Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Bolshakov Valeriy: reviews of books
Bolshakov Valery is a modern author who uses in his works the reception of "falling in love", that is, the transfer of the hero at another time. The books of this writer cause different impressions among readers. But mostly negative. Why fans of fantasy are so critical of the work of Bolshakov? The article contains opinions and feedback from readers about such books as "The Law of the Sword", "Our Mars", "Kornilovets".
Facts from biography
Before proceeding to the description of works, it is necessary to say a few words about who the author is. Bolshakov Valery was born in Pervomaisk. Then he moved with his parents to the Far East. Now he lives in Dalnegorsk. Since 1997 he worked as a correspondent for a local newspaper. And it was during this period that Valery Bol'shakov began to write. His theme was exclusively fantastic.
The first books by Valery Bolshakov - "Other Rules", "Pretorian" - were published in 2005-2007.
Callsign: Colorado
The drawback of this book is, according to the readers' opinions, an extremely free account of historical events. In addition, in the biography of the main character there are many facts that do not play any role in the plot. And the sharpest and most negative reviews were prompted by the author's version of the Colorado that Nikita Khrushchev's son - a pilot who was missing in 1943 - was a German accomplice, later abducted by SMERSH officers and also shot by them.
"Our Mars"
The events of the novel take place in 2037. The US has become a degrading state. Russia in the meantime built an aircraft carrier with an awesome name "Joseph Stalin", concluded an alliance with China, won in three wars and made several expeditions to Mars. At the same time, the author, like in other books of the last three years, exploits the topic of Russian-Ukrainian relations. And this reception in the course of events of the novel is not reflected in any way.
Valery Bolshakov is the author of books in which, according to the readers' observations, there are many subjective discrepancies. Americans in his works are endowed with exclusively negative character traits. They are immoral in the novel "Our Mars", cunning, insidious. In addition, US citizens are not smart. But with all this they are the worthy and terrible opponents of Russia. So, the main feature of the book "Mars Our", which became the reason for writing many unflattering reviews, is the caricature of characters, both positive and negative.
Positive feedback deserved the idea of the novel. Bolshakov Valery in the book "Kornilovets" depicted the Civil War through the eyes of a white officer. However, there are several unreliable facts in the novel that can deceive the reader, who is little informed about the history of his country.
The characters in Kornilovets can not be called complex and contradictory. White officers are distinguished by their humanity and honesty. The Reds are all rascals.
In the novel "Kornilovets" there is also a love story. However, it did not seem plausible to readers. The girl, who favors the Red Army, after several romantic encounters with the whiteguard suddenly changes her political convictions and turns into a fanatical person, ready to destroy every Bolshevik on her way.
"The law of the sword"
Like other works, which Bolshakov Valery wrote, the book did not gain popularity among fans of a fantastic genre. According to some readers, in the "Law of the sword" there are obvious historical discrepancies. One of them is the language of heroes. Bolshakov's characters live in pre-Christian Russia, which does not prevent them from using Church Slavonic turns in everyday speech. The main character of the XXI century. But due to a strange experiment, it appears in the ninth century. There he finds himself in the slave class, which disgusts him, and throughout the whole novel tries to get out of the medieval captivity.
It should also be said that, in the opinion of those who had time to get acquainted with the work of Bolshakov, the style of this author is difficult. Heroes are not endowed with vivid distinctive features.
Valery Bolshakov - the author rather prolific. His pen belongs to fourteen books, which were published in a fairly short period. And, surprisingly, the total number of reviews about them is great, but positive - units. Probably, the real admirers of Bolshakov's creativity prefer to remain silent.
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