BeautySkin care

Solarium: harm and benefit for women, contraindications

The dream of every woman is a beautiful skin with a perfectly even bronze tan. To maintain a beautiful skin color, you need at least twice a year to spend a couple of weeks on the azure shore, bathing in the rays of the warm sun. Not every woman can afford it. Here the unique invention of mankind comes to the rescue. We learn, what pluses and minuses has a sun deck (benefit and harm of a sun deck). Why is it useful to go to a solarium?

Solarium - what is it?

It is an electric appliance, which, with the help of ultraviolet lamps, with a non-prolonged effect on the skin contributes to its tanning. Now solariums are very common. They are installed in SPA centers, beauty salons, bath complexes, fitness centers, relax zones of hotels and even at home. Looking at this, the actual question becomes whether the solarium is harmful.

The harm to the solarium for women, in particular, is carefully studied. After all, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are the main users of this device. They are primarily interested in the harm and benefit of the solarium, contraindications and consequences from frequent visits. Let's deal with these issues in order.

How useful is the solarium?

The first plus in favor of the solarium is a beautiful and even tan, for which it was created. In addition, it is important that such a tan is available no matter what the weather is outside the window.

Scientists have long proven that a deficit of sunlight can lead to serious depression. It is ultraviolet that promotes the production in the human body of endorphins, which cause a sense of joy and pleasure. In the gloomy winter days, the solarium becomes an analogue of the sun, and therefore saves its visitors from depression.

The lack of vitamin D in the body leads to premature aging and early appearance of wrinkles. Also, this vitamin is necessary for the smooth functioning of the immune system, it also strengthens the nervous system, positively affects the work of the heart. The influence of ultraviolet rays during suntan sessions contributes to the synthesis of vitamin D.

Visiting the solarium is useful for certain skin conditions. For example, in the treatment of psoriasis, doctors can recommend therapy with ultraviolet rays. But in no case can you go through tanning procedures in the solarium without first consulting with the doctor.

This device is often used to prepare the skin for the summer. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to visit the solarium several times, so that the skin is gradually accustomed to ultraviolet rays.

Sunbathing in the solarium: the basic rules

What in the end prevails, harm or benefit from the solarium? For women, the question does not cease to be relevant. To still get more benefit from the tanning procedure, you need to adhere to some simple rules.

  1. Be sure to consult a doctor. Only he can determine individual contraindications to visit the solarium.
  2. It is necessary to take a shower, but not later than a couple of hours before visiting the solarium.
  3. Use special quality sunscreen creams in the solarium. Do not use other makeup or cosmetics for the skin.
  4. You can not sunbathe completely naked. Necessary to use pads for nipples, special glasses and it is desirable to cover the hair with a kerchief.
  5. After a tanning salon it will be useful to drink a glass of juice or a vitamin cocktail.

Recommendations for the time of stay in the solarium can only be given by a specialist who knows the power of the lamps of a specific tanning device after an individual assessment of the client's skin type.

Cosmetics and Attributes

What do you need to take with you to the solarium? Harm and benefit for women from the procedure for obtaining tan depends largely on what related cosmetic products will be used.

For tanning in the solarium there is a specialized cosmetics. It is inappropriate to use conventional protective equipment here. Creams for sunbeds are divided into three types: developers, activators and tanning agents.

  • Developers tanning - need people with very light, sensitive skin. They help to quickly manifest the results of sunburn, contribute to an even tan at the initial stage. It will be correct to use developers of sunburn only at the first two or three visits to the solarium.
  • Activators - used during subsequent visits. Help improve the color and depth of the sun.
  • Creams-fixers - are used not during the stay in the solarium, but after. They moisturize and soothe the skin, make it soft and supple. The use of such creams contributes to a longer lasting effect of visiting the solarium.

In addition, do not forget about special protective equipment: cap - protects hair from drying out, glasses - necessary protection of the delicate skin of the retina of the eye from ultraviolet rays, pads on the nipples - prevent their excessive drying and cracking.

Negative influence of the solarium on the body

It's time to find out what is harmful for the solarium. Harm and benefit for women will not be fully understood until we see the reverse side of the coin.

There are quite a lot of ardent opponents of the solarium, believing that the harm from it is much greater than the benefits.

Arguments against artificial sunburn can be such facts:

  • Premature aging of the skin. Ultraviolet rays of the solarium penetrate deeper into the skin than the sun's rays, and therefore lead to the destruction of collagen, which gives elasticity to the skin. As a consequence, early wrinkles.
  • Increased risk of melanoma.
  • Artificial sunburn causes pigmentation on the skin. Most often, such a problem occurs when a long or frequent visit to the solarium, or when combining sunburn procedures with taking hormonal medications, antibiotics, etc.
  • Specialists have proved the fact of the psychological dependence on visiting the solarium.

Solarium: benefit and harm. Contraindications to visit the solarium

To avoid negative consequences from visiting the solarium and get only positive emotions and a good result from the procedure, you should find out if you have any contraindications.

The first and the main thing that can be advised is not to be lazy and make an appointment for a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine with accuracy whether a visit to the solarium is useful or not.

It can be unequivocally said that sunburn in a solarium is contraindicated:

  • Children under 15 years.
  • Those who have neoplasms or a predisposition to oncological diseases.
  • Owners of many birthmarks, freckles, age spots.
  • Women after laser hair removal procedures, skin polishing, chemical peeling.
  • People with diseases of the nervous system, diabetes or after surgery.
  • Women with various gynecological diseases.

Can I visit the solarium on special days

Often, fans of sunbeds have this issue. Experts do not recommend sunbathing in the sun for women during critical days. The same goes for the solarium. The consequence of ignoring these recommendations could be:

  • Increased intensity of menstrual flow.
  • Deterioration of the general condition of the body, and as a result - poor health and loss of strength after the procedure.
  • The most significant argument against visiting a tanning salon during menstruation is an uneven tan. It arises from hormonal fluctuations in the body of a woman these days.

Solarium: harm and benefit for women during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period of a woman's life, which is simply incompatible with a visit to the solarium. At this time, from the received dose of ultraviolet radiation, there will be no benefit to the woman's body. On the contrary, the risk of oncological diseases is significantly increased. In addition, pregnancy is the period of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Raging hormones can provoke an uneven sunburn and the appearance of pigment spots on the skin.

Many solariums are not equipped with a ventilation system, so during the stay there it becomes stuffy. Any physical discomfort that a pregnant woman feels is undoubtedly transmitted to the baby in her womb. Do not once again expose the unborn baby to physical stress.

Well, future mothers, for whom nine months of abstinence from the solarium - too long lines, we advise you to consult with a doctor before going to the clinic and always agree on the frequency and duration of sessions.

Let's sum up

Should I still visit the solarium? Harm and benefit for women from visiting the solarium is due to many individual characteristics and the state of the body. This hormonal background, health, bad habits, nutrition, medication and much more. It becomes clear that a solarium can be useful, but not to everyone and not always. And now, when you have learned everything about the solarium, the harm and benefit of the solarium is known to you, you can independently weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision for yourself.

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