
How to inject drugs into a conjunctival sac

Conjunctival sac is a cavity formed between the eyeball, more precisely, its front surface, and the posterior surface of the eyelids. This cavity is lined with a conjunctiva and is open in the region of the optic cleft. There are upper and lower divisions. Most often buried in the lower conjunctival sac. The top is extremely low.

To drip drops into the conjunctival sac seems to be a very simple matter. However, not always even qualified ophthalmologists correctly perform this procedure. You can instill a conjunctival sac in the eye of a patient who has taken a sitting position. In this case, the patient slightly tilts his head back, and his gaze should be directed upwards. The lower eyelid is slightly retracted and the pipette is brought to the eye as close as the eyelashes allow it to be done. The tip of it should not touch the eyelashes of the patient, in order to avoid infection of the eye and contamination of the pipette itself. Still it must be said that if it is kept from the eye at a distance of more than two centimeters, the procedure can cause the patient painful sensations. Then the lower conjunctival sac is buried. Most often it is enough to hit two or three drops. More liquid, as a rule, simply does not fit there. It is important that eye drops have a temperature not lower than room temperature, otherwise because of spasm of the eyelids they can not get into the lower conjunctival sac. Excess droplets that can flow out of the eye, cleaned with a clean cotton swab.

The pipette used for this medical procedure must be sterile and individual for each individual patient. It is necessary to avoid that the medicine, typed in the glass part of the pipette, fell into its elastic part. For this reason, the doctor must keep it solely in an upright position. Using with instillation of mydriatic and myotics - that is, means that can expand or narrow the pupil, you need to be extra careful. For example, if a person who suffers from glaucoma, dripping a remedy that dilates the pupil, then his glaucoma can become complicated. And if the patient has an inflammation of the choroid of the eye, it is better not to drip into the lower conjunctival sac of a drug that can narrow the pupil - otherwise the inflammatory process will progress. Constricting eyelids should be administered with glaucoma.

To bury a conjunctival eye sack a small child, two people are needed - a medic and his assistant. While the doctor is engaged in the procedure, his assistant fixes the hands and feet of the small patient so that, due to his movements, the pipette can not damage the skin of the eye. Holding the medicine dropper in the right hand, the left doctor pushes the child's eyelids apart. Then one or two drops of medicinal liquid are injected into the conjunctival sac. More than two should not be entered.

In the event that the conjunctiva of the eye is affected by any inflammatory process, You can enter an ointment. It is introduced by a special glass device in the form of a stick, one end of which is flattened, like a spatula. At this end, put a little ointment - no more peas in terms of volume. Before using this tool, it should be boiled. Ointment is injected into the outer corner of the conjunctival sac. Again, if the patient is a child, then an assistant is needed to fix the position of his body, since the adult patient will not resist such a procedure, because he understands why this is necessary. The child is likely to be intimidated by this process. That's why without an assistant a doctor can not do if he needs to put ointment into the conjunctival sac of the eye. Entering it, the stick must be removed, using a rotary motion. If the patient has eyelid disease, then the medicine should be applied to the affected area. After the ointment is inserted into the conjunctival sac, the patient closes his eyes, and the doctor massages the eyelids lightly so that the ointment is absorbed better. It is best to make circular eyelid massage through a sterile cotton swab.

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