
"Citrolux": instructions for use, reviews, analogues and forms of release

Now we have to find out with you what a drug such as Citrolux is. Instructions for use, customer testimonials, as well as possible analogues of the funds will be presented to your attention. After all, it is always important for consumers to know what the doctor prescribes to them. Maybe some medicine can be replaced or even abandoned. Let us start studying the question as soon as possible.


What should I pay attention to in the first place? For example, the description of the "Citrolux". The instruction for use says that this drug is nothing but special drops. And they are designed for oral administration. Honestly, if you consider this product as a medicine, then it raises doubts.

In any case, doctors often quite often prescribe Citrolux. Especially such prescriptions are prescribed by therapists and pediatricians. So let's study all the details concerning this medicine. Maybe it really is worthy of attention? Or is it not worth looking at him or her analogues?


Indications for use are another important point that patients are often interested in. Practice shows that many doctors simply prescribe some medications, as they say, for prevention. And in order not to think again, and whether to buy a drug, buyers are interested in the recommendations written on the package.

About the drug "Citrolux" instruction for use says that this drug can be called a universal tool in the fight against viruses. It is recommended for lack of vitamins in the body, as well as for the treatment / prevention of ARVI and other viral diseases. So there is no specifics, so you can not be afraid to buy this product. In addition, you are always able to independently "prescribe" to yourself this medicine in order to improve immunity.

It can also be noted that this particular drug is recommended for use during epidemics of influenza and other viral diseases. This does not mean that you can use the "Citrolux" drops without any measures. Instructions for use strongly recommend that you follow a certain dosage.

Who should not take the medicine

True, this drug has its contraindications. Fortunately, there are not so many of them. So, you can always decide for yourself whether you are allowed a reception or not.

It is not recommended to administer "Citrolux" drops to children under 7 years of age. In other words, preschoolers should refrain from admission. In addition, this medicine is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. With individual intolerance to citrus or vitamin C, Citrolux is also prohibited. Hypersensitivity and predisposition to allergies are regular contraindications to this product. On this list ends. As you can see, there is nothing special about this.


The preparation "Citrolux" instructions for use can fit in just one line. But in order to achieve the maximum result, we must follow a number of certain rules. To tell you the truth, consumers quite often violate the whole algorithm of reception, and the dosage as well. But there was no negative effect on the body for all this.

According to the instruction, children aged 7 years and older should be given 28 drops of the drug 2 times a day, preferably after or during meals. It is recommended to dilute the substance in water or juice (100-200 milliliters). Adult dose is increased - 40 drops 2 times a day by a similar principle.

The average duration of treatment is 1 month. True, this gap can be either increased or decreased. It all depends on the doctor's prescription. If you decide to take Citrolux, which is often encouraged, in order to prevent viral diseases, it is enough to dilute 30 drops of the drug in a glass of water or any other drink and drink it once a day. Nothing complicated, right?


If we talk about what customers receive Citrolux, then the factor, such as its price, plays an important role here. And this is not surprising, because most drugs have a high cost, and the effect of their application is simply awful. And how are things going with us?

In truth, everything is not as good as we would like. After all, the drug "Citrolux" price, according to customers, is overstated. Especially if you take into account the fact that it's not so much a medicine as the most common vitamins. For one small package, the money will have to be paid from 610 rubles. Suffices it for 4 days of use to a child of 7 years. A large packing of the equipment will cost 2,000 rubles. As you can see, this is not the most economical way to combat the vitamin C deficiency in the body. Now we know what is the drug "Citrolux" price. Is it worth giving such money for an ordinary preventive remedy?

Customer's opinion

Doctors insist that the drug is worth it. But here buyers about the tool "Citrolux" reviews are not very good. They are not horrible, but not so beautiful as to not look for analogues of the remedy. For example, most often complain about the form of release and cost. This product is available in droplets, but only in different volumes. There is a small bottle (20 milliliters) and a large (50 milliliters). And this option does not suit everyone. With long-term therapy, you will have to buy a lot of complete "Citrolux" packages. About what will be the total cost, and we can not speak.

But the effect of the drug is not bad. Many people say that it was this medicine that helped to strengthen immunity (especially to children), and also saved from viral diseases during epidemics. But any expensive drug has a less expensive counterpart. And now we will get acquainted with the possible options.


With viral diseases, you can use any additional source of vitamin C. Perhaps the cheapest option is ascorbic acid. You can also eat citrus fruits, especially grapefruits. But if you want all the same to drink vitamins and drugs, and not engage in people's immunity increase, then the product "Complivit" is quite suitable. Here you can include the drug "Alphabet", children's vitamins "Jungle", as well as the "Duovit".

In principle, any complex of vitamins and minerals that can be purchased at a pharmacy is suitable. And it does not matter, it will be a drug "Citrocept" or "Citrolux". If you use an analog, the effect will be approximately the same. The question is only in your personal preferences. Choose the remedy that seems most appropriate for you, then start boosting your immunity.

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