
The vaccine "Ultriks": the manufacturer, the instruction. What is the difference between the vaccines "Ultriks" and "Grippol"?

The population faces epidemics of influenza annually. In comparison with the symptoms of other common acute respiratory diseases, the symptoms of an illness are among the heaviest. Recently, many are interested in methods that will help to protect themselves and prevent the development of the disease. Among the available options grafting is not the last place. Experts say that the vaccine "Ultriks" Can significantly increase the resistance of the organism to attacks of pathogenic pathogens.

General description of the vaccine

"Ultriks" is an inactivated solution containing influenza viruses of several strains: A / H1N1, A / H3N2 and B, cultured on chicken proteins. One dose contains 15 μg hemagglutinin of each type of virus. According to the official instruction, as an auxiliary agent sometimes used Mertiolate (preservative). The composition of the vaccine varies every year and contains mutated viruses in several previous years, which allows to protect the body from an "unfamiliar" infection.

Large-scale clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of the drug. A feature of the vaccine is the presence of pseudovirus particles in the composition, which stimulate the production of immunity at the cellular level. This provides longer protection against the influenza pathogen. The vaccine against the flu "Ultrix" (the manufacturer - "Microgen", Russia) is produced in syringes and ampoules, which contain a colorless liquid (0.5 ml).

Who is vaccinated?

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the vaccination is indicated to persons at risk:

  • Children (starting from 6 years old).
  • People who are often sick with acute respiratory diseases.
  • Employees of medical institutions, kindergartens, schools, universities.
  • Patients with diseases of the endocrine system, the heart.
  • Persons older than 60 years.
  • Patients with somatic pathologies.

Influenza is a particularly contagious viral disease, and infection occurs even with prolonged contact with the patient. Every year a huge number of people suffer from this ailment and various complications: pneumonia, meningitis, otitis, encephalitis.

Vaccination is the most effective way of preventing infection with the virus. The procedure is recommended for doctors to conduct every year, but at the same time the vaccination is not mandatory and is done purely at will.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Vaccines against influenza have been created for more than half a century, and the composition of preparations is improving annually. Despite this, the vaccine does not give full protection from the virus. A person even after it can get sick, and in some cases the illness proceeds in severe form. Ultrikhs anti-influenza vaccine is effective only for 12 months. According to experts, it provides good body protection, but after a while, vaccination should be repeated.

Many patients are concerned about the presence of preservatives in the vaccine. This fact often becomes the main reason for refusal of vaccination, especially if it is a child. To avoid the negative consequences of the introduction of the vaccine, you should first get a consultation from your doctor, find out the contraindications to the procedure.

"Ultrix" (vaccine): instructions

The manufacturer recommends that you vaccinate annually to protect yourself from the severe course of the influenza virus and further complications. The procedure should be carried out in the autumn-winter period. Also, grafting will be effective at the beginning of the aggravation of the epidemiological situation.

If the integrity or marking is violated, the syringe is considered to be defective and can not be used to administer the drug. Also, special attention should be paid to the liquid for injection. Normally, it should be transparent, and the appearance of sediment, the colors indicate non-compliance with storage conditions and shelf life. Before the manipulation itself, shake the contents of the syringe and remove the air, slowly pressing the piston.

The procedure is carried out under strict antiseptic conditions. The ampoule with the vaccine before opening is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in ethyl alcohol (70%). After opening the ampoule, the solution is taken into a new syringe and the remaining air is removed. The place of introduction of the vaccine (the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder) is treated with an antiseptic, after which the injection itself is done.

Vaccination of children with Ultrix vaccine

The need to vaccinate children against influenza is in question not only in most parents, but also in some specialists. Inactivated Ultrix vaccine is used in pediatrics, but only for children older than 6 years. Preliminary it is necessary to pass inspection and to exclude all contraindications for carrying out of manipulation.

Do a child vaccinate against the flu virus, should be decided only by the parents. If the child does not attend educational institutions (kindergarten, general education or sports school), then perhaps, the manipulation should be postponed for the next year. Recommended procedure for children who go to school and are prone to frequent colds.


