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Allocations at 38 weeks gestation: possible causes. Doctor's advice and recommendations

Every pregnant woman is interested in the topic of childbirth. Future moms are worried about how this process will pass. That's why they try to listen to themselves and pay attention to even the slightest changes before giving birth. A lot can tell about this in this period. At 38 weeks of gestation, they may increase somewhat. Also at the end of the term, the consistency and color of the vaginal mucus often changes. The article will tell you what the allocation means at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Also you will learn the opinion of doctors, gynecologists and obstetricians about this.

A bit of theory

Allocations at 38 weeks of gestation usually increase. However, the amount of cervical fluid generally becomes longer at the very beginning of the period. Why is this happening?

When a female and a male cell are found in the body of a representative of the weaker sex, conception occurs. During this period, the yellow body located in the ovary, actively produces progesterone. Under the influence of this hormone, the tone of the uterus normalizes, the endometrium becomes thicker, and muscle organs also relax. During this period, the mucous plug begins to form . The amount of mucus increases, and part of it remains in the cervix. This education will accumulate its volume until the last weeks of pregnancy. This cork helps protect the baby's developing organism from the penetration of pathogens. It is worth noting that not all women have the output of this lump. Many people have no idea that there was some kind of traffic jam in their bodies.

What is the norm?

Is there always a normal discharge at 38 weeks gestation? Of course, no. Every future mother needs to know what is the norm, and when it comes to the pathological process. Be sure to visit a doctor and find out more about your secretions. What should they be normal?

During the entire period of the woman can mark a liquid or creamy discharge. They have a light color and look like milk. Also, the smell of this mucus is practically absent. Sometimes a representative of the weaker sex can say that they smell slightly acidified milk. The consistency of such mucus is always homogeneous. It does not contain lumps, blood and other impurities. This situation is normal. At any deviation from the described picture speech can go about a pathology. However, if you are already 37-38 weeks pregnant, then there may be other excretions. Consider the possible causes of the appearance of a mucus, separated from the vagina.

Fungal infection: thrush

White discharge at week 38 may indicate that the woman's vagina is infected with a fungal infection. Approximately half of expectant mothers face the thrush. At the same time many representatives of the weaker sex have been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to cure the disease. During thrush, discharge from the vagina becomes an intense white color. Outwardly they resemble cottage cheese masses. These substances strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the genital organs. That is why the symptoms are accompanied by itching, redness, discomfort. What recommendations does the doctor give in this case?

If such discharges were found at the end of pregnancy, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. Often, such drugs as "Pimafucin", "Terzhinan", "Diflucan" and so on are prescribed for this purpose. Also, doctors recommend using soda and salt solutions for washing. Douching, which is carried out by many future mothers, is strictly prohibited during this period. Otherwise the fungus and pathogenic microflora can get into the vagina and hit the baby.

Inflammatory process: infection

If you are 38 weeks old, yellow discharge can become a sign of serious pathology. Such purulent discharge often takes on a thick consistency. In addition, future moms notice an unpleasant smell, itching. Sometimes pain in the pelvic region joins. The inflammatory process may be the result of a newly acquired infection. Often it is transmitted by next sexual intercourse. This is why it is so important to use condoms during pregnancy. When the pathology was acquired before conception, it is a chronic form. This is more dangerous for a woman and her baby. Chronic inflammatory process is almost impossible to cure.

What do doctors recommend in this case? Gynecologists appoint a woman for treatment. In this case, most often used antibacterial drugs: "Metronidazole", "Amoxicillin", "Naxojin" and many others. It is worth noting that in more severe cases a woman is assigned a cesarean section. This is necessary for the baby to avoid infection during the passage of the genital tract. That is why it is so important to undergo tests before the conception and to cure all the infections.

Detachment or presentation of a child's place - a dangerous pathology

If at the end of pregnancy bleeding occurs, then it can be very dangerous. The first thing that doctors think about when a woman applies to such complaints is the placental abruption. This pathology is diagnosed with the help of ultrasound and gynecological examination. The causes of this complication can be many: physical activity, sexual contact, stress, gestosis and so on. What do doctors recommend in these cases?

When the placenta is detached, a woman needs emergency help. Cesarean section is usually performed. In especially difficult situations, it becomes necessary to remove the genital organ. It is worth noting that when delayed, there is a high probability of intrauterine death. That is why it is so important to see a doctor immediately if you have a stomach ache and discharge in the form of blood.

With placenta previa, bleeding is considered less dangerous than in the case described above. However, it requires hospitalization. Often, such women are assigned a planned cesarean section, which helps to avoid such complications as premature placental abruption.

Departure of the cork

If you have a discharge after examination at week 38, then, most likely, it's a slimy plug. As you already know, it is formed at the very beginning of pregnancy. During the examination at this time, the doctor evaluates the cervical dilatation, its softness and readiness for childbirth. In this case, the doctor to get accurate data you need to enter your fingers into the cervix. As a result, the mucous plug is slightly damaged. After a few days, she can gradually leave the genital tract. What recommendations do doctors give?

