LawRegulatory Compliance

Labor contract with an employee as a way of regulating labor relations

A well thought out and properly designed text of the agreement is a guarantee of fruitful and mutually beneficial relations. But few employers pay due attention to its drafting. Common phrases and absolutely meaningless language are used, which are used in most such agreements. Of course, in free access an example of an employment contract with an employee can be found on the Internet, but to make a legally competent document, its adaptation to a specific organization is required.

Why make a contract?

This is a legal document that is a bilateral agreement between the employer and the worker, where the obligations of the parties are legally fixed:

  • The employment contract with the employee clearly stipulates the internal order of the enterprise, which the employee must observe.
  • In an agreement of this type, the labor functions and the official duties of the subordinate are determined.
  • An employment contract with an employee controls his actions, thereby enabling him to take disciplinary and material measures.

Such a legal instrument is required to protect the rights of the worker. Before signing a paper, it is recommended to study it in detail. It is the workers' labor contract that will serve as the main document that will help prove the wrongful actions on the part of the employer.

What should be indicated

- Full name of the employer;

- Full name of the applicant;

- place of work;

- position, professional functions and labor obligations;

- the specified period of the contract;

- the amount of labor salary and the tariff rate ;

- labor protection provided by the employer;

- annual leave and its duration;

- mode and amount of working time;

- social insurance.

Additional conditions:

- probationary period ;

- combination of posts ;

- additional payments;

- training.

An employment contract with an employee is concluded in writing and serves as an actual admission to the production process. In this case, it is considered valid, regardless of the official registration. If the worker has started to work without signing the contract, then it can be issued within the next three days from the moment of commencement of his activity.

Usually the employment contract with the employee is made at the main place of the production process. It is also possible to arrange an agreement on a temporary place of work, in combination with homeworkers.

Change in conditions of an earlier agreement

The Labor Code allows changes in working conditions without changing its specifics. At the same time, the worker must be notified about them no later than two months before they come into force. In case of his refusal to work on new conditions in writing, the higher management is obliged to propose, in accordance with the qualifications and state of health of the employee, similar activities at the enterprise. You should know that various kinds of changes should be argued, otherwise it is considered a violation of the contract and allows you to apply with the claim to the court.

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