Relations, Sexuality
How harmful is anal sex?
Many couples after a certain period of life experience a cooling in intimate relationships. A panacea for the revitalization of intimate life, many spouses see in the use of different types of sex, for example, anal. But is anal sex harmful, and if so, who is worse off from it? This issue should be studied in detail.
Anal sex is harmful when certain rules of hygiene are not taken into account. So, before the sexual intercourse partners need to take a shower, be sure to use a special lubricant in the act, which removes pain and does not irritate the mucous membranes. In addition, the partner in no case should be tense, so all sorts of "relaxing caresses" are only welcome. And most importantly - when you feel pain during coition, do not tolerate it! Immediately stop intercourse. It is better to try later or at another time, but do not risk your health. When you follow these recommendations, you will no longer be concerned about the question: "Is anal sex harmful?".
If you decide to get such experience, first of all talk with your soul-mate. Explain what exactly you want to experience from such sex and listen to his / her wishes. Then the possibility of sexual egoism will be reduced to a minimum.
There are many stereotypes explaining what is harmful to anal sex. The main one is the proposition that this is unnatural. But do not listen to such opinions, because oral sex and even sexual acts in the condom also do not seem natural, but are very actively practiced.
Is anal sex harmful? The answer to this question is most often sought by women. There is an opinion that with such a sexual act an orgasm is received only by a man, and a woman can not reach the highest point of pleasure in any way. But a refutation of this thought is the numerous experiences of women who have tried anal sex and got an orgasm that is incomparable with the usual vaginal. It's all about extra caresses. So long ago it is proved that women have an orgasm "in my head". In the presence of weasels of the clitoris during anal intercourse, most girls experience orgasm.
To anal sex does not hurt your partner, in the first place do not need to rush. A man should be patient and careful. Sometimes you need to use a device such as a camomile enema that relaxes and cleans the anal passage.
The answer to the question: "Is anal sex harmful?" Can not be unambiguous.
If you are a believer, this kind of sexual relations is forbidden by the church, and for you such an occupation is simply excluded. But when religious dogmas do not deter you, then definitely anal sex can bring you both positive and negative sexual experiences. To get both partners pleasure, one must adhere to elementary rules of hygiene and in no way be in a hurry during sexual intercourse.
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