HealthDiseases and Conditions

Tumor of the spine: symptoms and treatment

One of the frequent reasons for going to the doctor is back pain. It can be caused by different reasons. But it is worth noting that you can not ignore this problem. For periodically recurring painful sensations or for a sharp, albeit an isolated case, pain, sometimes there is a very serious reason. It may be the fault of normal overload, or a tumor of the spine may hide.

One of the frequent reasons for going to the doctor is back pain. It can be caused by different reasons. But it is worth noting that you can not ignore this problem. For periodically recurring painful sensations or for a sharp, albeit an isolated case, pain, sometimes there is a very serious reason. It may be the fault of normal overload, or a tumor of the spine may hide. Symptoms can be similar to normal sciatica. However, it is necessary in any case to see a doctor. About what can be a tumor in the spine, the symptoms and treatment of such an education will be considered further.

Causes of tumors of the spine

At present, there is no specific reason for the appearance of tumor formations in the human body. But there are several factors that increase the risks of their occurrence:

  • Presence of tumor formations in the genus;
  • Work in harmful production;
  • Increased radiation background;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • smoking.

All these factors increase the risk of developing neoplasms.

The appearance of a tumor in the spine is also affected by the following processes:

  • Injuries of the spinal column;
  • Chronic pathology of the spine.

In the early stages, the tumor process is called primary. Malignant cells only begin to appear in the spinal column, but it is already growing a spine tumor. Symptoms at an early stage are poorly expressed.

Emerging cancer cells in the body of the vertebrae are easily transferred throughout the body, as there is an excellent blood supply. Depositing in blood vessels, cancer cells destroy bone tissue, metastases are formed. So the malignant tumor of the spine grows, the symptoms at this stage will already be well pronounced, since the spine itself is affected.

Variety of tumors and their characteristics

Neoplasms can be both benign and cancerous.

Species of tumors of the spine:

  • A tumor of the bone system;
  • Swelling of bones;
  • Tumors of various origin;
  • Metastatic tumors;
  • Invasive.

The benign include:

  • Osteodhythm. The spongy bone is covered with cartilage. Most often occurs in boys during growth.
  • Osteoid osteoma. With it, a focus of dense bone substance appears, which is growing. It occurs in adolescence, mainly in boys.
  • Osteoblastoma. Bone compaction. It is very rare in children and adolescents.
  • Giant cell tumor. It consists of multinucleated giant cells. It occurs mainly in women.
  • Eosinophilic granuloma. Abnormal proliferation of cells of loose connective tissue, which displaces bones.
  • Hemangioma. Maybe at any age. These are abnormally developed blood vessels.

  • Aneurysmal bone cysts. They leave the bone marrow spaces, have a venous structure and grow outward. Children can also meet at a young age.

Primary cancerous neoplasm of the spine:

  • Reticulosarcoma. It is a mixture of cells that have lost their characteristics, distinguishing them from others.
  • Chondrosarcoma. It grows slowly. It consists of cartilaginous tissue. It often occurs in elderly men.
  • Osteosarcoma. Very quickly develops and consists of neoplastic osteoid tissue, can include fibro- and chondrosarcomatose components.
  • Ewing's sarcoma. It occurs in children and at a young age. The origin is unknown.
  • Chordoma. It develops from the rudiments of the chord. Can be at any age, but more often after 30 years.

Secondary tumors of the spine include metastatic tumors.

As a rule, the spinal cord is affected by tumors of the following organs:

  • Kidney;
  • breast;
  • prostate;
  • thyroid.

Metastatic, even a small, swelling of the spine of the thoracic region will manifest symptoms. It has a significant effect on the work of the heart, lungs, blood vessels. There may be malfunctions in the operation of these systems.

Consider what will be, if there is a tumor of the spine, the symptoms of its various departments.

Signs of a tumor in the cervical region

Tumor process in the cervical region significantly affects the general condition of a person, since it is close to the brain.

Tumor cervical spine symptoms will have the following:

  • Constant pain in the neck;
  • Partial paralysis is possible;

  • Paralysis of the intercostal muscles can lead to a stopping of breathing;
  • Fainting;
  • Nausea and may be vomiting;
  • Complaints of a headache;
  • coma;
  • Dizziness;
  • The swallowing process is disrupted.

If you press on the jugular veins, on the spot of the tumor there is pain. When the head tilts, there is a headache. Also, the tumor of the cervical spine has symptoms such as a shooting pain in the hand, giving to the neck and even the jaw.

How does the breast tumor manifest?

