Travels, Tips for tourists
Where to go to Veliky Novgorod for a tourist?
Where to go in Veliky Novgorod? Tourists who come to this city are often asked a similar question. Because they want to see the most interesting places of Veliky Novgorod.
Sometimes this issue is of concern to local residents who are going to relax with a company or family.
The Kremlin (Detinets) and the Millennium of Russia
So, where to go to Veliky Novgorod? You can see the sights. Must be a tourist to see the Kremlin (Detinets). This is a very famous architectural monument. The Kremlin itself is surrounded by a moat. Previously, it was filled with water. Now tourists can wander there. You can also cross the bridge on the bridge.
The monument to the Millennium of Russia is another attraction that tourists should see. It is located inside the Novgorod Kremlin. The monument is dedicated to the whole state.
Sophia Cathedral
Where to go to Novgorod Orthodox people? In the St. Sophia Cathedral. Near this temple almost all the domes are silver and only one gold. The walls of the cathedral are white. There is a temple in the Novgorod Kremlin. Every day the Divine Liturgy takes place in the cathedral. If you want to get on it, then come to the temple by 10:00.
Divine services are held in the evenings (18:00).
Orthodox relics are kept in the church, such as Alekseevsky cross, Korsun gates and others.
Above the entrance to the cathedral is the "Fresco over the Magdeburg Gates". True, now she is in a deplorable state, especially you will not consider what is depicted on it.
Where to go to Veliky Novgorod for the weekend? In the park 30 years of October. There are lots of attractions for children and adults here. You can, for example, a company fun to ride a typewriter.
Where to go to Veliky Novgorod with friends? You can go to the Vertigo club, it is located at: Great St., 14 A. Here there is good music, under which you can perfectly relax. Often in the institution of various kinds of parties. As the guests state, the atmosphere in the club is at the highest level.
Also with friends you can go to relax in BUNKER night club. The institution is located at: Fedorovskiy brook, 2/13. Works on Friday-Saturday.
Those who love real Novgorod cuisine, it is worth to visit local restaurants, for example "Sadko". The atmosphere of old and cozy atmosphere reigns in the institution. The walls here are painted, the dishes are incredibly delicious.
Another good restaurant is Volkhov. The facility is distinguished by its classical setting. It serves European cuisine. If an official dinner is planned, then a banquet hall is ideal for this. Live music is always heard in the institution.
Anyone who remembers the period of Soviet power should visit the Lenkom restaurant. With the kids you can go to the children's cafe Happy Land.
Restaurant "Napoli" is a good place for those who like Italian cuisine. It serves delicious pizza and lasagna.
An interesting atmospheric place is the restaurant "Berg's House". The decor of the institution resembles the house of a rich merchant. Especially delicious in the restaurant hot dishes, although there are many other good dishes.
Rest with children
Where to go in Veliky Novgorod with a child? Holidays with children in this city can be built on a visit to the school of crafts and children's centers (museums). Also with the kids you can see the monuments. In addition, you can stroll through the streets of the city, telling the child in a playful form about them.
So where to go to Veliky Novgorod with a child? The Children's Museum Center. A ticket for an adult costs sixty rubles. Children can also visit the center for free. In this place, various master classes are held, both for children and adults.
Also with the child you can visit the school of traditional crafts "Paraskeva". There are also various master classes on needlework.
You can go with the child to the Museum Workshop of porcelain. A ticket for children under fourteen costs fifty rubles. The cost of an adult ticket is 100 rubles. Also there are discounts for family visits. The museum features equipment for the creation of porcelain, as well as exhibits from the material itself. You can also enroll in a master class.
Now you know where to go to Veliky Novgorod to a tourist and a local resident. We hope that you have chosen good places for yourself and will be able to visit them. Good luck!
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