LawHealth and Safety

Labor protection in the enterprise: where to start? Occupational safety training program

In modern conditions of social instability and the formation of the economy, an important role was played by the labor protection service at the enterprise. This is due to the fact that the problems associated with observing the rights of workers in enterprises for good working conditions and security are sharply emerging.

Statistics show that in Russia over the past few years, almost all sectors of the national economy have worsened working conditions, the number of unfortunate production incidents has increased. Also, the data indicate that the number of accidents has increased, life expectancy has decreased, and more cases of occupational diseases have become.

Questions about the need for labor protection in the enterprise, where to start the creation of an appropriate service, is devoted to this article.

Statistics data

If we compare the figures of the fatal injuries of industrialized countries by 1000 workers, the picture will be as follows:

  • Russia - 0.139;
  • Finland - 0.038;
  • United States - 0.054;
  • Great Britain - 0.016;
  • Japan - 0.02.

And the characteristic feature is that in state enterprises this figure is half that of private ones.

Heads of organizations should remember that security should always be on the first place. Labor protection at the enterprise does not happen much, at workplaces it is always necessary to observe the requirements which are put forward by corresponding international standards.

Legislative acts on labor protection

Legislation regulating legal relationships in the sphere of labor safety and protection is represented by the following laws and regulations:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation - Article 37, paragraph 3;
  • Labor Code: Articles 211-221;
  • Federal Law on Labor Protection;
  • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation: articles 1064-1101;
  • By-laws of the Ministry of Health;
  • Decrees of the Government.

The Federal Law states that employers of any organizations are obliged to comply with the requirements of laws relating to the safety of people's work, that the occupational safety system at the enterprise must be organized without fail.

Obligations of the employer

According to the requirements for labor protection, the head must:

  • Create conditions in the workplace, which must comply with the norms of laws;
  • To observe the terms of attestation of workplaces;
  • At reception of the worker for own means to spend its medical survey, and without survey to not admit to work;
  • For the period planned or for medical indications of surveys for the employee to keep a place of work and an average salary.

Occupational safety standards

The fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements, which must correspond to the workplace, safe conditions, compensation in the case of harmful production - this is what is required to ensure labor protection in the enterprise.

Documents, legislative acts of this direction are divided into normative and normative-technical.

The normative set of documents sets the norms of working conditions, that is, the requirements imposed on the level of harmful factors in production. The documentation of this type is represented by the Standards - the requirements of the State Standard of the Russian Federation and the rules and norms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The normative and technical list of documentation consists of instructions, norms and rules. It is designed to provide comprehensive protection of employees - hired individuals - from harmful and hazardous to health factors.

Status of the OSH division

Every manager of a newly created enterprise has a natural question: "What should labor protection in an enterprise be, where to start the creation of this service and what are its functions?"

The given structure is engaged in creation and the control of conditions of healthy and safe labor for workers, and also watches occurrence of professional illnesses and non-admission of accidents.

The Department of Labor Protection is a structural subdivision of an enterprise with an independent status, which reports directly to the director.

It carries out its activities jointly and in close cooperation with the trade union and other subdivisions of the organization, as well as local authorities of this direction and the labor inspectorate.

Supervisory functions of the unit

This service is designed to perform such control functions:

  • To establish obligatory control over labor protection over the performance by other services and subdivisions of instructions for preventing occupational diseases and accidents and to monitor their implementation;
  • To control timely development and filing of applications, which concern the supply of workers with special equipment, overalls, protective equipment;
  • To control the implementation of new scientific developments in the field of work safety;
  • To verify compliance with technical requirements for the condition of equipment, systems, premises and buildings;
  • To monitor the state of the industrial environment.

Working functions of the department

In addition to supervisors, the unit is required to perform and work functions, which are as follows:

  • Identify causes and analyze the state of occupational morbidity and injuries in the workplace;
  • Carry out work on the certification of workplaces and organize their sanitary and technical certification;
  • Carry out coaching;
  • Carry out the development of plans to improve working conditions, health-sanitary measures;
  • Participate in the development of labor agreements;
  • Participate in the work of commissions that are engaged in the commissioning of reconstructed or newly built production facilities;
  • Participate in commissions on the certification of employees.

