
Spring sowing of rye makes it possible to increase the fertility of the soil several times

Speech in this article will be about a simple and at the same time surprisingly effective way of increasing the fertility and efficiency of the land. About how beneficial and useful for the soil is the spring sowing of rye and how it is carried out, read below.
This type of cereal perfectly adapts to the proposed growing conditions. Rye can grow even on scanty soils, as it is undemanding to nutrients and adapted to digest hard-to-reach soil compounds. Having developed to a powerful node of tillering, it becomes more resistant to unfavorable conditions than wheat.

Spring sowing rye to produce green fertilizer promotes the accumulation of dew, moistening the soil, loosening it, warming, increasing the amount of nitrogen in the soil, accelerating decomposition processes, increasing humus.

If we compare the usefulness of the green mass with manure, then the first (however strange this may seem to be) is much more useful. Its advantages are in faster decomposition and higher quality humus. Nitrogenous compounds of green mass are better assimilated by plants planted after digging rye.

It is very beneficial spring sowing of rye and those who contain birds (ducks, chickens, geese). Their walking in the field during the ripening of grain allows you to kill at least three birds with one shot: the animals live with pleasure feeding grain on the field, rapidly gaining weight and additionally fertilizing the land with their livelihoods, but the farmer can only smell the plant remains.

The crops planted on this site are much better developed, yield higher yields and not so overgrow with weeds. Incidentally, the spring sowing of winter rye makes it possible to obtain good harvests of grain. As an experiment, in the middle of the 20th century, experimental crops were sown on the Novgorod lands, on the soils of Ukraine and in Kazakhstan. The result surprised: it was collected from 200 to 300 quintals per hectare.

S. Bagrov's article tells of a similar experience, carried out earlier by Ukrainian peasants who were resettled in the Vologda region. The question was about survival, so they decided to sow rye not in autumn, but in spring, in May, and clean up - in August next year. Only thanks to this technological method from infertile lands it was possible to receive more than 60 quintals per hectare: "Rye was a cloud cloud, the ears were twice as long as usual and the grain was much larger ..."

Spring sowing of rye gives impetus to the formation of the most powerful root system, to the intensification of tillering (from 25 to 50 shoots) and to the increased shoot growth (up to 70 cm). There is no additional cost to fertilize. The timing of sowing rye varies. According to folk signs (wisdom of generations), the best time for the autumn sowing of this type of cereal is Nikitin, which falls on August 25, and for spring sowing it is necessary to wait for the day of the Lukerya-mosquito (May 26). The appearance of bloodsuckers suggests that frosts can no longer be feared, and the earth has warmed up enough.

Rye for sowing is selected sorted, with a purity above 96%, necessarily with high germination. Depth of sowing 4-6 cm (depending on the drying speed of the soil).

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