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Istikhara-namaz: how to do it right

From this article you will learn everything about the Abyhara-namaz, how to do it to achieve success, and also all sorts of rules in doing so. This ritual is very important for every Muslim as direct communication with Allah during any difficult life situations or unsolvable issues.

What is ishtihara-namaz?

So, let's take a closer look at the question: "Istikhara-namaz - what is it, and what significance does it have in the life of a Muslim?" This is very important to understand, since this ritual is quite significant and occupies a last place among believers. Isthirah is the special guidance of Allah, necessary when there is not enough knowledge and skills to solve the problem, or a person is simply at a crossroads.

It is believed that having committed all that is in his hands in a difficult matter, a Muslim must rely on the will of the Lord and perform the guru, namely the special prayer that the Messenger of Allah brought to help people.

According to many scholarly treatises, after the ritual, a person can not worry about the decision, since he will be directed exactly where he needs to go. His question will be resolved in the best possible way (although perhaps not as expected).

Who and at what time does the prayer-begihara

So, now we will analyze the question of the Abyshara-namaz - how to do it, in which specific situations. After a person listened to the advice of experienced and more knowledgeable people, he should perform the ritual and then go to the intended goal, never turning around. It is believed that Allah will solve the good cause in the best possible way, however, it is not worthwhile to build any illusions about what will happen in the way that the praying ones. It will be as the Lord Himself decides, as it will be for the good of man. Therefore, the result must be taken with a pure heart.

The rules of how to perform the prayer-begihara, say that you can perform it at any time when you need. There is also no clear indication of the place of fulfillment, only it is necessary to avoid public, impermissible places for prayer. Of course, it is best to choose the time that is most available, namely, the last third of the night. Also remember that at the direction of Allah, the last prayer at night must be Wirth, so you read the Avihara before him.

How is Namaz performed (general information)

So, how to perform Namah-ishihara? In general terms, it should be said that a Muslim must before that take a bath and wear clean clothes. Then an additional prayer is performed, and only then is it readable.

This sequence is said in the scriptures - the messengers of Allah tell about it. There are also remarks that prayer itself has a special effect. After reading it, believers feel an insight that comes through the special attention of Allah. If this happens, it means that the issue will be uniquely resolved and bring the best results.

How many times is it necessary to repeat Namah-ishihara?

In addition to knowing how to perform ishira-namaz (how to make this ritual step by step), you should know about the amount of its fulfillment. It is believed that before an important matter it is enough once. However, in some writings (the book Gardens of the Righteous), it is said that two rak'aats should be made and only then should the devotee be performed.

The sequence of the ritual

Now let us analyze in detail the ritual of the ishihara-namaz, how to properly do it. Below are the steps in the sequence.

  • First you need to do the ablution.
  • Then make intentions. It is necessary to fulfill this before starting the devotee.
  • The next step is the fulfillment of the raka'at. Sura "Kafirun" is the sunna in the first rak'aat. In the second, it is Surah "Ihlias."
  • The salaam should be ended with prayer.
  • In the following actions, you must raise your hands up, feeling your submission before the will of Allah, and then concentrate on doing the du'a.
  • Its beginning is the praise and exaltation of Allah. Then one should remember the Prophet Muhammad (say Salavat). In this case, it is better to use the text of tashahuhud.
  • After that, read completely the doo-istihara.
  • We should pay attention to the fact that after the phrase "... if You know that this is my business ..." you need to insert something for the sake of which it is done. For example, if you ask for advice on whether to agree to this position or not, that's exactly what you need to talk about. Then there are the words about a favorable and unfavorable outcome, which also need to be pronounced.
  • After this, read the Salavat to the Prophet. The fulfillment of the disciple is over, one can only rely on the mercy of Allah and cast aside all oppressive thoughts.

So, now you know the whole sequence of ishihara-namaz, how to do it right.

Recommendations to be observed

Of course, for each ritual there are special recommendations, which it is desirable to adhere to. So in this case, when executing ishihara-namaz, the rules read as follows:

  • Perform the ritual in any, even minor decisions.
  • To know and believe that Allah knows the best way for a favorable resolution of the problem. Remember this while making a prayer.
  • Istihara is considered invalid if it was performed after the ratibats that occur during obligatory prayers.
  • If, after all, you want to perform the devotee during any nawafil-namaz, then it will be correct if the intention was made before you entered into namaz.
  • It should be remembered that there is a forbidden time for performing prayers. In that case, you must wait until it is over. In case of impossibility of waiting, the ritual of prayer is not worth doing - you can only read the du'a.
  • There are no special instructions on how to properly read the prayer. Of course, it is better to learn it by heart, but it will not be a mistake to read it from the sheet.
  • You can not rearrange anything in the sequence of prayers, as well as in the sequence of words of prayer.
  • You can not do a gibbet for anyone else. Perhaps only the invocation of the mother to Allah for the message of good to their children. This can be done in any prayer.

Now, perhaps, you know all the aspects of how to properly perform namaz-ishihara.

Some questions about the word

It should be said that some believers may have a natural question about what should be done at the beginning - to consult or fulfill the guru. One of the treatises requires that you begin with a prayer three times, listen to your feelings, what Allah says. In the event that the question has not been resolved and if you have not felt anything, then it is worth consulting with a person who knows about your question and believers (this is an obligatory condition). After doing so, as he said.

In the question of ishihara-namaz, how to do it, and also in the correct sequence of actions, one can not be careless. If you have any questions during the time of prayer, it is better to turn to knowledgeable people, to listen to their advice.


So, having read the above information, you have learned the main aspects of ishihara-namaz, how to perform the ritual correctly, what it is needed for and what the Muslim gives. Apparently, this is quite an important action for the believer. With his help, even the most difficult thing can acquire a completely different perspective. Hope in their affairs on the Lord is the true solution in the life of a Muslim. And the one who follows the covenants of Allah always does everything in the best way (however, this does not mean that as it was intended).

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