Spiritual developmentMystic

What is the meaning of the name Ravil

The meaning of the name Ravil, very popular among the Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis and Tatars, the anthroponomy has not yet been accurately established. It is known that the word itself is borrowed from the Hebrew language. But what does the name Ravil mean? It is assumed that it can have three meanings: "young man", "wanderer", "spring sun". Surprisingly, the character of men with this name fully meets all three translations. As a child, all Ravili - affectionate, obedient, funny and smart. Despite the constant willingness to happily carry out assignments of adults and take part in children's pranks, Ravil still more often watches than participates.

The meaning of the name Ravil implies the preservation of youthful immediacy throughout life. Those born in the summer often build unrealistic plans, dream and fantasize, than sometimes irritate their loved ones. Despite fantastic dreams, Ravil always has time to do something useful. He stands firmly on his feet and never fails to face difficulties. Even the failures that "summer" Ravili perceive excessively emotionally, will not force them to retreat. The meaning of the name Ravil for those born in the winter is somewhat different. These young men are distinguished by their desire to protect the weak, to resolve the conflict, to build a career. As emotions in such people are balanced by perseverance, courage and powerful intuition, "winter" Ravili usually achieve great success in life. The meaning of the name proves that they quickly find the original solution to any conflict. Do you need a good diplomat, an able mediator? Find a man called Ravil.

The Meaning of Ravil: Relation to the Family

Ravil has the soul of a migratory bird. He is constantly attracted by the road, foreign countries, new places. That is why many boys choose professions associated with frequent travel or travel. But even the "sedentary" Ravili constantly dream of traveling, are interested in other countries, read a lot about them. With birds, Ravil also shares the ability to build his own nest. Wherever this person lives, he can always arrange a cozy and very comfortable home. Perhaps, for this reason, Ravili marries late: if a man does not have a well-equipped house and a settled life, he will never marry. Only having reached a high standard of living, the young man leads his wife into the house. The woman chosen by Ravil will not only have to love him sincerely (Ravil feels acute insincerity), but also to maintain the house in perfect order. True, her husband will always help her. Ravili are excellent builders, are well versed in agriculture, they are able to earn in other areas. Children in the family of Ravil never need anything, although most of the time in a family with men with that name of children is very much. He brings up sons as real men and is very proud of them, and spoils daughters and presents gifts. Ravil almost from childhood thinks about old age, so he first earns money, then builds a career, then marries, gets children and earns money again. So the old age of these men is really assured.

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