
Nerd - who is this? The meaning of the word "cretin" in medicine and in colloquial speech

It is rarely possible to quarrel on legal grounds. Today we will consider the question: "The cretin is who?". And, of course, try to swear less, as much as necessary for the cause.

"Kretin" as a medical diagnosis

It is clear that when it comes to the word "cretin," people immediately think of its colloquial meaning that it is the same as "fool" or "idiot". But sometimes people use the words "idiot" and "cretin" in their direct meaning, primordial. This is the name of a person who has a serious backwardness in development. All the blame for the physiological reasons, and more specifically, the wrong operation of the thyroid gland.

Therefore, if a doctor said about a nerd, perhaps you should not stretch your lips in a smile, because it's serious. The point is that people-cretins have become so by the will of the blind destiny of fate.

Conversational version of the term

But people far from medicine have repeatedly heard the word "cretin," perhaps even in their address. Imagine, a person delays the delivery of a report or a project altogether. But his boss is not the most polite in the world. And here the employee goes to the manager's office, and he asks him:

- Petrov, where is the finished project? Where is at least a report on the work done?

- Nikolay Ivanovich, I thought that there was still time. You see, yesterday was his wife's birthday ...

- Petrov, tell me, are you a fool or are you pretending? What is his wife's birthday ?! If you lose your job, then there will not be anything to celebrate! Understand ?! Go on. To the evening the project was delivered, otherwise from tomorrow you are no longer working here!

It is not known whether Petrov coped with the task, but one thing is certain: his unhappy fate helped us understand the meaning of the word "cretin" in his colloquial version. If someone needs a clarification, then a cretin in the everyday sense is a man of the foolish, stupid. Or someone who does not know how to correctly prioritize, make the right choice and makes an impression of an idiot, although he himself may be a good person and not a fool at all. But the circumstances developed in such a way that someone appeared in an unfavorable light, like Petrov from the example. Do you think he has a problem with his head? It did not happen at all, he just loves his wife very much, but he can not explain this to the boss. Now the question of whether a cretin is who such is, should not arise. It remains to clarify some details.

National features. Russian and American films

There is one interesting observation. Russian movie heroes are not very fond of, and accordingly, rarely use the word cretin in the common sense. And why? Because to the Russian ear this word seems so far overseas. And few people will be surprised if they suddenly ask: "The cretin is who?". And they will ask without any backward thought.

Domestic heroes, if they swear, the more familiar names are "fool", "idiot". Despite the fact that the last word also has a foreign origin (Greek), it is somehow perceived by a Russian person to be simpler and more familiar. Yes, there to say, because the novel of Fyodor Mikhailovich is called "The Idiot". And mentally replace the "idiot" with "cretin" and feel how sand got to your teeth. The word "cretin" does not lie on the soul.

Hence, our movie heroes swear literary and do not even know about it. As for the Western tradition, Dostoevsky's influence there is not so great. And in general the "cretin" is somehow closer to them. As proof, you can turn to foreign cinema. Rarely, when you meet that villains swear "in Russian." After all, it's not just the original language, but the fact that translators also translate accordingly, and "fool" or "jerk" is not often heard, but "cretin" is always.

Only, please, do not take these reflections as a serious study, because the basis of this observation is deeply subjective experience.

And the truth is that now fewer people are asking the question: "What about a cretin is who?" The word enters the Russian language through modern books, but all this is influenced by the Western tradition. In any case, Ivan the fool is closer to us and more familiar.

Why is the truth evil?

There is one paradox in matters of truth. For example, a healthy person can be called a cretin, and he will not be offended, but if someone says such a sick child or adult, then people immediately will find: the foul language does not have a heart.

As always a little morality at last. Modern trends are such that now people are trying to smooth angles and not tell the truth. Even a doctor who observes a "special child" will say that he has a lag in mental and physical development, but he will not dare to call things by their proper names, for the truth hurts. From the formulation of a lot depends, it can take away hope or donate it. Whether it is good or bad is another matter.

Now about whether to call a healthy person anyway? Everything depends on the situation, tone and individual qualities of the interlocutors. If a person is deprived of a sense of humor or is uncomfortable that his name is so even a joke, it is better not to resort to rudeness. In general, it is better to get rid of barbs.

Now there should be no difficulty in the matter: "The cretin is who?". But it's worth sticking to one simple rule: you need to think about what to say and to whom, then there will be no problems.

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