LawHealth and Safety

A dangerous situation is ... Classification of dangerous situations

A significant number of the modern population of the Earth lives in cities. However, many forget that, despite all the benefits they provide, these are places of increased danger. Typical features of modern cities traditionally can be considered a significant number of people, industrial enterprises and vehicles. All these circumstances force us to act in accordance with established and established safety rules. Such measures allow to provide not only personal security, but also protection of all those around you. At any time in a life of each person the dangerous situation is capable to develop. This, for example, can be a traffic accident, a fire or some criminal situation. In the material presented below, not only the classification of dangerous situations will be considered, but also ways to avoid them or eliminate them.


The concept of "dangerous situation" implies a special combination of circumstances that can lead to accidents, disasters and other disasters. At present, the causes of the appearance of such states are mostly of anthropogenic nature. After all, a significant number of considered circumstances arise as a result of a person's non-compliance with established rules of conduct. On the other hand, the notion of "dangerous situation" can be characterized as follows: this is a particularly difficult situation, as a result of which a negative impact on the life and health of people can be caused. However, this interaction involves not only the population of the planet, but also the environment.

Classification of dangerous situations

The whole set of the above described events is traditionally divided into three main categories: natural, technogenic and social. The first include all sorts of natural disasters, as well as epidemics, leading to a change in the biological state of the environment. In turn, the second category includes catastrophes associated with vehicles. For example, accidents on the railway tracks, highways and so on. Socially dangerous situations are characterized by political disagreements and all kinds of conflicts of interest.

Causes and sources

As it was mentioned earlier, the emergence of dangerous situations is mostly due to non-observance of the rules and safety precautions of a person. Nevertheless, modern scientists also highlight a number of factors that are not related to the actions of individuals. Let's consider some of them in more detail. At present, there is a certain classification, which allows us to divide the causes of dangerous situations into two main categories: natural and artificial. The first traditionally include all possible manifestations of mother nature. For example, earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc., as well as cosmic activity in the form of solar radiation and various celestial bodies, such as comets, meteorites and so on. In turn, the second category includes the causes of dangerous situations that arise as a result of anthropogenic sources. Among the latter, traditionally disasters are of anthropogenic nature, military actions, social threats and so on.

Technogenic risks

To begin with, consider the factors that may lead to such a dangerous situation. This is primarily all kinds of objects of the material and cultural environment that affect the person. For example, vehicles, explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials. After all, they pose a threat with a special impact of certain factors, including elevated temperature and pressure, catalyst compounds, electric current, as well as all kinds of radiation (acoustic, electromagnetic, ionizing) and so on. The above characteristics gave the name to the whole group - dangerous technogenic situations.

Natural disasters

Such situations can arise as a result of inattentive and incorrect attitude to the peculiarities of the environment (for example, to the conditions of the region of residence). On the other hand, the threat to life and health of people, property and natural resources takes place due to non-compliance with the rules of conduct at various times of the year.

Socially dangerous situations

This category of sources of threat appears as a result of violation of rules of public order or personal security. As mentioned earlier, the causes of such dangerous situations include conflicts of interest, political differences and other aspects of social life.

Combined Sources

Human life is traditionally considered a complex and multifaceted process, therefore, threats to it are often diverse. Causes, in turn, can be composed of several factors belonging to different groups. The result of such interactions is mixed or combined sources. It is because of them in the modern world there is an additional classification. It includes three groups: natural-technogenic, natural-social and socio-technogenic sources. Let's list the features of each category.


The considered dangerous situation is the result of mixing of natural phenomena and factors caused by human life activity. At present, many problems arise as a result of acid rain, smog, reduction of soil fertility, dust storms and other troubles.


This group combines natural phenomena and social aspects. As an example, we can name global epidemics of the most dangerous infectious diseases. Surely many people have heard about avian and swine flu or the Ebola virus. This category also includes drug addiction and many sexually transmitted diseases, as well as cancer and AIDS.


The considered dangerous situation is a symbiosis of social aspects and features of human life activity. This specific category is characterized by occupational injuries and diseases, as well as psychological abnormalities that may arise as a result of production activities. Strangely enough, this group includes the massive mental disorders that arise in the process of influencing the human subconscious of the media or special technical equipment.

Personal protective measures

After studying the characteristics of the circumstances under consideration, attention should also be paid to an important aspect called "Behavior in hazardous situations". After all, it often depends on it to preserve your health and even survival. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

As a rule, in order to minimize the negative consequences that can arise as a result of dangerous situations, it is necessary to learn to constantly pay attention to one's own personal security. This is not only cautious behavior in public places, but also the ability to avoid danger and to anticipate possible threats. In addition, of course, you need to know the basic rules of conduct in extreme circumstances.

How can this be learned?

Most modern people do not have innate instincts that would allow them to avoid such moments or eliminate all sorts of risks. Meanwhile, dangerous situations in life are waiting for us literally at every step. For example, accidents involving a variety of transport, social disagreements and other conflicts that can lead to an environment that threatens the normal activities of each person. So, how to avoid such moments? Of course, like many other wisdoms, this can be learned. It should be remembered that the so-called basics of life safety are taught to us in the general education school.

State structures

Currently, in each country there is a certain list of services, which should be addressed as a result of the emergence of a particular dangerous situation. Traditionally, this is fire protection, police, medical assistance, as well as emergency gas service. Nevertheless, even with successful treatment in any of the above bodies, you must protect yourself as much as possible from the negative impact of the damaging factor. Let's see what is necessary for this.

Fundamental rules

In order to protect yourself from unforeseen events, you should teach yourself how to behave safely. And for this, in turn, it is important to know a few rules. To begin with, you need to mentally prepare yourself for correct actions in extreme and extreme circumstances. In no case should you succumb to panic. Learn to solve situational problems. For example, choose from the media a few complex moments, the solution of which may require you to be collected and correct actions. 5 dangerous situations will be enough. Then identify the source and nature of the threat. After that it is necessary to determine the main directions and ways of solving such situations. Compare the methods you selected with the commonly used ones. Assess the correctness of your thinking. In addition to the above actions, the following rules must also be taken into account. Keep improving your fitness all the time. It's unlikely that you will be able to make any decisions without proper skills. Consequently, playing sports, as well as tempering the body will be especially useful. Constantly bring up strong-willed qualities. However, the ability to remain calm, sane and balanced in any situation will not be superfluous. The above qualities will help you find the most rational ways to solve the problem in the most difficult situation. In addition, it is necessary not only to know, but also to possess a sufficient set of various habits and skills in the field of life safety. Such a system of rules for each person's behavior in everyday life significantly reduces the likelihood of a dangerous situation, and also reduces the level of damage caused.


Many of us are of the opinion that nothing bad will happen to them. This, of course, is commendable, because a positive attitude makes our life fairly simple and interesting. Nevertheless, troubles at a certain moment can overtake each of us. However, the severity of the possible consequences that hit the head of the unfortunate person will depend only on readiness for rational and competent actions.

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