Spiritual development, Mystic
What does hexagram 24 mean?
"I Ching", "Book of Changes", "Canon of Changes" - this text is known under a variety of versions of the title. Ancient Chinese fortune-telling system has reached our days and still helps many to understand their life.
Principles of divination "I-ching"
The "Book of Changes" describes 64 symbols called hexagrams, each of which conveys a certain state. They are a column of six lines, called yao. Hexagram can also be represented as a combination of two trigrams - columns of three lines. Each has its own name and serial number (for example, in this article we consider the hexagram Fu at number 24).
The nature of the lines in "I-ching"
The lines of yao are of two types: solid or discontinuous. As in many other cultural traditions, the twin separation is meant to reflect the duality of this world. The solid line symbolizes the Yang energy - active state, light, sun, day, man. The intermittent line is responsible for the Yin energy - the passive state, the darkness, the moon, the night, the woman. You also need to know that solid lines are also called nines, and interrupted - six. If you ever get an unfamiliar interpretation of "I-ching" - do not be surprised where the text suddenly came from sixes and nine.
Hexagrams are written and read from below. The gradual transition from line to line symbolizes the development of a situation about which they are guessing. The first line is the origin of the process, the last is its completion and transformation into another, sometimes quite the opposite process (just in case of 23 and 24 hexagrams). The "Book of Changes" by its name alone hints that the order of hexagrams is a collection of situations that change their nature and flow into each other. The change follows the change.
How to guess on the "I-ching"
The version of fortune telling, which has survived to the present day, is slightly modified and simplified in comparison with the classical one. If you fully adhere to the tradition, then, imagine, for guessing you need 50 yarrow stalks. With the help of cunning arithmetic manipulations and shifting from hand to hand you will get several beams with different number of stems. The shape of the line is determined from these bundles.
To simplify your life, use the modern version of divination and take three coins - ordinary or Chinese with a hole in the middle. It is desirable that these coins you used solely for divination, then they will accumulate your energy. The use of special objects for rituals always helps to switch from everyday life to the process of communication with higher powers.
Use of coins in "I-ching"
Determine which side of the coin will denote the solid line, and which - the intermittent. If you use Chinese coins, then the side with hieroglyphs is considered to be the Yin, that is, the corresponding intermittent line. The other side is responsible for the yang (solid line). It is logical to assume that on our coins the eagle will be responsible for the yang man's energy, and tails for the female Yin.
Shake the coins in your hand or in a bamboo cup and throw it out on a flat surface. While shaking coins try to clear the mind and tune into the process. You can ask a question or mentally describe the situation that bothers you. Then throw out the coins.
If 2 or 3 coins fell the Jan side up - draw a solid line, if the Yin - intermittent. Coins are thrown 6 times and draw a hexagram from the bottom up. In the case of the hexagram 24, for the first time the coins fell out from the Jan side, and all the other five times fell on the Yin side upward. What does it mean?
The value of hexagram 24
Hexagram Fu is a solid line on which two columns of intermittent lines grow. Only the first bottom line is one-piece.
The main meaning of the sign under number 24 is the return. Key words and symbols - freshness, clean water, renewal. If the previous, 23rd hexagram symbolizes a coup on its head, hexagram 24 returns everything to its proper place. It can be compared with a cyclic passage of time - everything changes, but in fact it remains the same and just moves around in a circle.
The return does not occur without renewal, even if we enter the same water twice, we enter it by another - more experienced and wise. Water is flushing from you the dust of everyday life, and you are ready for new achievements. The dark strip is over, then you are lucky. This especially applies to people going on a trip: the hexagram traditionally patronizes travelers and promises a safe return home. Even if you get lost and get out of the way, says the book "I-ching", you will still return to your, the only true road. Note that this metaphorical statement refers not only to travel as such. This is about the life situation in general.
The interpretation of the hexagram also says that errors can always be corrected. If the error is small, then the return to the sources will be easy and inconspicuous. You will be proud of yourself because you noticed in time that the process is not going well, stopped it and started anew. But even if the error is old and requires the accumulation of a significant amount of personal energy to solve it, still try to do it. The sign of Fu predicts a favorable outcome in any situation, no matter how confusing it may be.
Hexagram 24: Interpretation of love relationships
As you may have guessed, the symbolism of return concerns also love affairs. Most likely, old connections can be restored. Uncomfortable situations are forgotten and erased from memory, feelings are updated. In your life your romantic interest will return from the past, and the past will break out with a new passion. But what does hexagram 24 mean for relationships that last long? Will your previous novel come to light, even if you have long ago found your chosen one and built a strong alliance?
In this case, the hexagram dictates that it is time to transfer your relationship to a new level. Perhaps you like you will see each other again and remember why you chose your chosen one. Why did the partner choose you? From time to time you must answer yourself to these questions again and again, and the dropped hexagram 24 shows that now is the time.
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