane (vaginal). Also there is nail polish and powder.
Shampoos are usually used against seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases of the scalp, associated with fungi. Typically, the action of such a tool comes in a few minutes after application, and the effect of use can only be expected to be good, since the agent does work. But about the reviews a little later.
Cyclopiroxolamine: which shampoos are there?
There are several such means for washing your head. Cyclopyroxolamine can be either the only active substance or paired with another component that has a good antibacterial ability. Today, the most popular are "Sebiprox" and "Dyukre Kelual."
"Sebiprox" with cyclopyroxolamine
This means for washing the head, which includes only one active ingredient - cyclopyroxolamine. Shampoo "Sebiprox" differs from similar products with other components in that it has a high proven effectiveness. The main role in this is played by the active substance, which in a short period of time copes with such an unpleasant problem as skinhead disease. But they are the cause of dandruff - a serious cosmetic defect.
Has a complex effect on the scalp:
- Antifungal - fights almost all types of fungus.
- Antibacterial - inhibits the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens.
- Anti-inflammatory - stops the production and release of leukotrienes and prostaglandins.
- Keratoreguliruyuschee - exfoliates the scalp.
It is known that cyclopyroxolamine (shampoo "Sebiprox") with regular application for four weeks will help to achieve efficiency of 58%, if used twice a week, and 45%, if once every 7 days. It is also noteworthy that the possibility of relapse after treatment with "Sebiprox" is only 15%.
Shampoo is safe and non-toxic, so it can be used in the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy. Made in Ireland. The manufacturer recommends using it every other day for one month, and then, to exclude relapse, once a week.
Terms of use:
- Moisten the hair with water, apply the required amount of shampoo and massage, as if rubbing into the scalp. Foam should form. Then leave for about five minutes (let it act) and wash it off.
- Repeat the above procedure one more time.
The average cost is 460 rubles per bottle 60 ml.
"Dyukre Kelual" with cyclopyroxolamine and other substances
Another shampoo with cyclopyroxolamine, whose name is "Dyukre Kelual", contains several other components useful for the scalp:
- Beatin;
- Zinc pyrithione;
- Kelyumamide.
By the way, French experts conducted a study, the result of which confirmed that cyclopyroxolamine + zinc pyrithione = an increase in efficiency by half, as these substances perfectly complement each other and enhance the effect.
"Dyukre Kelual" is also used to treat seborrheic dermatitis and its side effect - dandruff. It breaks the synthesis and prevents the reproduction of mushrooms, exfoliates and makes the scalp healthier.
It is necessary to apply it to damp hair, leave for 3 minutes, and then wash off. After two minutes repeat the procedure. It is recommended to use twice in 7 days for a month and a half.
As it is easy to guess by the name, produces shampoo "Dyukre Kelual" France. The cost of the product varies between 800-1500 rubles, which depends on the specific pharmacy (some of them may hold shares for this product).
Contraindications to the use of such shampoos and side effects
Now we know which shampoo contains cyclopyroxolamine (more precisely, which ones). In terms of use, they are both completely safe and can not harm a person. You can use it even during pregnancy and in the lactation period. There are no contraindications to use, however, as with other active ingredients and auxiliaries, there may be an allergy. It is recommended to consult with a specialist or observe the condition of the scalp in the first steps - if it worsens or shampoo will not help, then the means either does not fit, or allergenic for a particular person.
Cyclopiroxolamine (shampoo): reviews
"Dyukre Kelual" and "Sebiprox" have good reviews. People who took such shampoos themselves, were satisfied with the effect. In addition to its main task, Dykre Kelual and Sebiprox improve the appearance of hair and fight pollution. Special attention deserves "Sebiproks". This shampoo is relatively inexpensive if compared with other antifungal agents, but no one has remained disappointed with the choice in his favor. Conclusion: if you need to quickly get rid of dandruff and its causes, you need to buy "Sebiprox", and if the money does not matter, you can try and more expensive option - "Dyukre Kelual."
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