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Themes, motifs, images of poetry of the 18th century: the works of Lomonosov and Radishchev

In the 18th century, Russian poetry began a new stage of development. It is at this time that the author's individuality manifests itself. Until the 18th century, the poet's personality was not reflected in the poems. About the lyrics as an embodiment of the subjective feelings of the author is difficult to talk about.

Poetic personality

Old Russian literature was often anonymous. Its authors were monks-scribes. They strictly observed the canons. Therefore, many texts created before the 18th century, are very similar to each other. The authors did not try to stand out and gain individuality.

Lyrics as a kind of literature, suggesting the disclosure of the writer's inner world, in such conditions did not find a place. Therefore it is the work of 18th-century masters that is considered the prime of Russian poetic art. The founders of this trend are Antioch Cantemir and Vasily Trediakovsky.

Pioneers of individuality in literature

The themes, motifs, images of poetry of 18th-century poets are relevant today. The circle of priorities was outlined by Antiochus Cantemir. His poems reflect deep and complex emotional experiences. For example, in the work "On the hope of God," the poet says about the uncertainty of tomorrow and the frailty of human life. But at the same time he calls to appeal to the Creator and entrust himself to his care.

Love themes are already present in the early translations of Trediakovsky. The work "Riding in the Island of Love" (author - Talleman) shows the allegory of the poet's allegory. Each love state is transmitted by the name of a particular locality. On the island of passion there is the Castle of Silence, the Lake of Despair, the Cave of Cruelty.

The new literature of the centralized Russian state

The themes, motifs, images of the lyrics of 18th-century poets became a response to the activities of Peter the Great. He approved absolute imperial power. But the motto of his reign was enlightenment. The desire for rationality and the liberalization of public life in Russia were associated with similar trends in Europe. However, these positive processes developed at one time with others - dark and destructive. The grandiose peasant war of Emelian Pugachev was the apotheosis of numerous riots against the absolute power of the landlords over their serfs.

The themes, motifs, images of the lyrics of 18th-century poets were a reflection of the main processes of the development of society. The high syllable and rhythmic harmony of the poems of Cantemir, Trediakovsky, Lomonosov often combine with gloomy moods and anxious sensations.

Russian Classicism

The emergence of Russia as a national state required the emergence of new literature. Writers of the 18th century were guided, first of all, by the achievements of European art. Classicism prevailed in Germany and France. It is this style that was reflected in Russian literature.

The themes, motifs, images of the lyrics of 18th-century poets were based on strict aesthetic canons, developed by the art of classicism. It was this style that perfectly corresponded to the cultural demands of a centralized state. The main idea of classicism literature is the priority of civic duty over personal feelings.

Works by Lomonosov and Radishchev

Russian poetry of the 18th century was deeply national. Vasily Trediakovsky carried out the reform of versification. It consisted in the transition from a syllabic structure, alien to the Russian language, to a syllabo-tonic structure.

Lomonosov reflected themes, motives, images of poetry of 18th-century poets especially brightly and distinctively. In his work he relied on the reform of Trediakovsky. One of Lomonosov's most famous lyrical works is "Talking with Anacreon." The author chose a form of dialogue between two writers - the ancient Greek and the modern Russian poet. Anacreon sings of love for the beautiful maiden. Lomonosov's contemporary also is able to admire women's beauty. However, he is more attracted by the description of the heroic deeds and grandeur of the homeland. Lomonosov was not only a brilliant scientist. He also became the greatest figure in Russian literature.

The themes, motifs, images of 18th-century poets' poetry Radishchev embodied in his individual manner. The political and philosophical views of the writer were reflected in his main work entitled "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow." Radishchev's views also appeared in his lyrics. "The Song of History" is a poem created in the last decade of the 18th century. The writer reflects in her various episodes of ancient history. Radishchev positions the idea of incompatibility of true freedom and absolute power. All the rulers, according to the author's opinion, are tyrants.

Radishchev refers to the folklore sources in the poem "Bova". This product is characterized by a combination of high and low styles. Typical poetic signs of classicism are present in the poem along with frankly folklore speech phrases. For example, Radishchev uses such words and expressions as "kruchin", "combustible tears". This is the feature of the work.

These are the themes, motifs, images of poetry of the 18th century poets. 9th grade is the period when students should be able to argue their own opinion about a literary work. Adolescents learn to see the moral, moral, human basis of outstanding works of art. Russian poetry of the 18th century is ideal for this.

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