
"Xalatan" eye drops: instruction for use

"Xalatan" eye drops contain an active substance - latanoprost. This drug belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes and their antagonists.

"Xalatan" eye drops, being in structure analogue of prostaglandin F2alph, have anti-glaucoma effect. With the help of this drug, an increase in the outflow of aqueous humor is achieved, thereby reducing intraocular pressure. "Xalatan" eye drops do not change the synthesis of watery moisture and do not affect the hemato-ophthalmic barrier. There may be a slight change in the size of the pupil. Already 3 hours after instillation of "Xalatan", the intraocular pressure decreases, reaching a maximum effect after 12 hours. Increasing uveoscleral outflow does not affect its formation.

Latanoprost is isopropyl ether (an inactive precursor), which penetrates well through the cornea, where it is hydrolyzed to a biologically active substance. Metabolism is not in the eyes, but in the liver. His metabolites do not have activity, they are excreted from the body with urine.

"Xalatan" eye drops are indicated for use in open-angle glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure. Contraindicated in their use in the presence of hypersensitivity. In addition, with caution should be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children. This drug does not increase the frequency of congenital malformations. It is prescribed during pregnancy in the event that the risk to the mother or fetus is less than the potential benefit from its use. During lactation it is necessary to take into account the fact that both the active form and metabolites penetrate into the mother's milk.

The "Xalatan" remedy (instruction recommends) to instill 1 time, in the evening, 1 drop into the conjunctival sac. It should be noted that its effectiveness decreases with more frequent use. If you need to bury other drops, then they need to enter with an interval of at least 5 minutes.

Although Xalatan reviews are good, it can cause the following side effects: conjunctival hyperemia, which may be mild or moderate, macular edema (most often occurs in patients with artifact or aphakia - with the lens in the anterior chamber ), Transitory epithelial eruptions of a point character, sensation in the eye of a foreign body, increased pigmentation in the iris (due to stimulation of melanin synthesis), the appearance of the eye's heterochromia, a skin rash is possible.

The use of this drug causes a change in eye color by the accumulation of a brown pigment in the iris. This effect occurs most often and is most pronounced in patients with a mixed color (for example, gray-brown or blue-brown), which is explained by the accumulation of melanin. Typically, the pigmentation extends from the center to the periphery of the iris. If intense color changes occur, therapy should be discontinued. After 2 years of use, the color change of the evenly colored eyes does not occur. Please note that the appearance of a discoloration of the eye can be irreversible, so it is necessary to warn patients about the possible effect.

The content of benzalkonium chloride eye drops in these eyes causes the need to remove the lenses before using them, since this substance is absorbed by them. Back they can be inserted only after 15 minutes after instillation. In addition, it is important to consider: against the background of the use of this drug, the appearance of a "veil before the eyes" is possible, which requires extreme caution when driving a vehicle.

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