
Bituminous bitumen: technical characteristics, reviews, prices

In modern construction, new and high-tech products are increasingly used, as a striking example is bituminous mastic. The technical characteristics of this roofing material allow to equip the roof more qualitatively and attractively. With the advent of bitumen mastic, there is no need to use roll media. Repair of the roof of flat roofs has become much easier. More detailed information on the types, properties, characteristics and prices can be found in this article.

What is bitumen mastic?

Bitumen mastic is a mixture of fillers, organic binders and mineral additives. This is an artificially derived material that serves for roofing works. The composition of the mastic can vary depending on the purpose of the work. Outwardly, this roofing material resembles a viscous mass, which is easily poured into molds due to its homogeneity. After the mastic solidifies and hardens, it becomes like rubber. The resulting monolithic material is used for repair and construction works. Most bitumen bitumen, the technical characteristics of which determine its homogeneous material, is used for the construction of flat roofs.

Types of mastic

Mastic bitumen, technical characteristics of which largely depend on its composition, are of two types: one-component and multi-component.

The first mixtures are prepared on the basis of solvents. It is a ready-made product that can be used in construction without mixing anything. As soon as the solution evaporates from the mastic, it hardens and becomes usable. In shops, bituminous cold mastic is found in sealed containers, which is very convenient. However, such material is not stored for long - only 3 months from the date of manufacture. In this group of materials there is an exception - it is bitumen-polymer mastic, which can be stored for up to a year due to its unique composition. In polyurethane there are no solvents, therefore the process of solidification does not require water vapor in the air. This means that no shrinkage occurs during the polymerization.

As for two-component mastics, they contain two substances that can be purchased and stored separately from each other. This is very convenient, since the construction work is often delayed, and the mastic can be stored for more than 12 months without worrying about its condition.

Properties of coatings from mastics

Polymer cold or bituminous hot mastic - both have a number of advantageous features that distinguish them from the usual roll coatings. The difference is in the absence of seams when working with these roofing mixtures. A membrane or film appears on the surface, which has the following properties:

  • It is resistant to weathering;
  • Coating of mastic is very elastic;
  • It has a small weight;
  • Does not corrode
  • Mastic has a high level of strength and shock resistance;
  • Well bends at a negative temperature;
  • Does not crack when freezing;
  • The material does not oxidize and does not fade.

Mastic bituminous: technical characteristics

Technical characteristics of mastic are determined by state standards. This roofing material should be:

  • Waterproof and biostable;
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment;
  • Flowing;
  • Do not shrink;
  • The heat capacity of the bituminous mastic should be at least 70 degrees;
  • The roofing material should be easily glued to rolls.

Rubber, or bitumen-polymer, mastic Must necessarily be tested. Usually check the quality of the mixture as follows: two parts of the glaze are glued together and covered with mastic. After the break, the bitumen material must remain intact.

Composition of bitumen mastic

At the heart of any kind of mastic is artificial bitumen. It is produced by processing petroleum products and resin residues. Therefore, bitumen mastic, the technical characteristics of which determine its viscosity and color, has a dark gray or black hue.

In the composition of the roofing material there is a solvent, filler and additives. As a filler, mineral wool, asbestos, ash, lime, quartz or ground brick are usually used. Some types of mastic are made with the addition of dyes. But this is not necessary, since it can be done after applying the mixture to the roof.

Classification of roofing mastics

Roofing mastic has many classifications. Usually, separate types of this material are grouped according to certain criteria:

  • By the method of application, the mastics are divided into cold and hot;
  • By type of binding agent - on butyl-rubber, bitumen-latex, polymer, etc .;
  • According to their function, they are glued, anticorrosive, waterproofing, roofing-insulating, asphalt types of mastic;
  • By type of solvent;
  • By the method of curing.

Filler mastic

As it was said above, the mastic differs according to the kind of binder. Tar and polymer mixtures are isolated. Bitumen-rubber mastic is the most popular of all.

