
Hormone replacement therapy

Termination of menstruation indicates that the production of estrogen in the body has stopped, but women's old age should be expected much earlier. After all, the level of hormones does not fall at a lightning speed, but decreases smoothly, for many years. The marker of the onset of hormonal imbalance is an increased follicle - stimulating hormone. Modern gynecologists believe that from now on the woman needs hormone replacement therapy.

As soon as a woman passes the age limit of 35 years, she is recommended to take tests for follicle-stimulating hormone systematically in six months. Elevated levels of the hormone marker indicate arose deficiency of estrogen, and incidentally, and other substances in the body.

It is especially dangerous for a woman to miss the increase in the level of the fat hormone called leptin, and the infamous insulin. Their indicators are growing rapidly in cases of diabetes mellitus type 2. Hormone replacement therapy, aimed at the stability of estrogen and testosterone, significantly reduces the growth of insulin, leptin, acts like the prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity.

To know the exact figure, when the level of follicle-stimulating hormone deviates, it is necessary to pass tests at a young age (up to 23 years) to the norm of hormones. After 45 years, the results of hormonal analyzes can be compared with the figures obtained in youth. Although its own hormonal status will not be late to learn at a more mature age.

Hormone replacement therapy will be more effective if you start it on time. At the first signs of a decrease in estrogen, when the menstrual cycle is lost, papillomas are noticed, the mucous membranes of the body dry out, you need to turn to the gynecologist. Symptoms are aggravated by pressure jumps and manifestations of atherosclerosis.

Lowering of testosterone in the body of a woman is suspected, if the desire for sexual relations is lost, there is a feeling of uncertainty associated with attractiveness and rapid fatigue. All efforts to lose weight do not bear fruit, there was a noticeable flabbiness.

Replacement hormone therapy is prescribed taking into account the individual testosterone index produced in the adrenal glands. Women with a sufficient level of testosterone are in good general tone, are active and sexually active. They have virtually no complaints of insulin surges. Testosterone still for a long time determines the stable work of the heart and vessels after stopping the production of estrogens, provides protection against stress. First of all, in order to resist a spasmodic set of excess weight, it is necessary to have the proper level of testosterone in the body.

Hormone replacement therapy with testosterone Helps to correct female libido, which was disrupted long before menopause as a result of prolonged intake of contraceptives. Testosterone in a dose well calculated by a specialist does not give painful side effects. The younger the woman who has not yet reached the menopause, the higher her dose of testosterone. With age, the dose is reduced.

The situation becomes more complicated if there are signs of atherosclerosis. Hormone replacement therapy will not bring the expected result in this case, because the receptors for estrogen are closed. Therefore, it is important to monitor the signal level of the follicle-stimulating hormone in order to include hormones in the work of the human body before the painful manifestations of tides, sweating, insomnia, irritability and pressure surges.

Before deciding on hormone treatment, all contraindications to their use should be studied.

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