Fashion, Clothing
What is he, a man's home suit?
The house is the place where you can relax, forget about the troubles of the past day, stay with the family. And also this place where you can change the bored official business suit for cozy home clothes.
Strong sex always requires ladies to be on top, even at home in the process of washing, cleaning, cooking, ironing. Very few people will be pleased to see their charming girlfriend in an old dressing gown, without make-up and styling. However, men forget that the beautiful floor of the house, too, wants to see his beloved man no less interesting and attractive than at work. Therefore, a strong half of humanity should learn how to choose a home suit - a man's style can be no less diverse than a woman's.
Since the XIX century, dandy loved a stylish and luxurious men's home suit. At a time when the appearance was not greeted with excessive pretentiousness, the emphasis of wealth, the strong sex needed to boast of its status only at home. But then there men could afford to shine in all its glory. Moreover, home methods were very common.
In the thirties of the twentieth century, traditional men's clothing for the house included cotton or silk pajamas, as well as a long robe with a shawl collar. Now few men decide on this style, although it still remains elegant.
A man's home suit is not some classic combination of trousers and shirt. The options can be quite a lot. As a bottom can be used soft, light jeans, not constraining movements, simple cotton trousers or even shorts. But Russian nobles with pleasure wore trousers. Fans of sports lifestyle can quite choose a stylish sports suit.
As for the top, the T-shirt is always universal. It can be a classic monophonic or with funny inscriptions for raising your spirits. Of course, the classics always have a shirt, and for cool weather a handy pullover will do.
If we talk about the seasons, then, of course, in the summer you should give preference to lightweight fabrics that let in air and allow you to breathe the skin. In winter, the men's home suit will be warmer, dense.
Choosing clothes for the house, it is necessary to be guided by three principles: comfort, freedom of movement, beauty. Of course, in training with stretched knees and a tattered alcoholic vest, it's very convenient to watch TV or repair the faucet. But here at an unexpected visit guests will have to flee urgently to change clothes, if there is no desire to be ashamed of their appearance. At the same time, the most tight jeans, profitable to demonstrate the beauty of the male body, are unlikely to help with the rearrangement of furniture. A man's home suit should be the golden mean between practicality and beauty. Then the strong sex will feel really strong at any time: when you need to fix the water pipe, play with the child or take unexpectedly unexpected guests. And his second half will always look at him with real adoration.
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