Management of the unit for labor protection

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ensuring the labor activity of employees in a safe regime rests with the head of the organization. He is responsible for the implementation of the relevant work, and when the first leader is absent, the chief engineer takes the baton - this is provided by his instruction (official). The engineer for labor protection in this case is in direct subordination to him.

The service should be headed by a specialist who has experience of such work, is capable of organizing, leading and controlling it.

Employees of this service must have practical skills in the relevant industry and higher education in the field.


The legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection provides that all employees of organizations, including managers, must pass the knowledge test and training on labor protection without exception.

The general procedure for this process is established by the Model Provision approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 65 of October 12, 1994.

According to this document, the first managers, that is, the director and chief engineer, as well as the members of the commissions that check knowledge on labor protection, must undergo training and testing of knowledge on labor protection in specialized courses.

The training program on labor protection is created specifically for the enterprises of a specific industry, production or profession and corresponds to the working conditions and the specifics of the organization.

The purpose of such training is to develop the knowledge and skills of the specialists and managers that are necessary to control the knowledge and training of the employees of their enterprise, as well as to provide the PA in the enterprise as a whole.

In the process of training, we study:

  • Legal and legislative acts;
  • Powers and functions of state supervision bodies;
  • Duties and rights of state supervision in the sphere of control over compliance with the Laws;
  • The methodology for creating and managing an enterprise's RT at the enterprise;
  • Harmful production factors, their impact and protection from them;
  • Sequence of actions in the investigation and registration of accidents of occupational diseases;
  • List of heavy, harmful and dangerous works, as well as compensation;
  • Public organizations to control the observance of the interests of workers and their rights.

Establishment of a labor protection unit

In organizations employing more than one hundred people, it is necessary to create such a unit as labor protection in the enterprise. How to start the formation of an appropriate service for the first leader?

The decision on how and what service on labor protection will be created, is adopted depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

In any case, for starters, you need:

  • To study the staffing table and categories of employees, this will determine the further direction of action;
  • Determine which of the employees will be able to perform the functions of public control in the workplace;
  • To introduce in the staffing the unit of the engineer for labor protection and safety;
  • Specialists of the department responsible for carrying out work in this area, and the heads of the organization must attend classes at the labor protection training center for forty hours;
  • The order on the enterprise defines the measure of responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements and the list of officials falling under it;
  • To make changes in the structure of the enterprise and the staffing schedule associated with the creation of a new unit, for which an appropriate order is issued (labor protection at the enterprise will consist of a department with such a number of specialists that will be calculated on the basis of the number of employees of the organization in accordance with the Recommendations annexed to the Regulation on Labor protection);
  • Develop job descriptions and familiarize them with relevant employees;
  • All types of briefing should be organized and fixed by an appropriate order with terms and responsible persons.

OSH documentation

Any service at the enterprise should not only fulfill its functional duties, but also maintain a list of accounting records corresponding to its work. This should also deal with labor protection in the enterprise. How to start the formation of its documents, is discussed below.

The documentation, which the OSH department is obliged to maintain, is as follows:

  • A list of issues that should be covered in briefings;
  • The plan of conducting and logs of registrations of all kinds of briefings ;
  • An exact list, according to the specifics of the work of the enterprise, occupations and types of work requiring mandatory medical systematic examination;
  • Schedules of planned medical examinations;
  • A list of special clothing and special equipment issued free of charge;
  • A register of orders and orders;
  • Graphs of examinations of knowledge;
  • A set of operating instructions and the instructions for labor protection themselves;
  • The list of dangerous works and orders for the appointment of those responsible for their conduct;
  • A register of permits for hazardous work;
  • The training program on labor protection and the timing of its conduct;
  • The register of issuing documents on labor protection;
  • The journal of the account and the acts of the investigation of accidents;
  • Orders for those responsible for electricity, gas, operation of freight and lifting equipment, structures and buildings.

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