As a filler, asbestos dust, short-fiber mineral wool, combined ash, which was formed by burning coal, and dust powders of quartz, limestone or bricks are usually used.

The filler is necessary in the composition of cold mastic, the amount of additional impurities improves the characteristics of the roofing material. Thanks to them, the fragility and specific consumption of binders are reduced. In addition, with a filler, the mastic becomes denser and harder. Fibrous fillers allow the roofing building material to be more flexible and stable.

Depending on the type of diluent, the mastic is divided into:

  • Water-containing;
  • Mastic with organic solvents;
  • Liquid-organic.

Ways of applying mastics

Polyurethane or bitumen-rubber mastic is applied approximately equally. For this, you do not need to remove the old coating layer. Of course, if the roofing material is laid out in several layers, and it is impossible to apply the material exactly and uniformly, then it is necessary to get rid of the original layers.

To work, you need a spatula, brush, spray or roller. The choice of a suitable tool depends on the material's flow.

Before applying the mastic, prepare the working surface. If you plan to use concrete as the base, then first apply several layers of bitumen primer. In all other cases a diluted emulsion paste, which fulfills the function of a primer, is suitable.

Roofing mastic can be laid on the roof of any slope. If irregularities appear during the finishing work, then a second coat can be applied. Coarse-grained sand or gravel is used as the final layer. Sometimes bituminous mastic, the consumption of which depends on the type of surface and the method of application, is sprinkled with stone crumbs at the end of the work. After this, it is necessary to allow the material to solidify and solidify.

Application of bituminous mastics

This material is widely used in construction, namely in the construction of roofs of new buildings and in the repair of old roofing structures. With the help of mastic can provide a roof protective layer, which will protect the building from rain and weather. Bitumen mixtures will be an excellent assistant in partial repair. With the help of mastics, it is possible to make a vapor barrier and conduct an anti-corrosion protection of the roof.

Cost of mastic

Bitumen sealant is available in different capacities. This is very convenient, since it is not always necessary to cover large areas with mastic. This roofing material can be purchased in buckets, canisters and small tubes.

In the domestic market, the leader in the sale of hermetic means is the company Tekhnonikol. Bitumen mastic of this manufacturer is found on the shelves of shops in tubes of 600 ml, metal buckets of 3, 10, 15 and 20 liters.

The cost of the mastic directly depends on the manufacturer, the capacity and the purpose of the roofing material. The most reasonable prices can be found at the company "Technonikol". Bituminous mastic is sold at 400-600 rubles per bucket. The ready primer costs more, its cost fluctuates within 700-900 rubles for packing.

Also on the Russian market, you can find other brands that are no less popular than Tekhnonikol: Gidroizol, Rastro, Remmers Elastoplast and others.


Statistics of reviews of bitumen sealants suggests that most buyers remain satisfied with their choice in favor of mastic. Many people use this roofing material constantly, repairing the roof at the cottage, garage and own house. A particularly popular bitumen mastic is used by builders. Modern flat roofs are covered with this sealant, which is not only a protective layer, but also provides high-quality waterproofing. For experienced builders, bitumen mastic, whose consumption during roofing works is not very large, has become an indispensable roofing material. It is easy to install, it is easy to apply. In addition, most buyers note the low cost of the product, the use of such a sealant makes building process much cheaper, which is very encouraging for our compatriots. Bitumen mastic, the price of which is optimal for Russians, is an excellent option for budgetary installation works.

Tips and Tricks

  1. If the angle of the roof is more than 25 degrees, then use bituminous mastic is not recommended.
  2. The number of layers of material you can determine yourself, based on your own desires and possibilities.
  3. The optimum thickness of the application of bituminous mastic is a 10 mm layer.
  4. Some types of mastics in their composition have antiseptics and herbicides.
  5. Apply a second coat of mastic is possible only after the formation of the film.
  6. Bitumen freezes for 5-7 hours after application of the last layer.

The use of bitumen mastic during construction increases the life of buildings, protects them from moisture. Working with roofing materials and mixtures, you will provide buildings with quality coverage and a quiet life to homeowners.

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