
Buoy fertilizers - an integrated approach to plant nutrition

It is impossible to get a high-quality and rich crop without using fertilizers. Bui vitamins of fertility are among the most popular fertilizing for crops and flowers. Products are popular in Russia and abroad, its quality is confirmed by tests based on research institutes.

Fertilizer Features

One of the features that fertilizer fertilizers possess is versatility. Specialized vitamin complexes, top dressing are used to restore the balance of microelements contained in the soil, regardless of the type of culture grown before.

Another distinguishing feature of the distributed products is the variety of forms. Dry balanced mixtures, powders, granular substances, liquid and water-soluble agents facilitate the process of introducing nutrients into the ground, allowing them to penetrate deep into the earth massif.

Product range

All fertilizers are used in large farms, as well as in private garden and garden plots. The assortment of products is represented by the following species.

Organomineral substances are used to normalize the soil balance, they contain in their composition associated with the organic elements of minerals.

Organic products. Their base is organic raw materials - peat, sapropel, manure; The main advantage is the absence of pesticides.

Water-soluble complexes are used for drip irrigation, save time and manpower, without further processing penetrate deeper into the ground.

Specialty products are a buoy fertilizer for potatoes, vegetables, berries and other cultivated plants and even for lawns.

Liquid substances are in demand in horticulture, greenhouses for spraying.

Widely distributed and complex "vitamins of fertility", which contain all the basic for feeding flowers, vegetables and other crops, as part of a single molecular compound.

Balanced solutions

A special category is the production of WMU "Universal" - complex solutions that contain all the necessary micro- and macroelements, humic compounds and organomineral constituents.

It is possible to use such buoyant fertilizers when preparing the soil before planting, and after harvesting to restore the soil balance. When introduced into the soil, they perform a prolonged action - they "give off" nutrients to plants as they develop.

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