Health, Medicine
Instructions for the use of "Ultraton". Apparatus "Ultratone": instructions for use, contraindications
Not so long ago, it was possible to obtain hardware physiotherapy only in specialized medical institutions. But today more and more medical devices are available for use at home. For example, the instruction for the use of "Ultraton" indicates that this device is intended for domestic use.
Treats ultratonotherapy
The effect of the electric field on the human body has been studied, I think, not yet well enough. Although in small quantities, currents of high, supra-tonal frequency have been used in the treatment of many diseases for quite some time. Physiotherapy, which uses an electric field or discharges at its core, exerts an effect on the human body due to the bioelectronic nature of tissues at the cellular level.
Company "Alma" - health in every house
In Barnaul, there is an enterprise whose sphere of activity is the production of medical equipment for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures. Many positions of the product line, developed and produced by Alma, are intended for use at home, in treatment and prevention clinics, rehabilitation centers, in cosmetic and treatment rooms, in veterinary clinics. So, the instruction on the use of "Ultraton", one of the devices produced by this enterprise, specifically stipulates this fact.
How does "Ultratone" work?
Many items of Alma products are in demand for home use, for example, the Ultratone. Instructions for the use of this therapeutic and prophylactic means in detail tells how to use it for specific purposes. But how does this electric mechanism work, that it has the ability to help in the fight against pain?
The basis of the action of "Ultraton" is the transformation of the electric voltage received from the household network into a high-voltage sinusoidal voltage of the supersonal frequency with the subsequent transformation of it into a corona discharge of the necessary force. This transformation takes place in the cylinder of one of the 7 nozzles, which is described in the instruction manual for the use of "Ultraton", and in the interval between the patient's body and the tip of the nozzle. Complex physical and electrochemical processes with the participation of inert gases filling the balloon of the nozzle allow obtaining several complementary therapeutic factors.
Than the apparatus of ultrathonotherapy treats
People who care about their health increasingly prefer equipment that can carry out physiotherapy at home, for example, the device "Ultraton-03-AMP." The instruction for the use of this device describes those therapeutic factors, the totality of which can be obtained by applying it in everyday life.
As the attachment of the apparatus approaches the body of the patient receiving the physiotherapy, the electrical circuit closes. The current of high frequency, which is of the order of 22 kHz, and the required therapeutic value passes through the nozzle cylinder, in which the inert gas acquires the properties of the electrical conductor, then through the air layer between the nozzle and the patient's body, through the tissues to which the physical confusion is directed, and through the patient's body closes to the ground. The result of this process is the corona discharge, which has a therapeutic effect by obtaining:
- Ozone;
- Nitrogen oxides;
- Heat;
- Ultraviolet radiation.
These medical components are formed in the air gap between the attachment and the body of the patient at the time of the corona discharge, which is the main reason for using the Ultraton-03-AMP apparatus. Instructions for use of the device describe the processes only briefly, without delving into the physicochemical features that occur inside the bulb of the nozzle and on the surface of the patient's body, as well as in cells of tissues exposed to the discharge. But all this complex of elements contributes to the activation of tissue cells, which makes it possible to obtain a therapeutic effect.
Of what the apparatus "Ultraton" consists
Instructions for the use of a physiotherapeutic device called "Ultraton" tells about what components the instrument consists of and how to operate it to obtain the desired result. These are the three main elements:
- Electronic device;
- Power cord;
- Replaceable electrodes.
The simplicity of the device's visible design for the user is a distinguishing feature of the Ultratone AMP-2INT device. The instruction for use pays special attention to the fact that the output voltage regulator is combined with a switch, which is practical and convenient to use.
When helps "Ultratone"
The instruction for the use of "Ultraton" describes in detail when the given physiotherapeutic device is used. According to numerous reviews of patients, the device for home physiotherapy showed excellent results in all the stated positions. Manufacturers recommend this drug in the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:
- Catarrhal inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
- flu;
- Inflammatory processes of the skin - acne, acne, boils;
- Dermatoses of different genesis;
- Wounds;
- Burns;
- Postoperative sutures;
- Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
- hemorrhoids;
- impotence;
- Varicosity;
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Hypertension 1 and 2 degrees;
- Pressure sores;
- Lymphostasis;
- bronchial asthma;
- Osteochondrosis;
- radiculitis;
- migraine;
- Neuritis;
- Neuralgia.
Instruction for use "Ultravit" recommends this device to use in veterinary medicine for the treatment of non-infectious diseases, with injuries and wounds in domestic animals.
Different attachments for different areas of exposure
Home physiotherapy is in demand more often, because it saves time on visiting specialized institutions for getting prescribed by a doctor procedures. The list of diseases, which the instruction on the use of "Ultraviton" tells about, presupposes various areas of physiotherapeutic influence. The greatest effectiveness of the application of this device allows you to obtain various attachments to it. In total, these nozzles, inside which there is a gas-filled bulb, the company produces 7 pieces.
- Vaginal, having parameters that meet the requirements for gynecological procedures;
- Head in the form of a scallop;
- Mushroom - the most in demand for work on the patient's body and for acupuncture procedures;
- Gum - with a special curved edge, comfortable when working in the mouth;
- Nasal - the thinnest nozzle, convenient for working in the nasal cavity, can be used for exposure to acupuncture points;
- Rectal attachment with a curved shape for the treatment of proctological and urological diseases;
- The earpiece has a conical shape limiting the probability of damage to the ear canal during the procedures.
All nozzles have the same principle of operation and differ only in the design feature that makes it possible to work in a certain zone as efficiently as possible. Therefore, the manufacturer supplies nozzles separately from the apparatus, and the consumer decides whether to purchase them in accordance with the expediency. For many families, some areas of application of the physiotherapeutic device are not in great demand, although the complete set of attachments, as the instructions for the use of "Ultraton" says , allows to obtain a highly effective set of procedures for ultrathonotherapy.
Is it always shown by physiotherapy "Ultravitone"
Physiotherapeutic procedures, like all other medical interventions, have their own characteristics. About them the instruction on the use of "Ultraton" tells. Contraindications to the use of this device are not as extensive as the indications for its use, but it is by no means impossible to ignore them. The device of ultrathonal therapy can not be used if the patient has:
- Neoplasms of any characteristic;
- Blood diseases;
- Diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
- Infectious diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
- Feverish conditions;
- Propensity to bleed, especially pulmonary;
- Myocardial infarction;
- Thrombosis in the acute stage;
- Embolism in the acute stage;
- Decompensated diseases of internal organs, including the heart and lungs.
Also the device "Ultratone" is not recommended for use during pregnancy. The field of application of the device of ultrathonal therapy can not be placed near a pacemaker or metallosteosynthesis.
Physiotherapy at home is an unquestionable help in preserving health for all family members.
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