
Levomycetin (eye drops) remedy: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

"Levomycetin" is a drug that is actively used in ophthalmology. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol, excipients are boric acid and purified water. Pour the medicine into plastic or glass bottles.

Pharmacological properties of the drug "Levomycetin" (eye drops)

Instructions for use indicate that the product has antimicrobial, bacteriostatic properties aimed at suppressing Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, hemophilic and Escherichia coli, streptococcus, rickettsia, mycoplasmas, enterobacter, staphylococci, neyerii. The antibiotic is less susceptible to acid-fast and protozoan organisms, clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Resistance to the drug develops slowly. In the lens it does not penetrate, and the maximum concentration of the droplet is reached in the cornea, the body of the vitreous, iris.

Indications for use of the drug "Levomycetin" (eye drops)

Instructions for use explains that the drug is prescribed in ophthalmic practice for the treatment of eye infections , keratitis, blepharitis. The drug is used for blepharoconjunctivitis, neuroparalytic keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis. Effective is "Levomycetin" (eye drops) with barley. Also, the medication is used when other drugs with antibacterial action are ineffective.

Contraindications of a solution of "Levomycetin" (eye drops)

Instructions for use warns that the drug can not be used for kidney failure and liver, hypersensitivity, hematopoiesis. With care appoint drops to patients with eczema, psoriasis, toddlers up to two years old, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Remedy "Levomycetin" (eye drops): instructions for use

The medication is used topically by digesting the drug into the conjunctival sac every 2 hours. Enter 2 drops of solution. The course of therapy is two weeks. Before the procedure, you need to remove contact lenses, return them to their place only after half an hour after the introduction of the drug.

Side effects

Eye drops from conjunctivitis "Levomycetin" can cause negative reactions. In some cases, when they are injected, burning sensation, itching, and redness of the eye occur. With prolonged use of the medication (more than three weeks), fungal secondary infection, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia can occur . If there are negative effects, you need to abandon further treatment. The likelihood of adverse reactions increases with the simultaneous use of the drug with drugs that inhibit hemopoiesis (cytostatics, sulfonamides), as well as when administering drops during irradiation. If after the introduction of the drug the patient observes a decrease in the clarity of vision, then it is required to refuse trips behind the wheel, as well as from performance of special attention works.

Eye drops "Levomycetin": price

The cost of the drug is about 15 rubles.

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