Health, Diseases and Conditions
Snot with blood in children and adults
A healthy person does not have snot. This is confirmed by ENT doctors. Nasopharynx is arranged so that on its surface there is a mucous membrane that develops a secret. Thanks to mucus, performing protective functions, viruses, bacteria, foreign particles and aerosols can not penetrate into the body of a healthy person. Of course, this is a wonderful property, but sometimes there can be situations, because of which the mucosa ceases to perform its functions.
So, with damage to the mucous membrane due to some disease, discharge appears from the nasal cavity, characterized by a different color and density, which depends on the type of disease.
The appearance of such a symptom as a snot with blood is very likely due to a rhinitis-inflammation of the nasal mucosa, when the mucous membrane of the nose is damaged. The cause of the appearance of blood discharge from the nasal cavity can serve as inflammation of the nasal mucosa, leading to damage to small vessels of the nasal cavity located directly below it.
The cause of the appearance of blood with snot can become bursting sosudiki. If a person has weak capillary walls, the vessels can burst even from a minor effect. Here the preparation "Ascorutin" (strengthens the vascular wall) will help.
Another cause may be increased blood pressure. If you often blow your nose with blood and you have hypertension - perhaps it's in it. A visit to the therapist and taking antihypertensive drugs will help to solve the problem.
If the snot with blood appears in the presence of high fever and headache, then it is very likely that this symptom is a consequence of sinusitis, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, in other words, inflammation of the nasal sinuses located in different parts of the face and called the location, respectively.
The appearance of nasal mucus with blood secretions in young children
Young children also sometimes have problems with the appearance of mucous secretions, or, in other words, snot with blood are observed. Usually this happens, as well as in adults, due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa or nasal sinuses. However, sometimes it can be caused by very low humidity or too high indoor temperature. In this case, it is recommended to lower the temperature in the room and apply an air humidifier. Nasal cavity is also recommended to be washed with sea water, or use the following drugs: "Aqualar", "Aquamaris" or "Humer", and also use physiological saline. In order to strengthen the vessels of the nasopharynx, the walls of which lose their elasticity and strength due to the inflammatory process, "Ascorutin" is prescribed in the necessary dosage, which should correspond to the age of the patient. Of great importance is that during the runny nose, young children need to drink plenty of fluids, and it does not matter which, most importantly, that their body is filled with a lack of water in the body. And, naturally, it is necessary to treat the very cause of the disease, which was caused by the appearance of a cold, of course, following all the recommendations of the treating doctor. If a child flies with blood, do not try to get rid of all the blood clots at once - do not blow your nose.
When snot with blood appears, an adult patient may be recommended to make a cotton swab for ease of health, and then, putting a small amount of Vaseline on it, enter into the nose. Prolonged wounds, formed on the nasal mucosa, can become softer if you do not injure the walls of the nose during blowing. Discharge from the nose with blood can cause a second infection (if you also have a cold). Therefore, change the handkerchief more often. In general, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist with such complaints, and also to adhere to all of his prescriptions in the future. When treating the disease that caused the appearance of nasal secretions, you will not be disturbed by bloody discharge.
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