Mucous brown discharge at 38 weeks is not something dangerous. If there are no additional troubling symptoms, then do not rush to the maternity hospital. However, the departure of the traffic jam is a signal that the long-awaited meeting will happen very soon. All things must be collected in packages. Childbirth after the removal of the cork can begin in a few hours. Also, the future mother can carry her child under the heart for two more weeks. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Remember that from the moment of separation of a stopper it is necessary to stop sexual contacts, treatment with vaginal tablets, and also it is necessary to refuse bathing in a bath.

Amniotic fluid pouring out

If you have found abundant discharge (like water) at the end of pregnancy, then you should immediately go to the maternity department. Spillage of amniotic fluid occurs absolutely painlessly and unexpectedly. No future mother can accurately calculate the moment when this happens. When the bladder ruptures, abundant discharges (like water) are observed. They can be transparent or greenish. In the latter case, it is a question of hypoxia, and a woman needs to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Doctors recommend not to panic at this moment. Most likely, after the water has left the woman will begin contractions. Remember that from now on the generic process is started. You will not be able to delay the appearance of the baby. So do not hesitate. The less time a baby spends in anhydrous space, the better for him.

Cervical dilatation

Pink discharge at week 38 may indicate that the cervix began to open. This happens under the action of prostaglandins. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to leave the mucous plug and discharge the amniotic fluid. Often such secretions are preceded by a gynecological examination. At the very end of pregnancy, the cervix begins to soften. In this case, the cervical canal widens. The tissues become more sensitive and loose. The slightest manipulation can lead to a minor injury. What do doctors say about this?

If you have 37-38 weeks and started pinkish discharge, then you need to listen to yourself. In most cases, they represent no danger and are a short-term process. Try to calm down and relax. Prilyagte and rest a little. If the symptom does not go away, and the discharge increases, then it is necessary to take documents, things and go to the maternity ward.

Discharge after sexual intercourse

If you notice unusual discharge from the vagina, then the cause of their occurrence may be a recent sexual contact. With ejaculation, sperm is released, which has a fairly thick consistency. Within a few minutes the substance is diluted and begins to flow. Often, women confuse it with leakage of amniotic fluid.

Doctors recommend to avoid sexual contact with a condom. If, in addition to fluid secretion, a woman feels discomfort and pain, then it is better to go to the maternity department.

Tips for future moms from a doctor

At 38 weeks of excretion, liquid is usually the norm. However, if you are concerned about this symptom, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor. A gynecologist will be able to correctly assess your situation and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment. At the last stages of pregnancy, the doctor gives future mothers the following advice.

  • Move more. Try not to sit in one place. During movement, the pelvic bones begin to gradually diverge. This will help you to give birth easier. Also, while walking, the baby gradually descends. This helps to approximate the time of delivery and not to endure pregnancy.
  • Do a sanation. Doctors recommend a sanation before delivery. For this purpose, such drugs as "Gexikon", "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine" and so on are prescribed. They are introduced in the form of candles, tampons, used for irrigation of the vagina. This helps to disinfect the birth canal. This manipulation will save the newborn from many bacteria.
  • Refuse to swim in the water. At the end of pregnancy, the cervix begins to gradually open. The baby is no longer as protected as in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. That's why it's worth refraining from swimming in lakes, rivers and pools.
  • Spend "muzheitrapiyu." Doctors say that the male sperm contains prostaglandins. These substances help soften the cervix. If you still have not lost cork, then you can have sex without protection from the 38th week of pregnancy. However, you must be sure of the absolute health of your partner.
  • Drink flaxseed oil. This substance helps to strengthen tissues and increase their elasticity. If you do not want to get breaks during childbirth, then it is worthwhile to conduct their prevention. Use linseed oil three times a day for one teaspoon. This drug will also become a good prevention of constipation.
  • Refrain from physical activity. At the very end of pregnancy, strong physical activity can lead to detachment of the placenta. That's why you need to protect yourself. You have already overcome most of the way. It remains very little until the long-awaited meeting with the crumb.
  • Take the last survey. At the very end of pregnancy, doctors recommend a final diagnosis. It includes ultrasound, cardiotocography and dopplerometry. These parameters will allow to assess the state of the future mother and her baby. If any deviations are found, the doctor will be able to prevent complications and avoid irreparable consequences.
  • Tune in to a good result. Many doctors say that in the process of childbirth, almost everything depends on the woman. Do not be afraid of natural manipulation. Very soon you can take your baby in your arms. Let this thought reassure you. Trust your doctor and follow all the advice of an obstetrician.

Summing up or a small conclusion

You now know what are the discharges in 37-38 weeks of pregnancy. Remember that at this time your baby is already considered full. A long-awaited meeting can happen at any time. Listen to yourself and watch for secretions. Sometimes they can change the consistency, color, smell and intensity. If unusual signs appear, consult a doctor. Do not ignore the appearance of pain or other unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and lower back. The doctor will examine you and give you the necessary advice and recommendations. Stick to them, trust a specialist. Health to you and easy childbirth!

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