
Why does the right side of the leg hurt under the rib?

Anyone who engages in a mobile sport periodically experiences pain in the right hypochondrium. From this, neither beginner athletes nor professionals are immune. Most often, runners are exposed to this. As a rule, when running it hurts the right side under the rib, but sometimes pain can arise at any point of the abdomen. Each person has this individually, the localization of pain does not change with subsequent attacks. An unpleasant sensation begins to manifest itself in the form of aching, mild pain, which is rapidly growing and turning into a sharp, unbearable. When it reaches its peak, it becomes extremely difficult for a person to breathe and move. Even if you conduct a medical examination at this time, it will not reveal pathologies associated with running. Then why does the right side hurt while running?

Wrong breathing

Insufficient saturation of the diaphragm with oxygen - this theory for a long time was the only explanation of why during the race the right side hurts, and also after it.

The bottom line is that during the run the diaphragm works more actively, its need for saturation with blood and oxygen increases. A greater number of them is required for other muscles participating in motor activity. Due to frequent inconsistent breathing, the diaphragm's work is disrupted, as a result, the heart also does not receive enough blood, this provokes pain. After the forced stop, the diaphragm does not immediately return to its original state, the right side still hurts after a run for some time. After restoring the normal rhythm of breathing, the pain recedes.

This theory causes a lot of controversy, as some people do not have pain in their right side when running, but in the lower abdomen, where there is no diaphragm. In addition, she is very hardy - a continuous process of breathing well trains this muscle area.

Improperly planned meals

After eating, the body needs a lot of energy to digest it. If the physical load takes place less than 2 hours after a hearty meal, the increased stomach volume will not allow you to actively move. That's why when running, and hurts right side.

Frequent use of alcohol

It's not about professional athletes, but about people who do not always adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

At the use of alcoholic drinks the liver tests enormous loading. The result is an increase in size and pressure on the nerve endings. If the "athlete" sins with an addiction, the pain in the right hypochondrium becomes a regularity.

Anatomical features of the body

From the point of view of anatomy, the abdominal cavity is covered with a thin shell consisting of two parts. Motor activity, coupled with increased activity of the diaphragm, causes friction of these parts against each other.

This version explains why it hurts in the right side when running in a certain place - the point of contact of the shell parts determines the localization of pain.

Insufficient muscle training

If the run is not a qualitative warm-up, the body will experience stress. In a calm state, blood circulation and oxygen saturation of all body systems are adjusted. Without preliminary preparation of the body for physical exertion, normal circulation of blood and delivery of oxygen are disrupted. This immediately responds to the spleen and liver - increased in size, they squeeze the nerve endings.

Diseases of the spine

Deformation and any other pathological processes cause pain when running in the right hypochondrium. The diaphragm is closely related to the muscles of the lumbar region. Their stress is reflected in her work, and she, in turn, responds with pain. Among doctors, this is the most popular version of why the right side hurts when running. The systematic appearance of pain is the reason for examining the spine.

The presence of serious pathologies

Pain in the right hypochondrium during running provokes the following pathologies:

  • appendicitis;
  • Presence of stones in the right kidney;
  • Dyskinesia of the biliary tract, stones in the gallbladder;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (colitis, gastritis, etc.).

If the pain in the right side periodically occurs and at rest, you need to undergo a medical examination.

Before exercise was drunk juice or sweet soda

In the human intestine there is a small volume of fluid (its scientific name is intraperitoneal). It is between the parts of the shell that covers the abdominal cavity, this does not allow them to rub against each other. Juices, carbonated and energy drinks significantly change the composition of the liquid, reducing its amount. If after their use there is pain, this is the answer to the question of why the running hurts the right side.

Before exercise, and also during it, it is recommended to drink only pure water without gas, it does not affect the liquid in the intestine.

Why does the right side hurt after running? Ways to eliminate pain

The causes of pain in the right side after running are the same as during it. After a while after the stop, the pain should be silenced.

If this happens too slowly, you need to use one of the ways to speed up the process:

  • Go for walking, breathing in full. It is necessary to try to make so that blow of a foot on the ground or a floor from the left side was simultaneously with an exhalation. It is not necessary to do it for every touch of the running surface of the left foot, you can do an exhalation in 1-2 steps. The painful sensation is removed due to the fact that the main load starts to take the left side, allowing the muscles of the right side to relax.
  • To make inclined movements forward, thanks to them the tension of the abdominal area is removed.
  • Do the stretching exercise: raise your left arm up and tilt to the right, then raise your right arm and bend to the left. Movements should be slow and smooth, at the maximum point of inclination it is recommended to stay for half a minute.
  • To rub the diaphragm.
  • Perform respiratory gymnastics: take a deep breath, then, having curled your lips into a tube, exhale for a long time. Repeat several times. Thus, a strained diaphragm is massed from the inside.
  • Lean forward, touching the palms of your toes.
  • To massage the painful area with the three fingers of the right hand, you can simply press it until the pain decreases.
  • To draw in the belly as much as possible, making strong breaths and exhalations through the nose.

How to reduce the likelihood of pain when running

Running is one of the best ways to improve the body as a whole, with its help it is easy to lose weight and improve your health.

To the process does not deliver discomfort and pain, it must be properly prepared, and also observe a number of rules during the run:

  • If you are determined to go jogging, you need to reconsider your way of life. It is not recommended to overstrain greatly, rest should be full.
  • Go for a run in the hours of maximum relaxation. Psychological tension, fatigue, a desire to sleep, etc., after running will be even stronger.
  • If the morning run, you need to give the body time to wake up (about half an hour). If you start running immediately after awakening, the body will experience stress, metabolism will be broken. If the run is evening, the muscles should rest after a hard day for a couple of hours, this will help to avoid overwork.
  • You need to organize the correct diet. Any snack before the start of running increases the likelihood of pain in the right side almost to 100%.
  • It is important to monitor the quality of food consumed. Even if the timeframe is observed, pain will arise due to harmful eating, fatty meals simply do not have time to digest at the set time.
  • If the diseases of the internal organs and systems are excluded, and the pain in the right side is regular, it is recommended to wear an elastic waistband before jogging. When there is pain, it should be tightened as much as possible.
  • Do not run until exhaustion, exhaustion of the body will not bring the desired result.
  • At the beginning of the process, you must immediately determine the optimum pace of running. It is a mistake to believe that the sooner the better, the physical preparation of each individual. A poorly prepared person from too fast a rate will begin to suffocate already in the first minutes.
  • It is important to learn how to breathe properly. A good example is athletes engaged in swimming. They can breathe only at the moment when the face is above the surface of the water, their breathing is synchronized with the movements of the body. Synchronization of inhalations and exhalations with the impacts of the feet on the running surface will allow to uniformly enrich the oxygen to all organs and muscles, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Training should be regular. The better stamina and physical form, the less worried pain in the right side.
  • To curvature of the spine does not prevent a full training, you must always go with a straight back and head held high.
  • Warm-up is a mandatory item before running, the better the muscles prepare for further exercise, the lower the risk of injury and pain.
  • Load should be strictly dosed and increase smoothly. Reassessment of their own sports opportunities will turn into a stabbing pain in the right hypochondrium.

Running is one of the best sports that allows you to improve your health and fitness. To sharp pain in the right side does not become an obstacle to regular training, it is important to revise your lifestyle, undergo a medical examination to exclude the presence of possible pathologies, and also observe certain rules in the running process.

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