The tumor that formed in this department is the most dangerous. Because in this area are all the vital organs: the heart, kidneys, lungs and others. A growing tumor disrupts their work. Tumor of the spine of the thoracic symptoms will have the following symptoms:

  • Development of violations in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • dyspnea;
  • Disruption of the digestive system;
  • Blood pressure jumps;
  • Intolerance to physical exertion;
  • Rapid onset of fatigue.

It is also possible to spread pain to the heart, chest, abdomen or pain in the hands.

If the tumor of the spine of the thoracic region is diagnosed, the symptoms, treatment should be controlled by a doctor, therefore hospitalization is indicated. In severe cases, artificial ventilation may be necessary.

It is worth noting, if there is a malignant tumor of the thoracic spine, exercise therapy is contraindicated. Since the condition can deteriorate sharply, loads should be avoided.

Symptoms of a tumor of the lumbosacral spine

Tumors in this part of the spinal column can significantly affect the pelvic organs and the sensitivity of the legs. The slightest suspicion of the development of pathology can not be ignored.

A spine tumor of the lumbar spine of the symptoms will have the following:

  • Regular low back pain;
  • Difficulties with walking;
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • Disruptions in the work of the genitourinary system;
  • Decreased sensitivity in the lower limbs;
  • Uncontrolled urination and defecation;
  • Impotence in men.

If a lumbar spine tumor grows, the symptoms are sometimes very similar to the signs of lumbosacral radiculitis. There is a squeezing of the spinal roots.

There are such manifestations:

  • Severe pain in the lower back with lumbago in the thigh or buttock;
  • Lowering the sensitivity of the lower limbs along with the color change. Also, the foot can become a cyanotic shade, cold to the touch.

This very serious defeat can cause paralysis or a complete lack of sensitivity to the legs. Symptoms of a tumor of the sacral spine are absolutely similar to those when the neoplasm is located in the lumbar region, since they manifest themselves in the lower back.

Signs of a tumor in the spine

As we found out earlier, the tumor can be benign or malignant. On the type of tumor in the spine, the type of treatment depends.

Common signs of benign neoplasm in the spine:

  • The tumor has a capsule;
  • The neoplasm grows, increases in size, while it begins to squeeze the surrounding tissues;
  • Cells of a benign tumor are rarely divided, since they are highly differentiated;
  • Growth is very slow;
  • There are no metastases.

Benign tumors are successfully treated. By surgical intervention, the tumor can be completely eliminated. However, this is a very complicated operation, since all this is done very close to the spinal cord, with a large number of nerve endings and large blood vessels.

Characteristics of a malignant tumor on the spine:

  • It does not have a capsule;
  • Sprouts into neighboring organs and tissues;
  • Tumor cells very often divide;
  • Education is growing rapidly;
  • There are metastases.

Next, consider the common signs of a malignant tumor of the spine and spinal cord. Symptoms:

  • Severe weight loss;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Severe pain;
  • Weakness in the body;
  • Fatigue occurs very quickly even with minor physical exertion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • Disruption of the functioning of internal organs;
  • There are external signs if the tumor grows outward;
  • Paralysis of hands and feet;
  • Numbness twitching of the muscles.

Be sure to have a malignant tumor of the spinal symptoms. The photo clearly shows what a new growth looks like if it grows outward.

Diagnosis of a tumor of the spine

First of all, the patient must undergo an examination with a doctor.

What signs can a specialist discover when inspecting:

  • Limitation of mobility;
  • scoliosis;
  • Violation of posture, gait, movements;
  • amyotrophy;
  • Involuntary contraction of muscles;
  • Points of maximum soreness;
  • New education;
  • The presence of muscle spasm or lack thereof;
  • Insufficient sensitivity of muscles;
  • Violation of deep tendon reflexes.

If a suspicion of a metastatic process appears during the examination, a more thorough physical examination is performed. Of course, will be strongly pronounced, if there is a malignant tumor of the spine, the symptoms.

The method of palpation is examined:

  • The mammary gland;
  • Thyroid gland;
  • Rectum;
  • Prostate gland.

To specify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are prescribed. This includes:

  • Complete blood count;
  • Analysis of urine.

The patient will then be referred to an X-ray. If there are suggestions that the tumor has a place to be, it is necessary for the patient to be sent for a more thorough examination to an oncologist and a neurosurgeon.

In order to clarify the localization of the tumor process and determine its stage, a magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. This is the most informative method of research. He gives a layered picture not only about the location of the tumor, but also about changes in neighboring organs, the degree of its germination into vessels and other tissues.

