
"Tsinnarizin" - instructions for use, reviews and release forms. Analogues of "Cinnarizine"

Many people, often suffering from headaches and spasms of blood vessels, know the medicine "Cinnarizin". It is prescribed for any disorders of cerebral circulation or at elevated blood pressure. Although it has been used in medicine for several decades, until now, "Cinnarizine" is popular among doctors and patients. Despite the fact that now the pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of vasodilating drugs, but none of them can compete with this drug for neither price nor effectiveness. Those who tried this medicine constantly have it in their medicine cabinet. There are also analogues of "Cinnarizine", but they are less common because of a higher price. The very same drug is available to anyone and effectively removes spasms of blood vessels, helps with any violations of blood circulation and diseases of the vessels of the brain.

Why are such drugs important?

Not all people think about the importance of blood circulation. But it is blood that carries oxygen to all cells and organs, important for their normal vital activity. And when, for some reason, there is a spasm of blood vessels, the body reacts to it with pain. If not taken immediately, the cells begin to die. This is especially true of the brain. Then various disorders of the nervous system and other organs begin. Therefore, it is so important to start drinking vasodilators on time. For this purpose, analogues of "Cinnarizine" and the drug itself are most suitable. They help to restore blood flow and thereby relieve headaches, nausea, are effective in memory and mood disorders.

Features of the drug

The drug "Cinnarizine" refers to the blockers of calcium channels. Under its action, the intake of calcium ions into the cells decreases. Because of this, the vessels become more elastic, and the blood is less viscous. The calcium content in the blood plasma also decreases, which also positively affects a person's condition. "Cinnarizin" affects the smooth muscles of the vessels. Under its action, the content of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, which explains the vasodilating effect. The drug also blocks the action of substances that narrow the blood vessels. All this together has an effective effect on the person's well-being and helps with many diseases.

How the medicine works

- Strengthens the blood supply to the brain.

- Relaxes the smooth muscles of the walls of the vessels and expands them.

- Reduces blood viscosity and affects red blood cells, making them more elastic.

- Improves the work of the vestibular apparatus.

- Increases the resistance of tissues and muscles to oxygen deficiency.

Has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

- Has a small antihistamine effect.

"Cinnarizine" - indications for use

- Any disturbance of cerebral circulation.

- Chronic diseases of cerebral vessels.

Post-stroke state.

- Labyrinth disorders - dizziness, noise in the ears, nausea and nystagmus.

- The recovery period after a craniocerebral trauma.

- Prevention and treatment of frequent migraine attacks.

- Night cramps and cold extremities.

Complex treatment of hypertension and arteriosclerosis of vessels.

- Vascular complications in diabetes mellitus.

- Violations of peripheral blood circulation: thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, Raynaud's disease and others.

How else is the drug used

Often, as a preventive measure, in certain conditions, Cinnarizine is also prescribed. The price is not high: in pharmacies, the medicine package costs no more than 30 rubles, so even relatively healthy people buy it. It helps with frequent attacks of migraine, with motion sickness and seasickness. Thanks to a vasodilating and easy soothing effect, even one tablet of "Cinnarizine" can relieve panic attacks and nausea. Apply the drug also in case of memory impairment and inability to concentrate. He has a good influence on mental activity, so sometimes students and students are assigned "Cinnarizin". The price of it is so low - 15-30 rubles per pack - that it allows you to take it for a long time, however, under the supervision of a doctor. Drink it also with increased irritability, a constant bad mood. "Cinnarizine" is effective in the complex therapy for people prone to depression or prone to frequent stress. This drug helps to improve the blood supply to the brain, which positively affects its work.

Can everyone drink "Cinnarizine"

Usually the drug is well tolerated, but there are conditions in which it is not recommended to take it. In this case, the decision is made by the doctor and, perhaps, he will designate analogues of "Cinnarizine", which act more gently. It is not recommended to drink this drug to pregnant women and those who breastfeed. Cautiously, "Cinnarizine" is also prescribed for violations of liver and kidney function, Parkinson's disease, glaucoma and severe hypotension. It is accepted only in those cases when the benefit from its action will be more harmful. And, of course, drink the drug when allergic reactions occur, too, is not worth it. It is not recommended to drink it and to sportsmen, especially during competitions, as against the background of its reception there can be a positive result in the doping test.

"Cinnarizine" for babies

For more than 60 years, this drug has been used in medicine. And in pediatrics it has also been used for a long time. Sometimes it is prescribed even to children up to a year. After all, there are neurological diseases that can be cured only during this period of life. Therefore, "Cinnarizine" for infants is indispensable with increased intracranial pressure, delayed development, for vasodilatation and improvement of cerebral circulation. It is very important for such small children to correctly diagnose and start treatment on time, so that irreversible changes do not start. But many mothers are afraid to give their child "Cinnarizin", because the instructions say that it is contraindicated for children under 5 years. But in some cases, its effectiveness outweighs possible harm. In addition, doctors know how to properly prescribe such drugs to babies. Usually give on a quarter of a tablet 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment can last from several weeks to several months depending on the disease.

How to take the drug

Tablets "Cinnarizine" quickly adsorbed in the intestine. Take the drug is recommended after a meal. A dose of reception is calculated individually. Usually appoint 1-2 tablets three times a day. In some cases it is possible to drink a medicine and three. But the daily dose should not exceed 9 tablets. For children, their number is reduced by half. The effect of the drug is manifested as early as half an hour after ingestion. And the process of metabolism of the drug runs from 3 to 6 hours. The "Cinnarizine" is unchanged in the main through the intestine and partly through the kidneys. Usually the drug is well tolerated, but in some cases, side effects are possible. There are no special contraindications for taking the drug, except for hypersensitivity, allergic reactions and pregnancy. But his overdose is dangerous. It is best to take "Cinnarizine" long course - up to three months, but in small doses. And with an overdose, a sudden drop in pressure and the onset of a coma are possible .

Side effects after taking the drug

- Headache.

- Lethargy and drowsiness.

- Weight gain.

- Trembling of limbs or their increased tone.

Disorder of the intestines.

- Abdominal pain.

- Weakness and sweating.

- Lowering blood pressure.

- Allergic reactions.

Features of the medicine

- This drug is available only in the form of tablets.

- During treatment, the intake of alcoholic beverages is contraindicated, since "Cinnarizine" accelerates the absorption of alcohol.

- Prolonged use of the drug is possible only if there is control over the condition of the liver, kidneys and blood composition.

- Tablets "Cinnarizine" can cause drowsiness and retardation of the reaction, which should be taken into account when taking people whose work is related to driving vehicles and with increased concentration of attention.

- The drug enhances the effect of certain drugs, such as vasodilator, sedative or antidepressant drugs.

- The antihistaminic effect of the drug may interfere with the proper conduct of skin tests.

Than it is possible to replace a preparation

Many who are credited with this medicine are interested in what is better than "Cinnarizina". Probably, they are embarrassed by such a low price of the drug, and more expensive tablets have more confidence. Now in the market there are also direct analogues of "Cinnarizine", and preparations with a different composition, but close to him in their action. The most common drugs are Stugeron, Vertizin, Cynedil and Cinnasan. These drugs are less popular, although they have the same composition and have the same effect. Why is the demand less used than "Cinnarizine" analogs? The price, most likely, influences it first of all. Due to the fact that these drugs are produced in other enterprises, they cost from 100 to 200 rubles. Therefore, those who need a long course of treatment or prevention of certain conditions prefer to buy "Cinnarizine". Sometimes, in difficult cases, drugs are prescribed to enhance the nootropic effect, in addition to this substance there are other substances, for example, it is often combined with "Pyracetam."

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