Spiritual developmentReligion

How to properly read namaz - the main thing to start!

Many good people believe in God and do not do bad things. Although, if you just believe in the Creator, do good, but do not practice religion, in fact you create your own religion for yourself. This is a fatal mistake!

If you took a step - you believed in Allah, you need to do the second - just start practicing your faith, because you can not live to see tomorrow. It is necessary to have time. The first thing you need to do is start praying.

Namaz (Salat, Prayer) is the duty of any Muslim, an integral part of his life. It is difficult to be called a Muslim, without compulsory prayer.

On the day of the Court, the demand will primarily be for the perfect prayers. If we sincerely and conscientiously performed daily fivefold prayer, then the Court for our sins will be more lenient.

Our faith is renewed and strengthened when we perform prayer. "Verily, prayer keeps from being condemned and unworthy" (Quran, verse 45, Surah 29).

The person who first encountered a large number of Islamic literature, the manuals on how to properly pray, it may seem that his study will take many weeks. In fact, this does not require much effort.

To explain to a woman how to properly read namaz is the duty of a trustee and her husband.

Namaz consists of the obligatory and desirable (sunnat) elements. Executed Sunnahs improve prayer, but their abandonment is not a sin.

Salat (namaz) is a worship of Allah and it is not done chaotically, but in a strictly defined way. Namaz consists of certain movements and words and is performed at a certain time. Five conditions are necessary for its fulfillment:

  1. Observance of the time of five prayers and the number of prayer cycles (rak'ahs).
    The Muslim is instructed to perform five prayers daily and for each one there is a period of time for it to be performed and a certain time.
  2. The ablutions and, in general, the cleansing (places of prayer, clothing, body) from physical impurities.
    Prayer should be performed only in a state of ritual purity. Without observing this condition, the salat is considered invalid. Ablution is the washing of parts of the body in the established order with the intention of cleansing for the performance of prayer.
  3. Covering the body.
    Clothes should not be tight or defiant. Women should be covered all forbidden places.
  4. Intention.
    At first, a Muslim should set out in his heart to perform a certain prayer (zuhr, asr or additional salat) and only then perform it. Intent should be in the heart, it does not need to be voiced.
  5. Direction towards the Kaaba.
    A Muslim should pray, facing the Kaaba in Mecca.

As for the question of how to properly pray namaz to women, all that was mentioned when praying by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) applies to both men and women in equal measure. If to generalize, then the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) "pray as they saw me praying" refer to women.

It is advisable for women to read surahs during prayer in a whisper, and if an outsider hears them, it becomes an obligatory requirement.

Women are allowed to perform prayers in mosques, but it is preferable that they pray at home.

The difference between how to read prayer for women and the prayers of men, in fact, there is no, but there are special conditions for women concerning the issue of ablution before prayer:

  • Purification after menstruation;
  • Purification after childbirth;
  • Pathological bleeding.

How to properly read namaz during pregnancy?

When reading the prayer, belt and earthly obeisances are obligatory. However, if the pregnant woman (on the last terms or in case of complications) is not able to perform, for example, prostrations or read the prayer standing, she does what she can. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Pray for standing, and if you can not, then sitting, and if you can not, then lie down" (al-Bukhari, 1117)

Namaz for beginner women may seem difficult and exorbitant: words are not remembered, time is confused, it is impossible to do everything as expected, etc. The main thing is not to postpone for later, because "later" may not come. And do not be afraid to make mistakes and be afraid of doing something wrong. Allah sees your intention and diligence.

And remember that where there is difficulty, Allah always gives relief. Just need to know how and when to use these reliefs. For example, if you only make obligatory prayers, neglecting sunnames even when you have time for it, then your Iman (faith) will weaken and may go to "no". And there are situations when it is allowed to combine some prayers (a traveler, for example), do not perform a threefold ablution (in case of insufficient water), etc.

Allah has sent us Islam to facilitate our life in this world and to achieve the highest happiness in eternal life.

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