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Is pregnancy possible with hepatitis C?

Every woman wants to take out and give birth to a healthy strong baby, therefore, before planning pregnancy , a comprehensive examination is recommended to identify the diseases that could affect the unborn child. One such dangerous disease doctors call viral hepatitis C, because it can be transmitted to the fetus even through the placenta and umbilical cord. Despite the fact that with this disease the appearance of congenital malformations in a future baby is unlikely, he can be born with liver disorders, so pregnancy with hepatitis C is considered undesirable.

What is hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral liver disease that is sexually transmitted (unprotected sex, unverified partner) or at a household level (through blood, saliva, etc.). As a rule, the disease is asymptomatic, which complicates its detection. After a while, the chronic form can lead to serious complications, such as cirrhosis and even cancer.

Pregnancy with hepatitis C: peculiarities of percolation

In the event that a woman has picked up the virus, already being pregnant, there are also no signs of the disease or they are weakly expressed. Identify hepatitis can only after testing or acute intoxication, which can lead to miscarriage. In addition, pregnancy itself can cause exacerbation of the disease.

Hepatitis C in pregnant women can be transmitted to the fetus via the umbilical cord or the placenta, along with nutrients and oxygen, coming to it with blood. In the event that infection of the baby's future has occurred, this will be indicated by signs such as a delay in the maturation of the placenta or, conversely, its early aging, leading to oxygen starvation, an increase in typhoid liver enzymes in the fetus.

Hepatitis C: treatment

A pregnant woman with hepatitis C should be examined regularly by a gynecologist, immunologist and hepatologist, since the treatment of the disease is possible only with its severe form. This is because most drugs are forbidden to take during pregnancy, because they contain active toxic substances that can harm a child or provoke developmental anomalies. Proceeding from this, drug treatment will be prescribed only as a last resort - the total intoxication of the woman's body. With regard to drugs, mainly prescribed antiviral and immunomodulating drugs with the presence in them of natural antioxidants. For prevention, a strict diet with the exception of fried, salted, spicy and alcohol is recommended.

Hepatitis C after childbirth

After the baby was born, it is allowed to breastfeed, but it is worthwhile to ensure that the woman does not get a nipple injury, since this significantly increases the risk of infection. It is worthwhile to follow and ensure that in the mouth of the newborn and around him also there was no damage. In the event that a woman is infected with AIDS, breastfeeding is impossible.

Pregnancy with hepatitis C: prevention

In order not to become infected with the hepatitis C virus, you should never use personal hygiene items of other people, even if they are relatives, when using sexual contacts with untested partners, condoms should be used.

Thus, pregnancy with hepatitis C is not contraindicated, but we should not relax, because to endure and give birth to a healthy child, will have to make considerable efforts.

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