To determine the degree of tumor activity, radioisotope scanning is used. How does this happen:

  1. The patient is administered intravenously a special drug that has a radioactive label. It accumulates in the tissues of the tumor.
  2. Then, using a special gamma camera, determine how the drug was distributed in the organs.

To determine whether a malignant tumor or not, and to determine its structure, apply a biopsy. To do this, use a special needle, which is injected deep into the tumor. Take a small piece of tissue and then explore under a microscope.

Methods of treatment of a tumor of the spine

For each type of tumor the method of treatment is selected individually, taking into account its features and localization. A combination of several methods is possible.

Consider what kinds of treatments exist.

1. Medicamentous.

Use drugs, analgesics, to help fight pain. These drugs are narcotic and non-narcotic. Also used anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections of candles.

These are non-narcotic drugs:

  • "Analgin";
  • Diclofenac;
  • "Ketanov";
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Aspirin".

Narcotic drugs:

  • "Tramadol";
  • Morphine;
  • Promedol.

Drugs are prescribed only for special indications and are purchased under special prescriptions.

2. Removal of tumors.

Rapid release of a neoplasm is not always possible, since it can be located very close to the spinal cord, vital organs.

How can a tumor be removed:

  • The tumor is removed completely;
  • Some of the available area of the tumor is removed. The rest is affected by other methods;
  • Operations that relieve pain and reduce the manifestation of other symptoms. In general, this does not affect the outcome of the disease. It is possible to remove the entire tumor or part, but there are metastases. This will reduce pain.

3. Non-surgical method of treatment.

  • If the benign tumor of the spine, the symptoms are very weak or absent, for older people in such cases often choose a method of observation. Provided that the tumor does not progress and does not threaten other organs.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Radiation or radiotherapy. Use if the tumor or part of it is inoperable. Cancer cells or residues are destroyed by radiation. This type of treatment can reduce the size of the tumor, reduce the rate of growth, affect the number of metastases that can not be removed.
  • Target therapy. It allows the use of drugs that cause minimal damage to the body as a whole. Since the chemotherapy method uses highly toxic substances, in radiation therapy - radiation, this negatively affects the entire body, not only the tumor process.

Folk methods of treatment of tumors

It is worth saying a few words about folk medicine in the treatment of spinal tumors.

To use the advice of folk healers in the treatment of such diseases, as the long-term practice shows, is ineffective. But in benign formations, it is not forbidden to apply such recipes. In this case, you can not give up the therapy that the doctor appointed.

To start using any folk recipes is necessary only after consulting a doctor. Do not rely solely on folk methods of treatment, the probability of disease is high, then it will be very few to win her chances.

Let's name some plants which are used at treatment of tumors of a backbone:

  • celandine;
  • ginseng;
  • Oak bark;
  • Viburnum;
  • plantain;
  • Mummy;
  • St. John's Wort and many others.

For the removal of pain, various tinctures and preparations are prepared.

To reduce the pain, use this rubbing:

It is necessary to take such components: kerosene, sunflower oil, burning cayenne pepper. All the ingredients are mixed and insisted in a dark place for a week. Use only before bedtime.

Infusions are used to prevent the growth of the tumor. Here is one of them:

It is prepared from the root of ginseng. It must be crushed and poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Insists in a dark place for about three weeks. Apply 5 grams 2 times a day. After 7 days, the intake is reduced to 2.5 grams per day. Continue reception for a month. Then you need to take a break of 12 days and repeat the course again.

It should be remembered that in the presence of a tumor process in the spine, one should not diligently do physical exercises that create a load. It is necessary to observe peace and watch over your diet, and also to give up bad habits.

What is the prognosis of a spinal tumor?

From many factors depends, what will be the outcome of the tumor of the spine for the patient. Here are some of them:

  • Type of tumor. Malignant or benign.
  • Place of tumor localization.
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment. The sooner they discovered and started treatment, the better the chances of recovery.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Age of the patient.
  • Are there metastases in other organs.

Prophylaxis of tumors of the spine

Let's outline several basic rules for preventing the formation of a spinal tumor:

  • It is necessary to undergo an annual examination with an oncologist and take tests for people who are at risk. Namely, those who have a bad heredity, unfavorable working conditions, people who are exposed to ionizing radiation, and so on.
  • Timely treatment of benign neoplasms. Do not let them degenerate into malignant. Keep the process under control.
  • Limit interaction with harmful chemicals.
  • Wear protective equipment in harmful production.
  • Avoid injury to the spine. Observe safety regulations.
  • Refuse to smoke.
  • Eliminate unnecessary stay in the sun.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.

For any pain in the back, you need to see a doctor. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance of successful treatment.

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