Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious recipes of pea porridge

Pea porridge as any food from peas, is not just tasty, but also extremely useful. Despite the fact that the recipes of pea porridge may differ among themselves, it contains a large number of important for the body microelements, mineral salts and vitamins. Peas in the content of protein in the cooked food is equated with beef. Therefore, doctors even recommend at least several times a month to include dishes of peas in your diet. And for the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes, not only whole peas are suitable, but pea flour recipes of dishes are also very diverse.

Here is one simple recipe, representing very simple recipes of pea porridge. For him, you need to pre-soak the peas in about 7-8 hours, so that it will soften and get rid of the characteristic "pea" smell. Such a well-soaked pea gives a cooked dish of it a pleasant "nutty" taste. After soaking it is necessary to drain the water, rinse, pour fresh water, put on a small fire and cook until ready. Peas can not be cooked on high fire, as the protein contained in it very quickly turns off and the pea itself remains solid.

It is necessary to pour the porridge only at the very end of cooking, when almost all the water will boil away. The resulting dish should be crushed to mash to a puree and add butter to it. If you want to get a lean dish, then you need to add vegetable oil, such a hearty dish is ideal for taking during fasting. If you do not need a lean dish, then it's good to add a roasted brisket, greaves, fried onions and fresh herbs for flavor.

Very tasty pea puree is obtained with vegetables. For its preparation, peas should be soaked for the night, the longer the soaking time, the softer and tastier it becomes. In the morning, you need to drain the water, pour new water with warm water, then bring it to a boil. As soon as the water boils, you need to reduce the fire to a weak one (except that the protein may coagulate, peas still have a property to burn). It is necessary that the dish boil very strongly. If it is already ready, but the water is still there, you can simply drain excess water.

Then cook the peas to be mashed to a puree with a blender, add to it pre-heated cream, mix well, bring to a boil, add salt and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. Vegetables for this dish should be prepared separately. Peel and finely chop the onion, washed and peeled carrots grate on a large grater. Sweet Bulgarian pepper is peeled and cut into strips. All vegetables must be passaged in a frying pan with vegetable oil: firstly for 2-3 minutes onions, then add the carrots and after the carrots immediately pepper.

Such recipes of pea porridge are usually served to the table in a hot form, on top directly over the surface of the porridge in a plate pass the vegetables. If you are not satisfied with only recipes of pea porridge, you can cook tasty little bits of peas. For them, you need to take two glasses of peas, four carrots, two cups of boiled rice, sugar and salt to taste. Pre-peas need to be soaked and cooked the same way as for porridge. Carrots, too, need to boil.

Boiled carrots and peas should be ground with a blender or passed through a sieve. To this mass, add boiled rice preferably in a viscous state, add sugar, add salt and mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass make small rounded little bits, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan. Then put into a saucepan, add a little water, pepper peas and a bay leaf, put out about five minutes. These little bits can be decorated with greens and served on a table with boiled potatoes.

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