
The Old World is what?

Although this sounds somewhat paradoxical, the discovery of the New World marked the appearance of the Old. Since then, five centuries have passed, but the Old World is a concept that is operated to this day. What value did you put in it earlier? What does it mean today?

Definition of term

The Old World is that part of the land that was known to Europeans in the Middle Ages before the discovery of the American continent. The division was conditional and relied on the position of the land relative to the sea. Merchants and travelers believed that there are three parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa. In the north stretched Europe, in the south - Africa, and in the east Asia. Subsequently, when data on the geographic division of the continents became more precise and complete, it was found that only Africa is a separate continent. However, the entrenched views turned out to be not so easy, and all 3 parts of the world continued to be traditionally mentioned separately.

Sometimes the name Afroevrazia is used to determine the territorial massif of the Old World. In fact, this is the largest continental massif - the supercontinent. It is home to approximately 85 percent of the world's population.

A period of time

Talking about the Old World, often mean not just a certain geographical location. These words carry information about a specific historical period, culture and then perfect discoveries. It is a question of the Renaissance, when medieval asceticism and theocentrism are replaced by ideas of natural philosophy and experimental science.

Changing the attitude of man to the world around him. Gradually from the toy of a whole host of gods who have the power to dispose of human life according to their whims and whims, a person begins to feel himself the master of his earthly home. He strives for new knowledge, which leads to a number of discoveries. Attempts are made to explain the device of the surrounding world with the help of mechanics. Measuring instruments, including navigation ones, are being improved. It is already possible to trace the birth of such natural sciences as physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy, which come to replace alchemy and astrology.

The changes that took place then gradually prepared the ground for expanding the boundaries of the known world. They served as a prerequisite for the discovery of new lands. Brave travelers traveled to uncharted land, and their stories inspired even more insolent and risky ventures.

Historical Journey of Christopher Columbus

In August 1492, three well-equipped ships under the command of Christopher Columbus sailed from Palos harbor to India. It was the year of the discovery of America, but the famous pioneer himself never knew that he discovered a continent not known to Europeans before. He was sincerely sure that he had made all four of his expeditions to India.

The journey from the Old World to new lands took three months. Unfortunately, it was neither cloudless nor romantic, nor disinterested. The Admiral hardly kept the first sail of subordinate sailors from rebellion, and the main driving force for the discovery of new territories was greed, thirst for power and vanity. These ancient vices, brought from the Old World, subsequently brought to the inhabitants of the American continent and the nearby islands a lot of suffering and grief.

Christopher Columbus himself did not get what he wanted either. Departing on the first voyage, he prudently tried to protect himself and secure his future. He insisted on the conclusion of an official contract, according to which he received the title of nobleman, the title of admiral and viceroy of the newly discovered land, and also the percentage of income received from the above-mentioned lands. And although the year of the discovery of America was to become a ticket for the pioneer in a secure future, after a while Columbus fell into disgrace and died in poverty, not having received the promised.

The New World appears

Meanwhile, the connections between Europe and the New World have been strengthened. Trade was being established, the development of lands lying in the depth of the continent began, the claims of various countries were formed on these lands, the era of colonization was advancing. And with the advent of the concept of "New World" in terminology began to use the stable expression "Old World". After all, before the discovery of America, there was simply no need for this.

It is interesting that the traditional division into the Old and New World has remained unchanged. However, unknown during the Middle Ages Oceania and Antarctica are not considered today.

For more than a decade, the New World has been associated with a new and better life. The American continent was the promised land, into which thousands of immigrants sought to enter. In their memory, their native places were preserved. The Old World is traditions, origins and roots. Prestigious education, fascinating cultural travels, historical monuments - this is even today associated with European countries, with the countries of the Old World.

Wine cards are changing geographic

If in the field of geography the terminology, including the division of continents into the New and Old World - is already a relatively rare phenomenon, then among the winemakers such definitions are still in high esteem. There are stable expressions: "Old World Wines" and "New World Wines". The difference between these drinks is not only in the place where the grapes grow and the location of the winery. They rooted in the same differences that are characteristic of the continents.

Thus, the wines of the Old World, mostly produced in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria, are distinguished by traditional taste and a subtle elegant bouquet. And the wines of the New World, with which Chile, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand are famous, are brighter, with obvious fruity notes, but somewhat losing in refinement.

The Old World in the Modern Understanding

Today the term "Old World" is mainly applied to states located on the territory of Europe. In the overwhelming majority of cases, neither Asia nor even Africa is already taken into account. So, depending on the context, the expression "Old World" can include either whole three parts of the world, or only European states.

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