HealthAlternative Medicine

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies will help cure this disease very quickly

Inflammation of the bladder brings a lot of pain and is quite difficult in treating the disease. This is cystitis, in which you feel pain and discomfort. This rather serious disease should be treated immediately, as soon as the first symptoms appear. If you start this disease, it will start to progress, complications can arise. Symptoms of cystitis include pain during urination, besides this, very often you want to go to the toilet, sometimes you may feel fever and nausea. In the patient's urine, there may be blood or pus. Some drugs for the treatment of this disease have very undesirable side effects. Therefore, the best solution will be cystitis treatment with folk remedies. Medicinal plants will not harm the human body.

Combat cystitis will help herbal preparations, infusions and mixtures. So all the same, how to treat cystitis with folk remedies? For example, a collection of herbs helps very well. Mix five grams of leaves of a beautiful and very effective bearberry, birch buds. Add as many shoots of thuja and hernias. Mix all these ingredients and add one liter of water. Then boil the mixture for five minutes. Cooled and filtered medicinal broth drink all day, and necessarily hot.

To quickly recover, you can prepare a mixture of one teaspoon of ground onion, apple and honey. This mixture should be eaten 30 minutes before you are going to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. For each appointment you need to prepare a new mixture.

For those who have this disease already become chronic, they also apply cystitis treatment with folk remedies. Prepare a very effective tincture from the buds of aspen. Pour one part of the kidneys with ten pieces of vodka. Insist the medication for a few days. Then take it in the morning, afternoon and evening for 25 drops.

If pain or difficulty occurs during urination, then in this case it is necessary to treat cystitis with folk remedies. Elyon flowers fill with one glass of boiling water. It will take a tablespoon of flowers. Insist the mixture for an hour in a tightly-sealed container. Drink the infusion over a glass three times a day. To pass cystitis, treatment with folk methods in the case of this prescription should continue for two weeks. Then a break is done for a week, and the treatment is repeated again, if necessary.

Yarrow helps fight cystitis. Pour a tablespoon with a hill of yarrow grass with one glass of freshly boiled water and put the infusion into a dark place for an hour. At one time you need to drink a fourth of a glass of filtered infusion. There should be four such receptions per day. Drink the broth before eating.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies helps without any negative consequences, as soon as possible, to relieve the patient of pain and discomfort. Very often during cystitis the kidney becomes inflamed, and it is even more dangerous, and the pain is simply unbearable added. Finely cut the roots of dog rose. Take from there two tablespoons and dip into a glass of boiled water, after which continue to boil the miracle cure for another fifteen minutes. To insist on the medicine should be a couple of hours. After that, it can be used for treatment. Filtered infusion drink half a cup before meals four times a day.

Very many diseases are treated with chamomile. It tastes good, and it removes inflammation perfectly. Mix one part chamomile and horsetail field, and then pour the mixture with boiled water and insist for an hour. After that, the broth can and should be drunk slowly and slowly, making tiny sips. As soon as you remember, immediately drink the broth, the more, the better. For the whole day you will have time to do a lot in the treatment of the disease, if you do not forget about the miracle-infusion. This is a very good remedy for pain during urination.

Of course, before treating all these drugs, be sure to visit a doctor and consult about your illness and its treatment. After all, the disease is serious, and mistakes are unacceptable. Take the necessary tests to find out what condition your health is in. And after that you are treated with the above described recipes, effective and affordable. Start treating cystitis in time, so that later it does not go into chronic form, which is much worse.

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