
Pertussis: treatment and symptomatology

Pertussis is an acute infectious disease. The source of infection is only a person who has contracted this disease, or a healthy carrier. Extraordinary infectiousness is represented by patients at the initial stage of the disease, in the so-called catarrhal period. The contact of a healthy person with an infection carrier in 9 out of 10 cases leads to infection. Infection occurs through the air. Pertussis is a disease, usually a child's preschool period.

Immunocompetent immunizations are not given for lifelong immunization, nor has pertussis transferred. Treatment in case of repeated infection will be required again. However, as you grow up, the risk of contracting pertussis is reduced - only in one case of 20 whooping cough affects an adult.

The stages of the development of the disease include the incubation period, which can last from 2 days to 2 weeks. It was at that time that the unsuspecting patient was able to spread the infection among people from the circle of his communication. Diagnosis of whooping cough begins by recognizing the nature of the cough. And the disease passes from the stage of latent flow to the development of characteristic symptoms. After recognizing whooping cough, treatment begins with isolating the patient and alleviating his condition.

Signs of pertussis include: general poor health, weakness, a slight runny nose and cough. The temperature of the patient's body is slightly increased. Such signs make one think that the person has a common cold. However, as the disease develops, the cough begins to increase, moving to the end of the second week into a spasmodic one. Ill children become irritable, begin to be capricious. At the stage of the development of the disease, cough is a series of coughing tremors, which alternate with deep whistling breaths. Cyclicality of coughing attacks reaches 15. At the end of an attack of cough, a discharge of viscous sputum, sometimes with vomiting, should be noted. The behavior of the child during an attack is irritated. The face acquires a cyanotic appearance, the veins from tension expand, during a fit of cough, injuries of the tongue bridle are frequent , and even a stop of breathing is possible. In view of the danger of symptoms characterizing whooping cough, the treatment of the child at home is not always possible (especially if the crumb is not yet a year old). Similar seizures can last for 3-4 weeks, then coughing desires become weaker and less frequent, and then disappear altogether. During 2-3 weeks, it is possible to maintain a small ordinary cough (cough after physical exertion and sometimes during moments of excitement can last up to several months). In adults, the course of the disease is slightly different: cough attacks are rare, they may not be at all, and the infection manifests itself in signs of protracted bronchitis, accompanied by a strong, non-road cough. No different from normal and body temperature, which happens with a disease such as whooping cough. Treatment at adults proceeds, as a rule, at home. Children under one year old, as well as severely ill people are subject to urgent hospitalization. In uncomplicated cases, and this is how most often pertussis is carried, treatment is conducted at home.

The question of how to treat whooping cough is in the care of a specialist doctor, since there are no strictly defined medicines that could cure this ailment. However, it is possible to facilitate the course of the disease.

The role of antibiotics, as a rule, is important at the very beginning of the disease. Reception of antibiotics during the period of coughing does not bring any improvement. Although the causative agent of whooping cough shows sensitivity to the most different antibacterial preparations, most often doctors recommend erythromycin or azithromycin. Also a good effect is achieved with the help of levomycitin and tetracycline. However, levomycetin is prescribed reluctantly because of the greater toxicity of the drug compared to other antibiotics. Tetracycline is not suitable for treating children who are under 8 years old.

For a favorable outcome of the disease, it is especially important to have fresh air in the room, calm, not provoking spasms, conditions, observance of the daily regimen and intake of vitamins.

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