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"ACT-HIB" (vaccine): instructions for use. The vaccine against Hib infection

To date, one of the most significant dangers threatening the health of young children is hemophilic infection (HIB). It develops very quickly and can lead to the most serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Therefore, recently in our country, children and some adults are injected through a prick preventive drug - "ACT-HIB" (vaccine). Russia included it in its inoculation calendar only in 2011.

What is a hemophilic infection?

The bacterium that causes the hemophilic infection is called Haemophilus influenzae, or Afanasyev-Pfeiffer's wand. There are 6 varieties of this wand, but the most dangerous is the stick type b. It causes severe illness and further complications. Approximately 85% of adults and 35-40% of children are carriers of Haemophilus influenzae. The figure is quite large, but this is not surprising, because hemophilia is a category of conditioned pathogens, so its presence in the body in small amounts is considered the norm.

The highest percentage of Hib carriers is observed in kindergartens, about 5%. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so the danger of getting infected in public places is quite high. In kindergartens, this infection can be transmitted through household items: dishes, towels and toys. The severity of the disease depends on how many bacteria have got into the body. With a relatively small person becomes just a carrier, with a large hit begins to develop disease. And although the infection is carried out unnoticed, the slightest weakening of immunity will immediately make itself known for a serious infectious disease.

Hemophilic infection often affects children from six months to 5 years. The most dangerous age for the development of this disease is from 6 to 12 months, so the drug "AKT-HIB" (vaccine) is especially needed during this period.

What is the risk of hemophilia infection?

"ACT-HIB" (vaccine) is not inadvertently recommended by pediatricians, because infection with weakened immunity can cause a number of serious complications, such as:

  • Meningitis - it leads to serious brain damage, the percentage of deaths of this disease is high compared to others, it is 15%;
  • Epiglottitis - the disease can lead to asphyxiation, that is, suffocation;
  • Pneumonia - this disease, caused by hemophilic infection, is characterized by particularly severe leakage and a high percentage of death;
  • Sepsis - although it occurs rarely, but has severe consequences;
  • Bronchitis - not as dangerous as pneumonia, but fraught with a transition to a chronic form;
  • Otitis - with severe leakage threatens partial deafness.

This is not to mention the fact that Hib infection causes the development of ARI and arthritis. The trickery of hemophilia infection is that the initial symptomatology in most cases does not cause concern to the parents. Clinical signs, as a rule, become noticeable even when complications appear. The b-type b is particularly resistant to antibiotics, so it causes many difficulties in the treatment of hemophilia (HIB) infection. The vaccine does not guarantee that the child will not get sick, but will help ease the course of the disease.


"ACT-HIB" (vaccine) produced by the French company "Sanofi Pasteur". It was registered in Russia in 1997, until 2010 the vaccine against Hib infection was put on a voluntary basis. Only at the end of 2010, due to the high incidence rate, it was included in the vaccination calendar on a legal basis.

"ACT-HIB" - a vaccine, the reviews of which are very contradictory. However, it is strongly recommended for parents with children under the age of 5 years. This is especially true for toddlers belonging to the following groups of risk:

  • Premature babies;
  • Children who are on artificial feeding;
  • Children with weakened immunity, prone to frequent colds;
  • Children with chronic diseases, because of which their body can not fight infections;
  • Children attending public educational institutions.

"ACT-HIB" (vaccine) is pricked not only for children, but also for adults suffering from immunodeficiency.

How does the vaccine work?

The hemophilic preparation is created on the basis of a defective antigen, connected with a molecule of tetanus toxoid protein . It does not contain type B influenzae Haemophilus bacteria and therefore can not provoke the disease. Combining the antigen with the protein solved several problems at once:

  • The children were resistant to bacteria;
  • It turned out to reduce the reactogenicity of the vaccine and make it the most safe.

Hemophilus vaccine in comparison with its analogues, and there are two more - the vaccines "Hiberix" and "Pentaxim", went through more clinical studies, the results of which are more than satisfactory. It was found that the immunity formed in the child is maintained for 4 years. This gap is quite enough, because in the fifth year of life the baby starts to produce the right amount of antibodies against Hib infection.

This kind of vaccination involves not only personal protection from infection, but also strengthens collective immunity. The conducted researches proved that in the preschool institutions with the help of vaccination the incidence rate could be reduced from 40 to 3.

