
Poacher is a lawbreaker

We often hear in the media that poaching is a reprehensible occupation, and a poacher is a criminal. But at the same time, few people explain to the children about what, in fact, there is a speech. Meanwhile, a short survey on the Internet showed that few users can formulate what exactly constitutes a crime and how poaching affects the environment.

Poaching as a crime

The state is obliged to take care of the safety and renewability of natural resources. As the sad experience of mankind shows, everything is interconnected and the destruction of one species inevitably changes the biocenosis of the terrain as a whole. In fact, a modern poacher is a person who sees only his own momentary benefit and for her sake is ready to destroy the environment without any pity, not looking to the future.

Predatory methods of hunting, fishing, logging and gathering of wild plants cause deep wounds to nature. In place of some species, others come, seriously breaking the balance and harming humanity itself. It is with the goal of preventing these phenomena that there is a state program for the protection of wildlife. Legislation tightly regulates the limits of shooting game, methods and seasons of hunting and fishing.

Types of poachers

Poaching can be divided into several categories. For example, a VIP poacher is a high-ranking official or an oligarch who uses his official position or money bribery for the pleasure of hunting, without paying attention to the legislation. Usually it is just about shooting wild animals, possibly rare and endangered species. According to statistics, the damage from this category is not so great.

Catching fish and crustaceans during spawning is in itself a crime. If the use of prohibited tools for industrial production volumes is used, this is an aggravating circumstance. Deforestation, selective or continuous, seriously violates the balance of water exchange, deprives places of residence of wild animals and birds. This can also be classified as illegal mining, and removal of sand, soil, amber. Industrial poaching is the real scourge of our time. The damage from minor and single violations is not comparable with such a scope.

The word "poacher": origin and interpretation

This word came in Russian from French in the second half of the XIX century. Braconnier - so in France were called hunters who allowed themselves to shoot game without the permission of the owner of hunting grounds. The feudal lords considered this a severe crime, for which katorga and even the death penalty was relied upon. If the forest belonged to the crown, the offense became even more serious. But before the term began to mean a criminal, the so-called hunters with dogs, that is lovers of dog hunting.

Very quickly the concept extended to any such manipulations with wildlife, because a poacher is a game hunter, a fisherman or a logger. The same actions against pets and birds are classified as theft.

Use of the term

The use of the word "poacher" in the figurative sense is extremely rare, solely as an artistic technique designed to draw parallels with the illegal fishing of something belonging to the rightful owner. In the vast majority of cases, the term is used literally, it has no derogatory or disparaging coloring. Poacher, what does this word mean? It means the violator of all kinds of environmental laws, pursuing personal benefits. This is quite an official name.

In some cases, the process of gathering wild plants is called poaching, and here we have to rely only on the laws and codes of laws that local authorities have. Logically, there must be some reasonable limit, according to which violators are classified. Local residents may not know the latest laws, for example, that the forests adjacent to their village are suddenly declared a nature protection zone. And half a bucket of butter can not be compared to a full machine of cedar cones, which were collected by the method of hanging trees.

How to name the person who snatched snowdrops for sale by the Eighth March? It's certainly a poacher. The meaning of the word does not imply a discrepancy - the snowdrops are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, you can not break even a small bouquet for your beloved girl, the law is the law.

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