HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lateral curvatures of the spine are called ... Reasons for curvature of the spine

In an adult, a formed spine has some curves. Their goal is to absorb the vertical loads that affect the body from the outside. These are physiological curves. Lateral curvature of the spine is called scoliosis. The disease is characterized by a persistent deviation from the physiologically straightened position.

Brief description of the disease

So, lateral curvatures of the spine are called, according to medical terminology, scoliosis. The disease can be easily identified independently. It is enough to look closely at the back. At a scoliosis the backbone possesses one or several bends which do not correspond to norm.

The severe form of the disease is more susceptible to girls. Visually demonstrates the curvature of the spine of the photo, located below. The appearance of scoliosis in adults is associated with inactivity in childhood. As a rule, the disease was not diagnosed in time, and as a result was not subjected to the necessary treatment. In some cases, degenerative diseases of the joints of the spine can lead to this diagnosis.

Etiology of scoliosis

Many factors can provoke the development of scoliosis. Let's dwell on the main ones. So, the main causes of curvature of the spine are as follows:

  1. Congenital ailment. Pathology occurs as a result of underdevelopment of the vertebrae. Sometimes in the pillar additional joints are laid. In some cases, an abnormal structure of the vertebrae is noted . The ailment can also develop as a result of the weakness of the connective tissue.
  2. Rickets . This disease is characterized by soft bones, muscle weakness. On the background of such pathologies, lateral curvatures of the spine may appear. They are called rachitic scoliosis.
  3. Paralysis . At the heart of this pathology is a nervous disease, one-sided muscular lesion. Scoliosis can occur on the background of infantile cerebral palsy.
  4. Poor posture. These scoliosis have received the appropriate name - "school", because mostly arise as a result of improperly selected desks (table), ignoring the satchels and wearing portfolios (bags on one shoulder). Lead to the pathology of a constant holding the baby with one hand.
  5. Injuries . Especially it is necessary to stop on patrimonial. According to statistics, about 90% of children have acquired scoliosis as a result of severe childbirth.
  6. Physiological pathologies. The spinal column, when one of the legs is shortened, compensates for the position of the body. As a result, a strong curvature develops.
  7. The ailments of other systems and organs. Such pathologies cause the child painful discomfort. As a result, there is a weakening of the muscular tissues supporting the spinal column. These children develop lateral curvature of the spine. Such pathologies are called visceral scoliosis.
  8. Emotional stress, stress. This form of curvature is subject to introverts, closed children.

Most often, scoliosis occurs with a combination of several factors. As a rule, the first manifestations of the disease are observed in children 7-9 years of age. The next dangerous age in which scoliosis can occur is teenage. After all, the body is experiencing the most rapid growth.

You can identify pathology yourself. But the best way not to miss the beginning of the development of ailment is the child's passage of periodic medical examinations.

Classical signs of scoliosis

As noted above, the curvature of the spine (see photo above) can be determined visually. There is a group of external signs that accurately indicate this pathology.

Physicians identified eight classic symptoms that characterize scoliosis. Consider these:

  1. The shoulders of the child are at different levels. One is significantly higher than the other.
  2. Wrong position of the head. Spend the mental axis of the axis, starting from the middle of the pelvis. If the position of the head deviates away from this line, there is a chance of developing scoliosis.
  3. Unequal setting of the hips. One of them is slightly higher than the other, it can even go forward a little.
  4. Half of the chest in its location are different in the horizontal direction.
  5. Inclined or curved waist.
  6. Changes in the structure or appearance of the skin along the vertebral line.
  7. The position of the body is somewhat inclined to one side. In this case, the displacement is always in the same direction.
  8. While tilting forward, one can see the bulging of the ribs on one side.

If any of the above signs is noticed, and even more so if several are observed at once, it is necessary to visit the orthopedist.

Degrees of curvature

There are many classifications of this pathology. We will consider the degree of curvature of the spine. Separate them 4. The division into such categories depends on the size of the angle of the arc of curvature.

Degrees of scoliosis:

  1. The angle of curvature is not more than 10 degrees. Visually, this asymmetry is almost invisible. To suspect the presence of pathology, you can by stoop and uneven shoulder level.
  2. The angle is 11-25 degrees. This pathology is clearly visible visually. It is observed in the region of the shoulders and pelvis. Pathological muscle tension leads to the formation of muscle cushions in the lumbar region and chest.
  3. The curvature acquires dimensions of 26-50 degrees. Deformity of the chest is clearly visible . Often an inner hump is formed.
  4. Angle more than 50 degrees. Pronounced pathology. Impossibility to tolerate even minimal physical activity. For this degree, internal organs suffer.

Methods of treatment

It should be remembered that lateral curvature of the spine is a serious pathology, which, if ignored, can significantly reduce the quality of life and lead to unforeseen complications. Therefore, you should periodically check with your child the recommended physical examination.

In case of pathology, the orthopedist will recommend adequate treatment. Methods of struggle are based only on the individual characteristics of the patient. The age of the child, maturity, gender, family history, angle of curvature are taken into account (shows X-ray).

Wearing a corset

This method is assigned to growing children, whose angle of curvature is 20-40 degrees. Of course, the corset does not fix and does not "remove" the curvature of the spine. Treatment in this way will prevent the progression of scoliosis. It must be strictly understood that this measure will only benefit if appointed by a doctor.


An effective method of combating the disease is a complex of exercise therapy. Such gymnastics will help to strengthen the muscular tissues supporting the spinal column. With an unopened stage, it is possible to "remove" the curvature of the spine.


If necessary, the child will be assigned this procedure together with curative gymnastics. This is an additional method of training and strengthening of muscle tissue. As a rule, massages in combination with exercise therapy effectively remove the curvature of the spine. Treatment is aimed at stopping and reversing the process of scoliosis progression.

Operative intervention

To such extent resorted, if the curvature of the spine - more than 40-50 degrees. It should be remembered that this pathology will continue to progress. In this situation, manual therapy, massage, therapeutic gymnastics are powerless. It is only surgical intervention that can restore a child to normal life.

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