News and Society, Culture
The political question: how many Tatars in Crimea
Those who are interested in the situation and trends in the development of new Russian regions know that the situation in this territory is traditionally influenced by national minorities. Or rather one of them, namely, the Crimean-Tatar population. Let's look at the nuances of the question. It is suggested to see how many Tatars in the Crimea, and also whether they influence the political trends of the peninsula.
Strict statistics
It must be said that studies concerning the population have not been conducted for a long time on the territory of Ukraine (to which the peninsula used to belong). More or less accurately, the question of how many Tatars live in the Crimea, you can answer in figures thirteen years ago. The census was conducted in 2001. According to her, 2 033 700 people lived on the peninsula, 24.32% were Crimean Tatars. The trends of further dynamics can only be predicted, based on different fertility and mortality rates in ethnic groups. There is no precise data, but it is possible to assume with a high probability that the percentage ratio has now changed in favor of the people in question. It is known that the increase in the Crimean-Tatar population is estimated at just under one percent per year.
A bit of history
Some sources say that earlier this people was the main one on the peninsula. If we set out to find out how many Tatars lived in the Crimea in different periods, we get the following data. They began to settle in the thirteenth century. Approximately two centuries, their numbers have increased significantly. Science believes that at that time a third of the population of Crimea belonged to this ethnos. The change in the level of the ratio was facilitated by the fact that Tatars themselves traded not only in agriculture and cattle breeding, but also in the slave trade.
Are all the Crimean Tatars?
There is still a small nuance concerning modernity and influencing the processes. Studying how many Crimean Tatars in the Crimea, you will invariably stumble upon the heterogeneity of the people. So, some of their tribesmen belong to a different branch, so to speak. On the peninsula, about half the percentage of the population refers to the Kazan Tatars. And this is a completely different nationality. In the same environment of the Crimean Tatars, there is also a stratification. They are divided into three large groups, due to places of settlement of ancestors: coast, steppe or mountains. On the political cohesion of the people this fact affects little, mainly - on household relations.
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