
Why do the embryos of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse, in the open ground?

Grow a good harvest of cucumbers under the force of even a very experienced dacha. Culture is quite unpretentious and does not require much attention to itself. However, sometimes the owners of suburban areas still have all sorts of questions about the proper care of these plants. For example, about why the cucumber embryos turn yellow. The reasons for this phenomenon can be several.

Low temperature

When grown outdoors, this is the most common cause of ovary failure. Cucumbers are heat-loving plants. Ovaries turn yellow and crumble already at daytime air temperature below +16 degrees. If at night the air cools down to + 10-12 degrees, all parts of the plant, including stems, leaves, flowers, begin to die off. Of course, in the central part of Russia this weather in the summer is quite rare. Therefore, the yellowing of the ovaries due to low temperature is a phenomenon more characteristic for Siberia. Perhaps, to save the harvest in this climatic zone, cucumbers will have to be covered with a film. It can be pulled on arcs made of thick wire or plastic pipes.


Very often summer residents are also interested in why the cucumber seeds in the greenhouse turn yellow . The reason in this case is exactly the opposite. Plants can be too hot. At an air temperature above +32 degrees, pollen in flowers loses its activity. That is, cucumbers simply do not pollinate. The problem in this case can be solved by regular airing of the hotbed.

Sometimes the answer to the question of why the embryos of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse is covered in the wrong selection of the variety. For a greenhouse, self-pollinating hybrids should be taken. After all, bees in the greenhouse fly very rarely. In the event that an error has already been committed and a "wrong" variety is planted, the problem can be tried to solve by attracting insects. To do this, throughout the greenhouse arrange saucers with sugar syrup. In them you need to arrange the male flowers of cucumbers. To bees were able to get inside the greenhouse, you should often open the transoms and doors.

Artificial pollination

If you can not attract enough bees, you can try the pollination procedure yourself. Do this from 6 to 10 am. It is during this period of time that the pollen of cucumbers is most active.

For pollination, you need to prepare a soft brush. It is carried out along the stamens of several male flowers. Then the pollen is transferred to female pistils. Soon after this procedure, a lot of ovaries will appear on the lashes. You can also use another method - to break a pair of male flowers and rub them female. Since pollen from cucumbers is sticky, this method can be even more effective.

Incorrect watering

Why do the cucumber seeds turn yellow? The answer to this question often lies in the non-observance of the technology of care for these plants. You should water the bushes with exceptionally warm water. Its temperature should be about +25 degrees. If it is lower, the plant will develop only male flowers. The existing ovaries for women will disappear.

To water cucumbers in cold days follows at lunch, in hot - in the morning and under the root. Yellow ovaries can not only from cold water, but also from lack of moisture. In this case, insufficient food is the reason for the fall of cucumbers.

Lack of micronutrients

Why do the embryos of cucumbers turn yellow and fall off even with good care? Another reason for this unpleasant phenomenon may be a shortage of trace elements. Especially often this problem also occurs in greenhouses. Usually dacha feeds plants with nitrogen, potassium and phosphoric fertilizers, while forgetting about trace elements such as boron, zinc, copper, manganese, etc. Therefore, to solve the problem of wilting the ovaries, you should try to feed the plants with complex fertilizer for garden crops or wood ash.

Also, the cause of poor development of embryos may be an overabundance in nitrogen soil. This macronutrient promotes the development of the green mass of plants: leaves and stems. It can slow the growth of the ovaries.

Formation of a bush

The answer to the question of why the embryos of cucumbers turn yellow in the open ground and in the greenhouse can also be included in the wrong cropping of plants. Modern varieties and hybrids can give just a huge number of ovaries. As a result, nutrients may not be enough for everyone. Yellowed ovaries in this case will hang on the plant dead weight. Therefore, it is so important to prun the cucumber. In the greenhouse, usually leave one main stem and several shoots. In open ground cucumbers are cut only slightly, and only if the number of ovaries on the whip exceeds 20-25 pieces.

Of course, it's time to tear up the grown-up greens. While they remain on the whip, new embryos will not develop.


This unpleasant disease can also cause why the cucumber embryos turn yellow and fall off. This infection usually affects up to 30% of the fetuses. At the same time on the ovaries and small cucumbers appear wet sores of yellow color. Afterwards, the fruits rot.

Bacterial infection is usually treated with 1% Bordeaux fluid. You can also use some kind of fungicide. For example, "Hom." This drug is diluted in an amount of 40 g per 10 liters. Spraying is carried out at a rate of 1 liter per 1 m 2 . Also it is necessary to tear off the withering female and male flowers.

To prevent bacterial infection, it is possible to warm up before planting seeds at a temperature of 60-70 degrees for 1-2 hours. You can also dress the planting material with TMTD in an amount of 3-4 g per kilogram. In autumn, from the beds, it is necessary to remove the entire tops. In particular, it is important to carry out this procedure in a greenhouse, where favorable conditions arise for the development of bacterial infections.

Why the cucumber embryos turn yellow on the balcony

Those who do not have their own summer residence, often grow this plant on loggias. Cucumbers - a culture unpretentious, and therefore feels very good in such conditions and can yield good harvests. However, sometimes the problem of yellowing the ovaries arises when growing on a balcony. The reasons for the fall of female flowers, and in this case there may be several.

As in the greenhouse, an answer to the question of why the embryos of cucumbers turn yellow on the loggia may become too high a temperature, no pollination or a shortage of trace elements.

Also this problem can arise, for example, due to a lack of nutrients. Tanks for cucumbers on the balcony should be used large enough (buckets, deep boxes, etc.). The earth in them is worth pouring greasy garden. It is also not bad to feed cucumbers in the early stages of development with the solution of the mullein, and on the later ones - complex mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.

Bacteriosis can also cause the embryos to fall, even though there seems to be no source of infection on the loggia. Warm up or disinfect the seeds before planting experienced summer residents are advised not in vain. Often the disease is covered in the planting material.

Thus, we have found out why the cucumber embryos turn yellow in hotbeds, on the balcony or in the open ground. The main reason for this phenomenon is, as you see, the wrong care. Also, such trouble can occur due to infection of plants and unfavorable weather conditions.

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