The vaccine can be administered only if the patient is healthy, he does not have signs of acute respiratory infections, colds, flu. Before manipulation, body temperature should be measured, and if the indicator is above 37 ° C, grafting is prohibited.

Contraindicated vaccine in the presence of a history of the patient allergic reactions to previous vaccinations. The patient may have an individual intolerance to the chicken protein or other components of the agent. Postpone for a while, vaccination against influenza should be accompanied by exacerbation of chronic diseases. Inoculation during breastfeeding is unacceptable.

Do I need a flu vaccination?

Even the immunologists and virologists themselves do not have a single opinion on the need for vaccination against influenza. On the one hand, the procedure allows at least a short time to protect the body from a serious illness, on the other - there is a risk of side effects.

The advantage of grafting is a significant reduction in the number of cases of infection. If the infection with the virus still happened, the vaccine against the flu "Ultrix" will help to transfer the disease much easier. In some situations, the disease can even flow in a latent form. Vaccination showed good results - the death rate from influenza and its complications decreased significantly.

Could there be complications?

Withdrawal from vaccination in most cases lies fear of the development of side effects and deterioration of health. The manufacturer of the vaccine "Ultrix" warns that such a situation is possible. After vaccination, allergic response of the immune system to the components of the drug may occur. Most often there is redness and swelling at the injection site. Within a day after the procedure, the local reaction must pass.

Some patients experienced side effects in the form of symptoms of infection with the influenza virus the next day after the manipulation. Parents should be aware that when the body temperature rises in the baby, the appearance of weakness after vaccination should seek medical help (ambulance or ambulance).

"Ultriks" in pregnancy

According to the instructions, no studies have been conducted on the effect of the components of the vaccine on the course of pregnancy and development of the fetus. Doctors are recommended to be vaccinated during pregnancy planning. In the first 12 weeks, there is a laying of vital organs in the baby, so administering the vaccine is extremely dangerous and undesirable. There are situations, for example, a high risk of infection, when the introduction of influenza vaccine is possible from the second trimester. In this case, it is allowed to use exclusively inactivated vaccine.

At the same time, experts say that the risk of developing any deviations from the fetus even after vaccination at the initial period of pregnancy is almost zero, but influenza infection can lead to severe deformities and anomalies. In any case, the need for vaccination should be determined by the attending physician.

What is the difference between the vaccines "Ultriks" and "Grippol"?

Currently, there is a wide choice of means for vaccination against influenza, both domestic and imported. The UltriX vaccine contains both internal and surface antigens of influenza A and B viruses, which makes it one of the most effective. No less effective is the vaccine "Grippol", which is produced on the territory of Russia and Uzbekistan. The composition for injection is somewhat different and in addition to strains of the influenza virus contains polyoxidonium. The substance has a powerful detoxification and immunomodulatory effect.

What will be better vaccine - "UltriX" or "Grippol" - should be decided by the attending physician. It should be borne in mind that "Grippol" can be used to vaccinate babies from 6 months already. Also, clinical studies have shown that the drug is absolutely safe for women in the position. Vaccination is carried out only in vaccination rooms. After the procedure, the specialist should observe the patient's condition within half an hour.

Expert opinion

In the period of aggravation of the flu epidemic, an increasing number of people start to think about the need for vaccination. Indeed, vaccination is capable, if not fully protected from the disease, then significantly reduce the severity of the course of the disease. The vaccine against the flu "Ultriks" has proved itself on the positive side and is popular with both doctors and patients. The composition of the preparation is selected so that the effects of the application are reduced to a minimum and do not cause adverse reactions.

Having decided to get vaccinated, it is necessary to have a preliminary examination, to exclude the presence of contraindications to a certain remedy. The vaccine "Ultriks" for vaccination can be used annually. Developers are constantly improving the composition, which allows you to get protection against the most common strains of the influenza virus.

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