Vaccination schedule

Vaccine "ACT-HIB", the instruction for the use of which is familiar to every doctor, is given to babies, starting from the age of two months. If the initial vaccination is done in the first half of the child's life, the scheme looks like this:

  • The first time - the vaccine is placed on the set day;
  • Second time - repeated vaccination is carried out in 30-45 days;
  • Third time - the last vaccination is appointed one year after the first.

If the first vaccination was given in the second half of the year, the scheme, accordingly, changes, that is, one stage is removed from it and vaccinations are made with an interval of 1 month. If the vaccine is put after a year, then 1 injection is enough.

"ACT-HIB" is a vaccine, the instruction to which requires strict adherence to prescriptions. The injection is done intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Babies who have not turned 2 years old, the injection is injected into the front of the thigh, older children into the shoulder, or rather, into the deltoid muscle.

Features and composition

In Russia, one of the safest and most convenient injections is the "AKT-HIB" vaccine. Instruction, reviews of foreign and Russian doctors argue that this drug is allowed to be mixed in one syringe with other vaccines, for example, with the DTP vaccine. The main advantages of this medicine include the following nuances:

  • Practically does not give side effects, therefore it is allowed to babies from birth;
  • Provides a great help in the development of the required amount of antibodies;
  • Keeps immunity for a long time;
  • Shows a good result in the fight with a stick type b.

Hemophilus grafting is effective because of the elements that are present in the composition, which have high activity. It:

  • Sucrose;
  • sodium chloride;
  • Treated water for injection;
  • Trometamol;
  • Compound polysaccharide and tetanus protein.

Such a composition allows to maintain the immune system at the proper level, even in the youngest children.

The reaction of the body to vaccination and possible complications

"ACT-HIB" is a vaccine that is easily tolerated. In almost all cases, immunity responds adequately to the injection, only a small percentage of the vaccinated reaction is inadequate. The protective mechanism for fighting the disease is formed within 14 days after the administration. More than 90% of the vaccinated population is kept at the same level from 4 to 5 years.

Usually, the use of the vaccine does not provoke any side effects, in some cases, redness, swelling, or tissue tightening at the injection site can occur. In addition, the injection can cause the following complications:

  • Edemas;
  • Itching;
  • rash;
  • Vomiting;
  • Anxiety and prolonged crying;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Urticaria;
  • Convulsions.

As a rule, this symptomatology is observed when two vaccines are mixed. It passes without a trace without medical intervention for a day. It should be noted that the introduction of a vaccine can trigger an increase in the interval between respiratory movements in infants. This is especially true for premature babies born before the 28th week.

Preparation for vaccination

To avoid complications, to the introduction of a hemophilic vaccine, as well as to any other, you need to prepare. For this it is necessary to conduct a conversation with the attending physician or pediatrician and clarify all the necessary information about the properties and side effects of the drug. A few days before the proposed vaccination, you should:

  • To conduct a full examination with a doctor;
  • Protect the baby from contact with sick people;
  • If the baby is fed breast milk, mom should not introduce new foods into her diet - this is fraught with various allergic reactions.

The organism of each person reacts differently to the inoculation. To facilitate or avoid an unforeseen reaction, it is recommended:

  • After vaccination, stay under medical supervision for half an hour;
  • Make daily walks, but only in areas where there is not a large crowd of people, only in this way it is possible to prevent infection with the infection;
  • The first three days of bathing a child can be done under the shower for no more than 3 minutes;
  • To exclude the introduction of new products into the diet of the baby or mother.

Hemophilus vaccine can cause allergies to individual components, so for preventive purposes you need to take such drugs as "Suprastin" or "Zodak" (on the recommendation of a doctor).


According to the instructions, the vaccine is contraindicated:

  • People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Children with an allergic reaction to this vaccine or other vaccinations;
  • Children with an allergic reaction to tetanus toxoid.

To fully assimilate the components of the preparation the body must be absolutely healthy.

The form and conditions of storage of the vaccine

A medicine bottle and a syringe with an injection solution are available in thermal packaging. The purchase of this drug is allowed only to medical institutions.

Ampoules are stored with the vaccine in the refrigerator, the optimal temperature is 2-8 degrees Celsius. If the drug is stored at low temperatures, it loses most of its active properties. The period of use of the vaccine is 3 years, after which it is disposed of.

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