Food and drink, Recipes
Treat Santa Claus with a delicacy, or How to save a watermelon before the New Year
Watermelon on the New Year's table. This is not a fantasy, but a reality. Do not believe that you can keep this berry fresh until the winter? Then carefully study the information presented in this article. It tells how to keep the watermelon before the New Year. All described methods are effective. Therefore, take them safely to your note.
How to choose a watermelon for long-term storage?
If you want to save the melon culture before the winter, do not buy the earliest fruits. Save the watermelon before the New Year can be late varieties, those that are sold in early autumn. When choosing carefully inspect the berry. It should not have cracks, scratches, dents. The fruit must be elastic and whole.
How to keep the watermelon in the basement before the New Year?
The room where the fruits will be stored must be dry and dark. Put in a basement a table or a wooden rack. On its surface, a thick layer of dry straw or hay. It is important that watermelons come into contact with soft materials. Therefore, they should be transferred and turned over in fabric gloves. On the straw, put the fruits so that they do not touch one another. In the future, make sure that the temperature in the basement is maintained between +1 and +4 ° C. The humidity in the room should be about 85%. Regularly inspect and turn watermelons. At the first signs of damage to one of the berries immediately remove it, so that the rot does not spread to other fruits.
How to keep the watermelon in the sand in the winter?
Prepare a wooden box with solid walls. Put this container in the basement and place it on a flat surface. Fill it in a quarter with dry sifted sand. Put a watermelon on top. Before this, carefully examine the fruit and feel it. No external damage and dents should not be on it. A small trickle of sand, cover the watermelon to the very top. Cover the box with a wooden lid and leave the berry in this "house" until you want to eat it.
Similarly, you can keep the melons in the wood ash. It is important that it is dry. Instead of a box, wooden barrels are still used.
Melon culture of the late variety must be wiped dry, wrapped in a natural cotton cloth. Gently put the watermelon in a mesh and hang it in a cool dry place. In this condition, the fetus can be stored for up to 3 months.
How long will you keep the watermelon? Deprive him of oxygen
Avoid air access to the fetus, and you will save it fresh for several months. How to do it? Spread the whole berry with liquid clay or warm paraffin (wax), let it dry. Take the watermelon for storage to the basement. There, either hang it in a grid or put it on a soft surface.
Can I keep the watermelon in the fridge?
Completely. But for this, the berry must first be prepared. Dry it with a dry towel. Wrap a thick layer of newspapers. Lower the shelf of the refrigerator, cover with a natural cloth and lay a watermelon on it. Periodically turn the fruit over. In this way you can store it for 2-3 months.
You now know how to keep the watermelon fresh until the New Year. We wish you to successfully test them on your personal experience. Let them on your winter festive table the main delicacy will be a delicious fresh watermelon as greetings from a warm sunny summer.
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