
Burdock oil for hair: reviews and reality

Among the folk remedies for hair care, a surge of interest to which can not be overlooked recently, especially burdock oil for hair. Reviews About it, left to us still our great-grandmothers, inspire and today to try it on own hair. But is everything so radiant and is it a simple way to help our hair? Let's try to understand.

First of all, in order to understand how effective this or that tool is, it is worthwhile to carefully study its composition and to understand whether it contains exactly what can benefit us. So, burdock oil is made from a plant that is called a large burdock, or burdock. And not from the whole plant, but only from its roots. It can be manufactured both industrially and at home. To create this miracle cure, take out the fresh burdock roots, chop, pour a little warm vegetable oil and insist for about a month. As a result, they get homemade burdock oil for hair, which is said to be highly effective.

As part of the oil infusion of burdock root contains such useful ingredients as mineral salts, several kinds of essential and fatty oils, protein, inulin, tannins and a whole complex of vitamins. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the scalp and also directly on the structure of the hair and allow us to state with confidence that burdock oil can be used for:

  • Strengthening of hair growth;
  • Elimination of dandruff and itching;
  • Prevention of early baldness;
  • Treatment of alopecia (hair loss).

Despite such an extensive list of applications, Oil against hair loss. In order to reduce the manifestations of this problem and gradually reduce it to zero, you should use oil at least two to three times a week for 3 months and longer. In the old days, women generally used it throughout their lives, which allowed them to keep their luxurious hair until old age.

Burdock oil from hair loss: ways to use it

First of all, we can distinguish two main ways of using it - in the form of a one-component mask and as part of a complex therapeutic agent for hair.

In the first case, slightly heated on a water bath (or in a microwave oven), the oil is applied to the roots of slightly dried after washing hair. After 15-20 minutes of gentle head massage, the remaining oil is spread over the entire length with the help of a wooden comb and leave the mask under the warming cap for an hour. Then wash off with a mild shampoo.

In addition to such a simple mask, you can make and more effective, supplementing the action of burdock oil with other ingredients, also useful for hair. For example, mix one or two yolks (depending on the density and length of hair), on a tablespoon of castor oil and a solution of vitamin E in oil, and a teaspoon of dimexide. Blend the mixture with a whisk or blender, gradually adding to it burdock oil for hair. Feedback on the effectiveness of this mask allows you to safely say that after a month of its regular use, hair loss will significantly decrease and return to normal.

Will the frequent use of burdock oil do much harm?

The common opinion that the frequent use of oil can make hair greasy and deprive them of shine, in fact, has no basis. The oil has a unique ability to penetrate into the microcracks of the hair, filling it and giving it firmness, but it does not make the curls any worse. Also, it does not have the ability to activate the work of the sebaceous glands, and, consequently, will not affect the degree of fatness of the hair.

In general, safely use burdock oil for hair: reviews do not deceive and your hair will indeed become much more beautiful.

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