HealthDiseases and Conditions

Neurocirculatory dystonia, symptoms and ways of treatment.

Neurocirculatory dystonia is a kind of vegetovascular dysfunction. This pathology occurs mainly in young people and has a functional nature. As a rule, neurocirculatory dystonia (hereinafter NDC) is characterized by disorders of the cardiovascular system. In young men and adolescents, NDC is due to a mismatch between physical development and neuroendocrine regulation.

Basically NDC develops as a result of asthenic syndrome after the transferred diseases of an infectious nature. Also, the causes of this disease can be intoxication of various kinds, lack of sleep, poor diet, mental as well as physical overwork. In a number of cases, hereditary predisposition to pathological vasomotor reactions is noted.

Neurocirculatory dystonia, the symptoms of which are caused by a neurotic state, is characterized by weakness, increased fatigue, sleep disorders, irritability.

According to functional circulatory disorders, NDC can be classified into three main types, namely cardiac, hypotensive and hypertensive.

Neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type is established in the absence of significant changes in blood pressure according to complaints about some irregularities in the heart area. In some cases, dyspnoea with physical exertion and objective deviations in the activity of the heart become decisive symptoms. This includes a tendency for tachycardia, expressed respiratory arrhythmia, the presence of supraventricular extrasystole, paroxysms of tachycardia and inadequate loads of changes in cardiac output.

NDC for hypotensive type is characterized by the presence of symptoms of chronic vascular insufficiency, which is characterized by hypotension of the veins, in some cases, hypotension of the arteries. More patients have a lowered cardiac index, while peripheral vascular resistance is increased. In a number of patients, the level of sympathetic activity decreases. Most often, patients complain of increased fatigue, weakness in the muscles, headache, chilliness of the feet and hands, a tendency to orthostatic manifestations, down to the fainting condition. Most patients have asthenic physique, pale skin. Pulse arterial pressure is often decreased and there are signs of tachycardia.

NDC for hypertensive type is characterized by a transient increase in blood pressure. Almost half of the patients do not combine this symptom with various kinds of changes in their state of health and, as a rule, for the first time it is found only during the medical examination. Sometimes complaints about fatigue, palpitation and headache are possible. NDC for this type practically coincides with the condition, which is defined as borderline arterial hypertension.

Neurocirculatory dystonia, whose treatment is reduced to the use of non-pharmacological methods, is observed almost half of the population. As a rule, in case of detection of this disease, it is recommended to normalize the way of life, to engage in tempering procedures and physical education. Widely used spa treatment, balneotherapy and physiotherapy. In sleep disorders and increased irritability, the use of sedatives is indicated. In some cases, prescribe drugs that contain in their composition ergot alkaloids. Orthostatic disorders are prevented by taking fetanol or caffeine. In the case of an antihypertensive NDC, when orthostatic disorders are observed, special exercises are prescribed that train the muscles of the abdominal press and legs. With hypertensive NDC, sometimes a short reception of beta-blockers is shown. The prognosis for this disease is always favorable.

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