Spiritual developmentMystic

Is it real to learn how to move your astral body

The journey that takes place in the astral plane is to move one's consciousness to subtle worlds that exist either parallel to the material space or temporary. There are three types of displacement, during which the astral body of a person leaves his physical shell - this is a conscious astral (or lucid dreams - OS), unconscious astral and dream.

It is clear that in order to intentionally fall into the astral plane, it is necessary to learn. Unintentional, or unintended exits to other worlds most often become a surprise for a person, or he simply does not have time to understand what happened to him. Sleep is a special form of astral displacement, and in order to become the master of one's dreams, one must practice in this matter.

So, for a conscious move to more subtle material levels, it is necessary to carry out very thorough preparation. In order for the astral body to properly separate from the physical, and at the same time, this experience did not bring negative consequences, it is important to choose a qualified and professional mentor who himself repeatedly used similar techniques. But in any case, before the beginning of such travels you need to prepare your spiritual world. This is in meditation, balanced nutrition, as well as in the whole list of rules and regulations, which you can familiarize with at the amateur paranormal forum.

Everyone can unknowingly release his astral body into a subtle world. It is believed that such moments can occur when an individual needs support, advice, or simply in rest. Only a person with a bright soul, a person who believes in another mind, can enter into the astral travel in a nondifferent way. Although it is not uncommon for people who have been very skeptical of esotericism to "fail" into the astral.

In a dream, the astral body is also separated from the material, and in any case makes a journey. There is a hypothesis that sleep is a world without time. Dreams of a person can give him an answer to a question or a problem that arose in the past, but can tell him about future events. Any dream that "broadcasts" in the human subconscious has its place in real life, it is important only to listen properly to yourself and intelligently decipher the message of your second "I".

It is worth remembering that you can deliberately go to the subtle worlds only in good spirits. In no case should you leave your earthly body under the influence of drugs, as well as in "deadlock" situations, when irritation and bitterness take precedence over behavior. In such cases, the astral body can behave in the most unexpected way, which will lead to undesirable consequences.

Most often, experienced esotericists release their astral body into a parallel world for self-improvement, self-knowledge and spiritual development. Traveling to the astral from the amators' point of view is to find answers to material, terrestrial questions. However, for whatever purpose a person moves in time and space, he must adhere to the rules and not violate the earthly and heavenly laws.

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